Top 100 White Life Quotes

#1. Colours started to seep into his black and white life

Jamie Scallion

White Life Quotes #15243
#2. Writing books about whores ... I'll bet you newer ... joined giblets wiv a man in your lily-white life.'
Dr. Hindley and Worthy began to reprove him, but Sara smiled quizzically. ' "Joined giblets?" ... I've never heard it put that way before.

Lisa Kleypas

White Life Quotes #720320
#3. No sophisticated study of public opinion is needed to establish the fact that in the United States, North or South, a white life is considered to be of more value than a Negro life.

Calvin Trillin

White Life Quotes #849215
#4. Life is not two sheets of paper, one black, one white. Life is a ream of paper, each page a different shade of gray.

Roland Smith

White Life Quotes #1627691
#5. Shall we make a new rule of life ... Always try to be a little kinder than us necessary? ['The little white bird' by JM Barrie]

R.J. Palacio

White Life Quotes #30587
#6. My dear Lady Kroesig, I have only read one book in my life, and that is 'White Fang.' It's so frightfully good I've never bothered to read another.

Nancy Mitford

White Life Quotes #54833
#7. Women are not equal with men, that's sure. When the woman is in danger she always looks to the man for help. We are superior by nature. The black or white woman needn't worry in life because the world is ruled by the white man.

Muhammad Ali

White Life Quotes #54896
#8. May all Christians be found worthy of either the pure white crown of a holy life or the royal red crown of martyrdom.


White Life Quotes #56969
#9. It's perfect. Blurred lines; it's when fact and fiction become indiscernible. Fantasy and reality fade into a color of grey yarn and you become tangled up in it and can't escape into the world of black and white you desperately need as proof of the reality of life itself.

Scott Hildreth

White Life Quotes #69698
#10. You are that blue-white diamond, so treat yourself like a Tiffany.

Sharon Law Tucker

White Life Quotes #70260
#11. If I were dead like Snow White and he kissed me like that, surely my heart would kick back to life. That I'd be the one to slay dragons for that kiss.

Tarryn Fisher

White Life Quotes #76179
#12. All the lies, all the ways we have of trying to make life simple for ourselves by putting people into boxes marked black, white, good, bad, when all of us are victims of our own prejudices.

Julia Gregson

White Life Quotes #114908
#13. No matter what calamities befall him in everyday life, the true hacker still needs the pressure and inconvenience of four hours of trudging in wind or rain or sleet or sun (or all of them at once), hacking at a white pellet that seems to have a mind of its own and a lousy sense of direction.

Tom O'Connor

White Life Quotes #115588
#14. I could see that the whole idea and business of Childhood was nothing guaranteed. It seemed to me, in fact, like something more or less invented by white people and stuck onto the front end of grown-up life like a frill on a dress.

Barbara Kingsolver

White Life Quotes #116170
#15. I was a blank canvas, no thoughts, no emotions, no needs or desires, just a square of white floating through a loud, chaotic world, and life would paint me with color and substance, smear and spread and colorize me.

Jasinda Wilder

White Life Quotes #136825
#16. That's exactly the good thing about the Injun life
you don't have to stop and think about whether or not you're 'happy'
which in my opinionis a highly overrated human condition invented by white folks

Jim Fergus

White Life Quotes #152173
#17. Finn fell asleep draped in Kittens and dreamed that the corn walked the earth on skinny white roots, liked to joke with the crows, and wasn't afraid of anything.

Laura Ruby

White Life Quotes #167539
#18. Forget black and white and try on gray. In hair color, wardrobe or life choices, it may feel more enlivening than you imagine.

Gina Greenlee

White Life Quotes #188514
#19. Hot weather opens the skull of a city, exposing its white brain, and its heart of nerves, which sizzle like the wires inside a lightbulb. And there exudes a sour extra-human smell that makes the very stone seem flesh-alive, webbed and pulsing.

Truman Capote

White Life Quotes #195659
#20. It's so pathetic, the tough-guy posturing, but so sinister, because, to put it plainly, that's how black men die. Insecure, pee-pants white men assume that any disagreement is a life-threatening situation.

Lindy West

White Life Quotes #198329
#21. Because of the increase in life longevity, America can now assume that at any given time three, and perhaps four, former presidents will still be alive, even when the current president is occupying the White House.

