Top 12 Yashvi Quotes

#1. I'm not really gangsta. Not at all. I just write about them. It's fun to pretend, at least on paper. But in real life, not so much.

Terence Winter

Yashvi Quotes #43450
#2. The untouched created the unbroken.

Melyssa Winchester

Yashvi Quotes #248448
#3. My vision is to help each man, woman and child connect with their inherent psychic ability. I believe that each person has the potential to tap into their abilities and access them to empower their life and reach their full potential.

Sandy Anastasi

Yashvi Quotes #339702
#4. It is strange the way trauma deadens curiosity. To suffer cruelty in excess is to be delivered from care. The human heart sets aside its questions when the future is too capricious. This is the irony of tribulation.
To know the world will never be so bad.

R. Scott Bakker

Yashvi Quotes #598053
#5. What I lack in energy, I have in wisdom.

Marcia Cross

Yashvi Quotes #611493
#6. I don't want to say that the creativity would give out - I can't imagine what argument I would bring forward for that. But I think that there's something on the individual level that's a limitation.

Todd May

Yashvi Quotes #664190
#7. My father is a poet, my stepmother is a poet, and so I always had encouragement as a child to write.

Natasha Trethewey

Yashvi Quotes #981319
#8. Although a lot of pain for a little screen time; Shaving legs, waxing eyebrows, high heels, trying to put on a bra, losing weight because women's clothes are SO revealing - Ladies you have my respect.

Lou Diamond Phillips

Yashvi Quotes #1150350
#9. Everything's a business. Love, truth, beauty. Conversation is a business. Spirituality is not a business, so it's going to go against the grain of people who are trying to exploit other people.

Bob Dylan

Yashvi Quotes #1491885
#10. It made and preserves us a nation.

George Pope Morris

Yashvi Quotes #1766844
#11. It is idle to play the lyre for an ass.

Ambrose Of Milan

Yashvi Quotes #1777702
#12. I play basketball all the time. Me and my band play every week on the road. That's something that I've never really given up since high school.

Josh Turner

Yashvi Quotes #1866001

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