Top 10 Yawny Valley Quotes

#1. The most important part of a player's body is above his shoulders.

Ty Cobb

Yawny Valley Quotes #3744
#2. I never feel that my music is sparse or minimalist; the way fat people never really think they're fat. I certainly don't consider myself minimalist at all.

Morton Feldman

Yawny Valley Quotes #381335
#3. He best of life is life lived quietly, where nothing happens but our calm journey through the day, where change is imperceptible and the precious life is everything.

John McGahern

Yawny Valley Quotes #384561
#4. I have to be by myself when I write, and I never know how long it will take. It is like making butter. Sometimes it will come in a few minutes, and sometimes I have to churn away for hours.

Annie Fellows Johnston

Yawny Valley Quotes #499089
#5. People quit on jobs. They quit on marriages. They quit on school. There's an immediacy of this day and age that doesn't lend itself to being committed to anything.

Emily Blunt

Yawny Valley Quotes #510790
#6. An examin'd enterprize goes on boldly.

George Herbert

Yawny Valley Quotes #642564
#7. A good competition for comedians would be where a comedian has a conversation and is then quizzed on what the other person says.

Dana Gould

Yawny Valley Quotes #677709
#8. Offer God what you have and trust Him to give you what you need.

Craig Groeschel

Yawny Valley Quotes #774538
#9. I think I've been very lucky. The readers who write to me say they like the characters and the sense of a real world, often one they don't otherwise know about. And usually there's a funny bit in there somewhere.

Sophie Weston

Yawny Valley Quotes #1401827
#10. Be gentle with everyone you meet; we all have experienced pain, hurt, anger, and rejection. Be kind to everyone's spirit; you have no idea what healing your light can afford.

Grace Gealey

Yawny Valley Quotes #1547133

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