Top 100 Were Family Quotes

#1. I've played for teams that were family-oriented organizations. They made you feel like family. The Yankees are strictly a business. Baseball is your life and everything else is secondary.

Gary Sheffield

Were Family Quotes #302866
#2. ...there was so much more to life than just money. There were family and friends, there was good, satisfying work, and knowing you had a place on this earth where you were loved and there was nothing to prove.

Natalie Baszile

Were Family Quotes #345711
#3. She wasn't sure who were family & who were friends, and maybe they all were both, and maybe it didn't matter one bit.

Deborah Rodriguez

Were Family Quotes #536804
#4. They weren't just his most trusted warriors - the Seven were family.

Nalini Singh

Were Family Quotes #689574
#5. My sculpture is very personal; for years my subjects were family and close, close friends.

Gloria Swanson

Were Family Quotes #816205
#6. We started out as five people whose lives just happened to cross paths. By the end of the summer we were family

J.C. Lucas

Were Family Quotes #840328
#7. Nick loved his cousins, they were family after all, and according to his mother, you have to love family. Over the years, he had also noticed that the less he saw them, the more lovable they became. He would really love them if they moved to California.

Shannon Ryan

Were Family Quotes #911586
#8. I was born in the small city of Hobart in Tasmania, Australia, in 1948. My parents were family physicians. My grandfather and great grandfather on my mother's side were geologists.

Elizabeth Blackburn

Were Family Quotes #1087420
#9. I discovered that our clan included loads of cousins and uncles and aunts and animals of every shape. I was taught that chaos and competition were family values. And I learned that we all loved the sea. Somehow, the sea was about us-our past, our exuberance, our frailty, our longing.

Timothy Shriver

Were Family Quotes #1510060
#10. So often they made her think of the phrase "Blood is thicker than water," because at times blood was the only bond they shared and she had to remind herself they were family, because at times it was unbelievable they were even related. She loved them, but she hadn't chosen them.

Victoria Kahler

Were Family Quotes #1585513
#11. When I started drama school, theatre was the main draw. I never had any movie star notions. Not that there were family ties to the theatre, either.

Anne-Marie Duff

Were Family Quotes #1682295
#12. The funny thing about my films is that you can make little piles of them. You could make little piles of the movie that were family movies, you could make a little art movie pile, you could make a little action movie pile.

Julianne Moore

Were Family Quotes #1746185
#13. He kept her company, listened patiently when she complained, and always made sure her clothes were thoroughly covered in cat hair. They were family. He was her cat; she was his human. It seemed crazy, but that was enough.

Lydia Sherrer

Were Family Quotes #1800102
#14. And I guess when you take away the resentment and disappointment, it's that simple. It is what we do in families: we help, because we were helped.

Anne Lamott

Were Family Quotes #3702
#15. What a happy woman I am, living in a garden, with books, babies, birds and flowers, and plenty of leisure to enjoy them. Sometimes I feel as if I were blest above all my fellows in being able to find happiness so easily.

Rosamunde Pilcher

Were Family Quotes #8011
#16. The two sisters were connected by neither love nor mutual affinity but by a very small bathroom that could be entered from the bedroom on either side.

Ann Patchett

Were Family Quotes #10797
#17. There were girls at school whose families grew to a robust five or six. There were girls with seven or eight-which was thought a little enthusiastic - and then there were the pathetic ones like me, who had parents that were just helpless to it, and bred as naturally as they might shit.

Anne Enright

Were Family Quotes #16525
#18. Jack and Bobby Kennedy were too young, too attached to real family to transfer affection and loyalty to those that of their blood or region or upbringing.

David Pietrusza

Were Family Quotes #18627
#19. Anger rose in me. Didn't they know how hard I'd been working to overcome my family background? Now all my efforts were wasted.

