Top 87 Whittaker's Quotes

#1. Mrs. Whittaker's dress was always studiously suited to its occasion; thus, her bearing had always that calm that only the correctly attired may enjoy.

Dorothy Parker

Whittaker's Quotes #1506936
#2. I am amazed; until the day I die I shall wonder how Whittaker Chambers got into my house to use my typewriter.

Alger Hiss

Whittaker's Quotes #1304825
#3. You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1325178
#4. I avoid banks and I've never been in any sort of corporate environment at all.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1294128
#5. I went to football training when I was five because I think my father thought he had two boys.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1275722
#6. On that road of the informer, it is always night. I cannot ever inform against anyone without feeling something die within me. I inform without pleasure, because it is necessary.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1216213
#7. In dire times of survival it's not uncommon for people to turn to their faith and that was also true for the men on the oil tanker Pendleton, which was cut in half by 60-foot waves during the hurricane.

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1213265
#8. I was asked something about the economic problem of Communism. I answered, citing Dostoyevsky: The problem of Communism is not an economic problem. The problem of Communism is the problem of atheism.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1207991
#9. It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today. Thomas Fuller GNOMOLOGIA

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1157872
#10. The property boom has made us all feel wealthy, but unfortunately it has lulled many of those nearing retirement into a false sense of security.

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1121383
#11. I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side, but it is better to die on the losing side than to live under Communism.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1095727
#12. Political freedom is a political reading of the Bible.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1058702
#13. Life is full of uncertainties. Future investment earnings and interest and inflation rates are not known to anybody. However, I can guarantee you one thing.. those who put an investment program in place will have a lot more money when they come to retire than those who never get around to it.

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1041747
#14. Tragedy occurs when a human soul awakes and seeks, in suffering and pain, to free itself from crime, violence, infamy, even at the cost of life. The struggle is the tragedy - not defeat or death.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1004088
#15. For in this century, within the next decades, will be decided for generations whether all mankind is to become Communist, whether the whole world is to become free, or whether, in the struggle, civilization as we know it is to be completely destroyed or completely changed.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1002170
#16. Your body is a form of energy slowed down to assume the appearance of mass. And the mind directs the energy that determines the form.

Terry Cole-Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #996209
#17. I do not know any way to explain why God's grace touches a man who seems unworthy of it.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #972100
#18. At home we have always regarded the dining table as the prime seat of learning. We planned it so it was impossible to see or hear a TV from the table, and it has paid dividends in the volume of ideas that have been shared over the evening meal.

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #969303
#19. I've never been mugged, never really experienced street fear. In fact, I'm the one who gets into arguments because I don't keep my mouth shut.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #969221
#20. In 1937, I began, like Lazarus, the impossible return.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #899131
#21. It is popular to call it a crisis of the Western world. It is in fact a crisis of the whole world. Communism, which claims to be a solution of the crisis, is itself a symptom and an irritant of the crisis.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #878412
#22. [It is b]etter to die on the losing side than to live under communisim.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #871770
#23. The satellite revolt was not sparked from the West. It was sparked by Communism itself.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1595136
#24. If you never fail, that means you never tried to do something impossible.

Polly Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1843572
#25. A man is not primarily a witness against something. That is only incidental to the fact that he is a witness for something.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1826472
#26. You don't read many scripts, especially for crime dramas, that feature a strong woman as the central character.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1802926
#27. The crisis of the Western world exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1769044
#28. At issue was the question whether this man's faith could prevail against a man whose equal faith it was that this society is sick beyond saving, and that mercy itself pleads for its swift extinction and replacement by another.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1764135
#29. I love pubs and I love pub culture.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1758571
#30. If I had to do it all over, I'd be more secluded about it.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1758202
#31. The reality cuts across our minds like a wound whose edges crave to heal, but cannot. Thus, one of the great sins, perhaps the great sin, is to say: It will heal; it has healed; there is no wound. There is nothing more important than this wound.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1706633
#32. Every man is crucified upon the cross of himself.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1691342
#33. I won the lottery. I don't care what it costs.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1609870
#34. When you're a kid, you read about this glamorous acting world, but actually it's really unglamorous.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #803644
#35. While modern women take charge in the boardroom or form their own rugby teams, none have yet demanded acceptance in the world of trainspotting.

Nicholas Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1572012
#36. Trotsky was essentially a Western mind. Lenin was a Russian, and unlike most other revolutionary exiles, wherever he went he was a Russian.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1565369
#37. I'm a quiet person's nightmare - the only time I shut up is when I'm reading, because I'm a book geek.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1510481
#38. Phil Ershler is a world class climber and guide. Sue Ershler is a first class businesswoman. But their story is not just about climbing and business. It is about two people in love who switch leads in life's hard climb. A great read - inside or outside a tent!

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1490285
#39. It is hardly a coincidence that the cadences of Chambers's HUAC testimony should anticipate the prose of Witness. The House Committee on Un-American Activities had given him his true voice ...

Sam Tanenhaus

Whittaker's Quotes #1485518
#40. Scarcity brings clarity.

James A. Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1463054
#41. My children, as long as you live, the shadow of the Hiss Case will brush you. In every pair of eyes that rests on you, you will see pass, like a cloud passing behind a woods in winter, the memory of your father - dissembled in friendly eyes, lurking in unfriendly eyes.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1395627
#42. When you understand what you see, you will no longer be children. You will know that life is pain, that each of us hangs always upon the cross of himself. And when you know that this is true of every man, woman and child on earth, you will be wiser.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1383935
#43. There is no ground for supposing that matter and energy existed before [the Big Bang] and were suddenly galvanized into action. For what could distinguish that moment from all other moments in eternity? It is simpler to postulate creation ex nihilo-Divine will constituting Nature from nothingness.

