Top 6 Worts Quotes

#1. A pitcher is worth a thousand worts.

Hannah Hart

Worts Quotes #1375176
#2. Whenever a group of people who are designed to primarily unite around one thing try to unite around something else, the result is devastating for all.

Rob Tims

Worts Quotes #175364
#3. America's most dangerous and threatening black man is the one who has been kept sealed up by the Northerner in the black ghettos - the Northern white power structure's system to keep talking democracy while keeping the black man out of sight somewhere, around the corner.

Malcolm X

Worts Quotes #249496
#4. I go out on the road for much longer than I probably should and lose more of myself than I should.

Sarah McLachlan

Worts Quotes #640384
#5. Brrrrrr. Like a lady had handed me a pickle jar that I simply couldn't open, and I wasn't a man anymore.

Tommy Walker

Worts Quotes #848360
#6. Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.

Ernest Hemingway,

Worts Quotes #1696620

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