Ji-li Jiang

Were Family Quotes #20160
#20. The Samuel Josephs were not a family. They were a swarm. The moment you entered the house they cropped up and jumped out at you from under the tables, through the stair rails, behind the doors, behind the coats in the passage. Impossible to count them: impossible to distinguish between them.

Katherine Mansfield

Were Family Quotes #20919
#21. My parents were devoted. Civic minded. We had family counsels. Three of us children against two of them. We lived a 'Leave It to Beaver' time.

Sissy Spacek

Were Family Quotes #23310
#22. When most artists walk offstage, they go to a lonely hotel room. I went home to my family. They were there before the show, during and after. It's been great. I never would have done it any other way. I wasn't gonna miss raising my kids. There was no way that was gonna happen.

Gloria Estefan

Were Family Quotes #24439
#23. Whenever we were on a plane, we had a family.

Liza Minnelli

Were Family Quotes #28661
#24. He looked beyond. He looked to the peoples of the Earth and saw the destruction of the family because of the lack of children. Paul VI was courageous. He was a good pastor. He warned his sheep about the wolves that were approaching, and from the heavens he blesses us today.

Pope Francis

Were Family Quotes #30364
#25. I feel like I was born the day my kids were and that my life before was only there to gain wisdom for them. The point is you do your best. Your very best every day. You do it and you do it for them!

Drew Barrymore

Were Family Quotes #31902
#26. The ice cold fear I'd felt, not knowing if Wyatt was alive, pressed into the wall with other girls and surrounded by guys who were unspeakably brave, hit my body again in a wave. This was trauma - the gift that keeps on giving.

Laura Anderson Kurk

Were Family Quotes #33288
#27. Whatever circumstances you were born into, whatever family life and education you had or didn't have, you came here to make your dreams come true, and no matter where you are now, you are fully equipped with everything you need to do it!

Rhonda Byrne

Were Family Quotes #34232
#28. My family and I held no hatred for those people because we realized they were victims of their own ignorance.

Ryan White

Were Family Quotes #36399
#29. Limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savors of anti-climax. His family were enormously

F Scott Fitzgerald

Were Family Quotes #38179
#30. I came from an intellectual family. Most were doctors, preachers, teachers, businessmen. My grandfather was a small businessman. His father was an abolitionist doctor, and his father was an immigrant from Germany.

Pete Seeger

Were Family Quotes #38970
#31. None of our family businesses were focused on technology. It was '93 when I came out of law school, and the Internet was taking hold. So I started New World Ventures.

J. B. Pritzker

Were Family Quotes #39660
#32. Ma Baxter rocked complacently. They were all pleased whenever she made a joke. Her good nature made the same difference in the house as the hearth-fire had made in the chill of the evening.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Were Family Quotes #40348
#33. Susan, you were a mighty fine woman when you were alive and all, but personally I'd rather be gang-raped by giant, rabid, syphilitic porcupines, than join your shithead, hippie-commune, undead family, you scrawny-ass, vampire skank whore.

Larry Correia

Were Family Quotes #43360
#34. There were nine children in my father's family and eight in my mother's. My grandparents did the best with what they had. After the Depression, they were scratching out a living and working hard. They kept the family going.

Cheryl Ladd

Were Family Quotes #44305
#35. My mother was always deeply attracted to anything medical, and I think she would have loved me to have been a doctor. My father was in the army for 21 years, came out just before I was born. There was no history of showbusiness on either side of the family, but they were completely supportive.

Lindsay Duncan

Were Family Quotes #49060
#36. My family was made of good people who did good things with what they were given. What fairness does life show in a time like this? But life is not fair and that is nothing new, so I bottled the pain and loss, and released them through a single tear rolling down my cheek.

B.M. Tolbert

Were Family Quotes #49960
#37. He saw the threat of the family being destroyed by not being open to life or children. Paul VI was brave. He was a good pastor. He alerted his sheep, telling them that the wolves were approaching.

