Top 14 Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes

#1. I've always believed the ocean held more for me than the island.

Kelly Said

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #12926
#2. Life is like a steering wheel, it only takes one small move to change your entire direction.

Kellie Elmore

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #195326
#3. But he does insist on a conversation. Goddamn it! Why can't people just do what I want them to do and be gone? It's a worldwide conspiracy to make me be polite when I don't want to be.

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #503320
#4. You gave goldilocks her first sword? That's like giving Shakespeare his first pen.

Chris Colfer

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #580758
#5. I decided to teach because I think that any person who studies philosophy has to be involved actively.

Angela Davis

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #659304
#6. The present can try to bury the past, an operation that is most atrocious when it is most successful.

Mary McCarthy

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #833988
#7. I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men's lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me.

Henry David Thoreau

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #867305
#8. Firmness in the body leads to firmness in the nervous system.

B.K.S. Iyengar

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #932061
#9. But it can't be true that he drifts from one reality to another, independent of the logic of time. This is not possible. You are made out of time. This is the force that tells you who you are. Close your eyes and feel it. It is time that defines your existence.

Don DeLillo

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #938838
#10. I am a woman. And I am seeking an attitude. I am trying to find reasons for pride.

June Jordan

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #1076579
#11. With respect to the doctrine of a future life, a North American Indian knows just as much as any ancient or modern philosopher.

Thomas B. Macaulay

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #1115304
#12. You've got to understand that, right now, you're a man with no choice.

Waheed Ibne Musa

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #1239024
#13. It doesn't much matter what line of argument you take as a woman. If you venture into traditional male territory, the abuse comes anyway. It's not what you say that prompts it - it's the fact that you are saying it.

Mary Beard

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #1683984
#14. Obviously there's not much options when you're a cartoonist - you pretty much either work at home or rent an office I guess, and working at home just seems easier.

Scott Adams

Willy Loman Hallucinations Quotes #1771166

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