Tony Campolo

White Life Quotes #221435
#22. It's hard to live your life in color, and tell the truth in black and white.

Gregg Allman

White Life Quotes #269769
#23. Emotion is not simply an overplus of feeling; it is life lived at white-heat, a state of wonder. To lose wonder is to lose the true element of religion.

Oswald Chambers

White Life Quotes #285226
#24. Oft in the silence of the night,
When the lonely moon rides high,
When wintry winds are whistling,
And we hear the owl's shrill cry,
In the quiet, dusky chamber,
By the flickering firelight,
Rising up between two sleepers,
Comes a spirit all in white.

Louisa May Alcott

White Life Quotes #293518
#25. I've never tried to run away from my race. I was born a black man. You know that in your bones as soon as you are able to understand this country ... My approach to life about race is, I don't see the difference between black people and white people.

Edward Brooke

White Life Quotes #330920
#26. We were the centre of that liquid universe, for we were the night sun and we said to ships, do not come too close, we have rocks at our feet. And the crash of waves sent white spray flying, and I am scared and exhilarated and a little bit in love too.

Sarah Winman

White Life Quotes #337011
#27. Not sorry, not calling, not crying
All will pass like smoke of white apple trees
Seized by the gold of autumn,
I will no longer be young.

Sergei Yesenin

White Life Quotes #337692
#28. If tragedy does not ensnare a man, if affliction does not agitate him, if love does not lay him down in the cradle of dreams, then his life is like a blank, white page in the book of existence. In that year I saw the

Kahlil Gibran

White Life Quotes #373560
#29. All we have gained then by our unbelief Is a life of doubt diversified by faith, For one of faith diversified by doubt: We called the chess-board white-we call it black.

Robert Browning

White Life Quotes #379312
#30. The pearls weren't really white, they were a warm oyster beige, with little knots in between so if they broke, you only lost one. I wished my life could be like that, knotted up so that even if something broke, the whole thing wouldn't come apart.

Janet Fitch

White Life Quotes #379758
#31. We are the ink that gives the white page a meaning.

Jean Genet

White Life Quotes #395835
#32. The white race is the cancer of human history, it is the white race, and it aloneits ideologies and inventionswhich eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

Susan Sontag

White Life Quotes #402635
#33. I owe my life and hope to the gospel. Without it I would still be strutting with racist pride, or I would be suffering the moral paralysis of 'white guilt.' But the gospel has an answer to both pride and guilt.

John Piper

White Life Quotes #405422
#34. For the sake of one soul. For one loved one. For one life." I called power into my blasting rod, and its tip glowed incandescent white. "The way I see it, there's nothing else worth fighting a war for.

Jim Butcher

White Life Quotes #498011
#35. Since my life as a prisoner has begun I have heard the teachings of the white man's religion, and in many respects believe it to be better than the religion of my fathers


White Life Quotes #560193
#36. I have so many girlfriends in their twenties who live in a white box apartment, having mediocre meals with mediocre friends, waiting for the life they want to hit them in their forties or fifties. They are settling in the now - what's the point?

Daphne Oz

White Life Quotes #578975
#37. At her elbow was a slim pile of creamy white paper beside which she laid down her pen. It was only then, at the sight of these clean sheets, that the last traces, the stain, of her own situation vanished completely. She no longer had a private life, she was ready to be absorbed.

Ian McEwan

White Life Quotes #597892
#38. Because, if I'm honest, people in the white world might be appalled, but in the black world, they're making myths out of me. And I know that ain't the life.

John Singleton

White Life Quotes #605643
#39. Life is not all black or white, there are shades of grey as well. It is this grey shade which provides maximum opportunities and multiple interpretations.

Mayank S. Sengar

White Life Quotes #618540
#40. There is no black-and-white situation. It's all part of life. Highs, lows, middles.

Van Morrison

White Life Quotes #635283
#41. I would say you have to fight in the life of the mind as well as fight in the streets, as well as fight in the courts, as well as fight in congress and the White House. Every site is a sight of contestation.

Cornel West

White Life Quotes #644580
#42. The highway of life was littered with the roadkill of those who didn't know when to change lanes.

Karen White

White Life Quotes #666099
#43. As white snowflakes fall quietly and thickly on a winter day, answers to prayer will settle down upon you at every step you take, even to your dying day. The story of your life will be the story of prayer and answers to prayer.