E. T. Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #1343133
#44. Life is not worth living for which a man is not prepared to die at any moment.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #1342028
#45. You don't really conquer a mountain, you conquer yourself. You overcome sickness & everything else - your pains, aches, fears - to reach the summit.

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #196639
#46. You learn the most when you're out on the edge.

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #434014
#47. A Communist breaks because he must choose at last between irreconcilable opposites-God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #395170
#48. Experience had taught me that innocence seldom utters outraged shrikes. Guilt does. Innocence is a mighty shield, and the man or woman covered by it, is much more likely to answer calmly: 'My life is blameless. Look into it, if you like, for you will find nothing.' That is the tone of innocence.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #377908
#49. The chief fruit of the First World War was the Russian Revolution and the rise of Communism as a national power.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #332749
#50. At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #320704
#51. Becoming wealthy is like playing Monopoly.. the person who can accumulate the most assets wins the game.

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #301693
#52. I don't really have parents. I have parasitic ancestors who refuse to die."
-Halcyon Smith (Hero is a Man)

Nix Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #289718
#53. I'm simply a businessman who has seen his share of failures and successes.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #263916
#54. If you're ever killed mountain climbing, then all that you've worked for is gone

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #251143
#55. A witness, in the sense that I am using the word, is a man whose life and faith are so completely one that when the challenge comes to step out and testify for his faith, he does so, disregarding all risks, accepting all consequences.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #216850
#56. She said, 'He knows what I mean. Where did you get those shoes?' He said, 'They're training shoes.' She said, 'Training for what? Are you not fully qualified?' He said, 'If Jesus were alive today, Mrs Whittaker, I think you'd find these were the type of shoes he would be wearing.

Alan Bennett

Whittaker's Quotes #440313
#57. I see in Communism the focus of the concentrated evil of our time.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #162029
#58. I try to be like a sponge when I'm around other actors, picking things up about the way they work and how they do things.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #141300
#59. A nation's life is about as long as its reverential memory.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #123256
#60. Becoming wealthy is not a matter of how much you earn, who your parents are, or what you do.. it is a matter of managing your money properly.

Noel Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #111484
#61. I know who Jack Whittaker is. And some days I don't like who I am.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #107223
#62. The best way to deal with somebody is to deal with yourself.

Terry Cole-Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #89008
#63. In the future the way that Whittaker Chambers was able to carry out forgery by typewriter will be disclosed.

Alger Hiss

Whittaker's Quotes #80101
#64. Man without mysticism is a monster.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #79111
#65. Life's too big to fit in a bucket

Carlos Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #77452
#66. I got to work with Cillian Murphy and my dad, Jim Broadbent and Jodie Whittaker on 'Perrier's Bounty.' It was a small part, but it was really special.

Domhnall Gleeson

Whittaker's Quotes #23362
#67. True wisdom comes from the overcoming of suffering and sin. All true wisdom is therefore touched with sadness.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #577705
#68. On a scale personal enough to be felt by all, but big enough to be symbolic, the two irreconcilable faiths of our time - Communism and Freedom - came to grips in the persons of two conscious and resolute men.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #791469
#69. Is dirt nice? Is death nice? Above all is dying nice? And, in the end, we must ask, is God nice? I doubt it.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #744695
#70. God didn't make junk.

Terry Cole-Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #721021
#71. When the Greek goddess Hera married Zeus, the goddess Gaia created three golden apples and gave them to Hera as a wedding gift.

Denise Grover Swank

Whittaker's Quotes #689968
#72. It is in fact no exaggeration to say that we live in terror that Senator McCarthy will one day make some irreparable blunder that will play directly into the hands of our common enemy and discredit the whole anti-Communist effort for a long while to come.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #686099
#73. I would have been a nightmare in any kind of office, because I wouldn't have had any friends in any environment other than performing.

Jodie Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #680319
#74. For clothes, I like this little store on Fountain, Matrushka Construction. Beth Ann Whittaker and Laura Howe make amazing things. You can get a designer skirt with cool embroidery for 40 bucks instead of $400 or $4,000.

Jill Soloway

Whittaker's Quotes #666298
#75. I'd do the same things, but I'd be a little more quiet.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #643560
#76. You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself.

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #627126
#77. No, those ears were not created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature (the Communist view). They could have been created only by immense design.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #621505
#78. Human societies, like human beings, live by faith and die when faith dies.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #841771
#79. I hold the ratchet unorthodox. Pernell Whittaker, I'm duckin' all sorts of shots

Vinnie Paz

Whittaker's Quotes #571981
#80. The rub is that the pursuit of happiness, as an end in itself, tends automatically, and widely, to be replaced by the pursuit of pleasure with a consequent general softening of the fibers of will, intelligence, spirit.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #531754
#81. The next time I met Ulrich, he asked me: "Do you know what sookin sin is?" I

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #526319
#82. If you're not living a life on the edge you're taking up too much space! ... You learn the most when you're out of your comfort zone!

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #522149
#83. The Communist vision is the vision of man without God.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #501461
#84. The next time you get nervous about others opinions, look them mentally in the eye and say, "What you think of me is none of my business."

Terry Cole-Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #489603
#85. It taught me that ... there can be no true humility and no true compassion where there is no courage.

Whittaker Chambers

Whittaker's Quotes #469222
#86. It doesn't bother me because I can tell everyone to kiss off.

Jack Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #463676
#87. Being out on the edge, with everything at risk, is where you learn and grow the most.

Jim Whittaker

Whittaker's Quotes #460669

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