Ole Hallesby

White Life Quotes #685276
#44. Something my life has taught me is not to see things in black and white. People are neither all good nor all bad.


White Life Quotes #716513
#45. Minutes, hours, days, months, and years,
Pass'd over to the end they were created,
Would bring white hairs unto a quiet grave.
Ah, what a life were this!

William Shakespeare

White Life Quotes #728130
#46. The desire of love, Joy:The desire of life, Peace:The desire of the soul, Heaven:The desire of God ... a flame-white secret forever.

William Sharp

White Life Quotes #789011
#47. I am inspired by great food, theater, books, the beach, black-and-white photography, and great vocalists, like Dianne Reeves, Alice Smith, and Shirley Horn. I am inspired by my mentor Diana Castle, who is guiding me towards a truth and honesty in my life and work that I have always longed for.

Erica Tazel

White Life Quotes #804231
#48. The levee had always been my beach, the world beyond it, my ocean. That's as close as it got here, anyway. No waves, no dolphins, no white sand, no sea gulls. If you were lucky enough, though, every once in a while you did get to see a crane, or a beaver.

Laura Miller

White Life Quotes #828251
#49. Oh, man, why is this the life? Why is it? Why is one rich and the other poor? Why is one black and the other white?

Tony D'Souza

White Life Quotes #839306
#50. The right wing is appealing to a shrinking, shrinking demographic of angry white people who blame their predicament in life on the fact that there are immigrants coming into the country; it's pretty ludicrous.

Andy Kindler

White Life Quotes #870422
#51. Most of life is grey, with a little tiny bit of black and white. We're always subject to what I call the compression industry, which is an attempt to compress a million shades of grey with a little bit of black and white to just a hundred, or to ten, or to one!

Bill Henson

White Life Quotes #881680
#52. Having reached the end of my poor sinner's life, my hair now white, I grow old as the world does, waiting to be lost in the bottomless pit of silent and deserted divinity, sharing in the light of angelic intelligences;

Umberto Eco

White Life Quotes #897005
#53. A younger writer, David Leavitt, would later say he envied White for having "such a representative life". And it's true: the zeitgeist blew through White more easily than it did through most people.

Christopher Bram

White Life Quotes #915218
#54. But I'm telling you, something happens to beautiful people. They think that something extra is owed to them by life, by God, by all the people around them. They think their life has to be better, more dramatic, happier - in color, not black and white.

Paullina Simons

White Life Quotes #946074
#55. All I wanted was a little piece of life, to be married, to have children ... I was trying my damnedest to lead a conventional life, for that was how I was brought up, and it was what my husband wanted of me. But one can't build little white picket fences to keep the nightmares out.

Anne Sexton

White Life Quotes #990741
#56. A child's hope is that your father comes riding in on that white stallion and saves them. You can't make somebody love you the way you want them to love you, it's not a Leave it to Beaver type world. This isn't television. Life's a lot more cruel than that.

Jake Roberts

White Life Quotes #1030818
#57. I think so much of my early life, even though I grew up White and middle class, I was completely shattered by the horrifically violent atmosphere I grew up in. I am a consequence of violence. That opened a door to many realities that I would not have experienced had I not survived what I did.

Eve Ensler

White Life Quotes #1031521
#58. This wonderful gray of acceptance resides between the extremes of black and white thinking; looking for serenity, explore the gray. Part of that acceptance is understanding that life is hard and involves life and death. Part of that acceptance is that I am responsible for my actions.

David W. Earle

White Life Quotes #1033418
#59. Emily Dickinson has haunted my life - her poems, her persona, all the tales about her solitude. Ever since I discovered her in the seventh grade, I've had a crush on that spinster in white, who had such a heroic and startling inner landscape of her own.

Jerome Charyn

White Life Quotes #1034304
#60. I was so bad with the food and alcohol in Nashville. If you saw me naked compared to what I looked like when I did Iron Man 2, when I was exercising every day - I'll get it back together, but I've never eaten so much fried food and white flour in my life, ever.

Gwyneth Paltrow

White Life Quotes #1113624
#61. I've been a fascinated observer of grand public funerals since I was a kid, starting with the life-altering black-and-white images of President John F. Kennedy's funeral.

David Horsey

White Life Quotes #1115720
#62. When you spend your life acting and being other people, as opposed to being the one person that you are, you learn that life is gray sometimes, not black and white. That what you thought was true isn't necessarily true if you switch sides.

Sydney Pollack

White Life Quotes #1144344
#63. For white people, nothing makes them appreciate the gift of life more than voluntarily trying to end it.

Christian Lander

White Life Quotes #1168087
#64. Life is about the gray areas. Things are seldom black and white, even when we wish they were and think they should be, and I like exploring this nuanced terrain.

Emily Giffin

White Life Quotes #1189434
#65. All the other books ask, 'What's it like?' What was World War II like for the young kid at Normandy, or what is work like for a woman having a job for the first time in her life? What's it like to be black or white?

Studs Terkel

White Life Quotes #1198668
#66. I don't think paper will go away. I do believe that the value of paper will change, and Xerox is working on changing that value. Consider a color page. Actual life is in color, but you keep reproducing it in black and white. You remove value. It's a bad thing to do.

Ursula Burns

White Life Quotes #1217723
#67. Moving islands in the ocean of sky.
Beautiful white curtains in the sky,
Veiling and unveiling portions, as time passes by.
I watch clouds, when my mind feels clouded.

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

White Life Quotes #1241564
#68. For those of us who quietly seek the white light in the midnight hours, emotions turn out to be a noisy magnetic field. The convenience store can be a vacuum, devoid of that magnetic field: a place where life's tug-of-war can't wear you down. That, to me, is what the ideal convenience store is.

Randy Taguchi

White Life Quotes #1268238
#69. Life starts from a white hole and ends in a black hole.

Santosh Kalwar

White Life Quotes #1313653
#70. Then bless thy secret growth, nor catch At noise, but thrive unseen and dumb; Keep clean, be as fruit, earn life, and watch, Till the white-wing'd reapers come.

Francis Bacon

White Life Quotes #1332173
#71. The world's not black and white," she tells me. "Life doesn't have good guys and bad guys or a beginning, middle, and end. Not while you're living it. It's just people doing stuff that's beautiful or stupid or somewhere in the middle.

Robin York

White Life Quotes #1333873
#72. We'll squeeze every second that we can from our lives, because we're young, and we have plenty of years to grow. We'll grow until we're braver. We'll grow until our bones ache and our skin wrinkles and our hair goes white, and until our hearts decide, at last, that it's time to stop.

Lauren DeStefano

White Life Quotes #1367166
#73. Darkness settles on roofs and walls,
But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;
The little waves, with their soft, white hands,
Efface the footprints in the sands,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

White Life Quotes #1381150
#74. Life is much more complex than the black-and-white sound bites that you get on television. There are nuances and shades of gray.

Joe Berlinger

White Life Quotes #1396074
#75. Some part of me remembers what snow is, but this is the first time my new mind has seen it. It softens the crumbled sidewalks and turns rusty rooftops white. It's beautiful. It crunches under my feet as I move toward the house, longing to understand.

Isaac Marion

White Life Quotes #1402215
#76. The way I was brought up by my parents and guided through my football life by the influences of various managers means that in some ways I am black and white.

Stuart Pearce

White Life Quotes #1406238
#77. In November, the earth is growing quiet. It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers and small creatures. The bed is white and silent, and much life can hide beneath its blankets.

Cynthia Rylant

White Life Quotes #1436185
#78. I've liked different women at different times in my life. I've been attracted to white women. I've been attracted to black women. I've been attracted to Asian women. I've been attracted to various subspecies of women. I can say with gratitude that I've been able to experiment.

Oliver Stone

White Life Quotes #1445166
#79. I am a young, white, educated male. I got really, really lucky. And life isn't fair.

Evan Spiegel

White Life Quotes #1450178
#80. It was the first time I had seen him unshaven, the small white whiskers looking so out of place, as if someone had shaken salt neatly across his cheeks and chin. How could there be new life in his beard when it was draining everywhere else?

Mitch Albom

White Life Quotes #1465671
#81. When I was a kid, I knew the black and white version of 'Jane Eyre,' and I guess I became interested in the idea of romantic love - of unrequited love and the tragedies of that; of what are the important things in life; what should one value over other materials.

Cary Fukunaga

White Life Quotes #1471840
#82. There's no way to explain to a child that the line between good and evil isn't nearly as black and white as a fairy tale would leave you to believe. That an ordinary person can turn into a villain, under the right circumstances. That sometimes we dragon slayers do things we aren't proud of.

Jodi Picoult

White Life Quotes #1472472
#83. When I stepped away from the white pine, I had the definite feeling that we had exchanged some form of life energy ... Clearly white pines and I are on the same wavelength. What I give back to the trees I cannot imagine. I hope they receive something, because trees are among my closest friends.

Anne LaBastille

White Life Quotes #1504899
#84. It's just that I don't believe in living a life in decline. Either one grows, one blooms, or one diminishes. I wasn't able to imagine any way after witnessing the white nights to continue to live while growing. And since I refuse to live and diminish, I wanted to die.

Roman Payne

White Life Quotes #1548257
#85. Richard Price got a million dollar advance on one fake film book based on a paragraph outline and is able to seduce gullible White reviewers who know less about ghetto life than he. The New York Times has devoted more space to Price's tourist, ghetto writing than to any Black writer in history.

Ishmael Reed

White Life Quotes #1579542
#86. Blacks are supposed to rejoice whenever our way of life becomes more mainstream. We seldom do. For we see in it a sanctioning that can only be granted by white society. In other words: If you're white, it's all right. If you're black, step back.

Lena Williams

White Life Quotes #1581469
#87. In this perilous world, if a black boy wanted to live a halfway normal life and die a natural death he had to learn early the art of how to get along with white folks.

Benjamin E. Mays

White Life Quotes #1625584
#88. 'The Butler' has virtually nothing in common with its source material, the life of White House butler Gene Allen, except for the fact that the main character of the film and Allen were both black butlers in the White House.

Ben Shapiro

White Life Quotes #1630789
#89. The bones cry for the blood of the white whale,
The fat flukes arch and whack about its ears,
The death-lance churns into the sanctuary, tears
The gun-blue swingle, heaving like a flail,
And hacks the coiling life out ...

Robert Lowell

White Life Quotes #1647910
#90. White pudding and eggs and sausages and cups of tea! How simple and beautiful was life after all!

James Joyce

White Life Quotes #1648492
#91. She started life with a number, not a name. Class: S, No. 13295. She has them memorized by rote, though nobody ever calls her that. The Scientists feel foolish addressing her in long, bewildering strings of alphanumerics. They have told her so themselves. To save time, they simply call her Snow.

Nenia Campbell

White Life Quotes #1681418
#92. ,the rest of the girls pretended not to notice. That's just what best friends do.

Sara Shepard

White Life Quotes #1688685
#93. You can't control the fact that you are born a white man or born into wealth. When people say, 'Check your privilege,' they're saying, 'Acknowledge how these factors helped you move through life.' They're not saying apologize for it.

Roxane Gay

White Life Quotes #1702043
#94. The bright blue sky remained cloudless, and the aquamarine ocean still crashed gently onto the white sand beach, but the scene was suddenly warped. Twisted, as I processed Thad's words.

Lynne Matson

White Life Quotes #1704985
#95. Why the desire for death.
A clean paper or pure white wall.
One false line, a scratch, a mistake.
Unerasable. So obscureby
adding million other tracings,
blend it, cover over.
But the original scratch remains,
written in gold blood, shining.
Desire for a Perfect Life.

Jim Morrison

White Life Quotes #1718153
#96. But in my life, the vast majority of people that have really afforded me the opportunity to succeed were white folks.

Tim Scott

White Life Quotes #1727961
#97. As the trees turned red, then white, then naked as pitchforks, Margot and Xiao Chen immersed themselves in several forests' worth of pages, and I watched, tortured, as brick after brick of a new development was laid on the wasteland of Midtown West like slabs of gold bullion.

Carolyn Jess-Cooke

White Life Quotes #1732667
#98. What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they're especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that's just a complete lie,

Ben Stein

White Life Quotes #1753850
#99. In the early days I had a very black-and-white view of everything. I think that's kind of natural for anyone who's just embraced Islam - or any religion - as a convert. It was important for me to duck out of the fast and furious life I'd been living as a pop star. I was in a different mood.

Cat Stevens

White Life Quotes #1805521
#100. Not everything in life is black and white. Sometimes the best parts are gray. Just remember that not everything can fit into one your neat little boxes.

Alyssa Rose Ivy

White Life Quotes #1818133

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