Pope Francis

Were Family Quotes #51488
#38. I don't remember my parents together, ever: my father was much older, and really only interested in collecting magazines and bathroom suites; we were the only family in the area to have a bathroom suite on the lawn.

Paula Yates

Were Family Quotes #52292
#39. I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to L.A. when I was about eleven years old. I always go back to Milwaukee whenever I can. Just chill with my grandpa and my grandmother and just be with family, be with people that were there before I got a million views on YouTube because of my music video.

Jacob Latimore

Were Family Quotes #52783
#40. It wasn't normal, it was quite far from normal, but they were hers and she loved everything about them.

Vicky Pattison

Were Family Quotes #57233
#41. Liquor and loss were a desperate combination but particularly for my family, where the precipice between darkness and lightness was mired in the uncertainty of which side held salvation.

Angela Amman

Were Family Quotes #58686
#42. It could only be the employment of carriage whips, tongs, iron pokers, handsaws, stones, paperweights, or whatever might be handy to break the black body, the black family, the black community, the black nation. The bodies were pulverized into stock and marked with insurance. And

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Were Family Quotes #58770
#43. While reading Emotionally Wounded Spiritually Strong washing clothes taday I got up to page 52-54 and I had to stop for a sech it brought tears to my eyes to think how the devil had a plan on my family from the beginning. How PPL thought we were the perfect family. Thank God for Jesus.

Tarran Carter

Were Family Quotes #59576
#44. We never expressed this to each other in Chinese, because it wasn't something said in Chinese culture; the emotions were too strong, the words too coarse, and besides, it was assumed that parents and children loved each other.

Atom Yang

Were Family Quotes #60538
#45. I was brought up to look after my parents. My family were Polish Jews, and we lived with my grandmother, with uncles and aunts and cousins all around, and I thought everybody lived like that.

Anita Brookner

Were Family Quotes #62106
#46. I never dreamed I'd be a spokesman for anything. But Pac Bell just asked me. The money was OK; the scripts were fun because I had to do in 30 seconds what it takes a whole feature to do and because the dysfunctional family of agents, managers and lawyers who represent me said it was cool.

Chris Eigeman

Were Family Quotes #62729
#47. My father worked for the Foreign Office, so he was away a lot of the time. We were a very volatile family. There was a lot of love and a lot of conflict. The conflict kicked in mostly during my adolescence.

Amanda Donohoe

Were Family Quotes #64006
#48. Looking back, I remember my family laughing a lot. We were never the kind of people that dwelled on hard times. My family laughs when things are tough. Growing up like that, I got used to making jokes about things that were difficult. So when I started doing stand-up, that's what I went towards.

Cristela Alonzo

Were Family Quotes #64447
#49. I came running down the stairs that morning, like it was Christmas. My parents were already up. In my family, presents never waited; they were there upon waking. Our family has a problem with what they called delayed gratification. We want what we want when we want it, and we always want it now.

Neal Shusterman

Were Family Quotes #64542
#50. never saw our friends or family. We were forced to marry." "That didn't turn out so bad," she said. Bob held his tongue as he drove through the heart of the curve.

Blake Crouch

Were Family Quotes #64927
#51. Unk, standing at a porthole, wept quietly. He was weeping for love, for family, for friendship, for truth, for civilization. The things he wept for were all abstractions, since his memory could furnish few faces or artifacts with which his imagination might fashion a passion play.

Kurt Vonnegut

Were Family Quotes #65344
#52. In Brooklyn, it was as though you were in your own little bubble. You were all part of one big, but very close family, and the Dodgers were the main topic of everybody's conversations and you could sense the affection people had for you. I don't know that such a thing exists anymore.

Don Drysdale

Were Family Quotes #70301
#53. I would not call my family 'traditional Chinese.' We were more what I would term the Colonial Chinese.

Kevin Kwan

Were Family Quotes #70564
#54. In our family histories, the frontier between fact and fiction is vague, especially in the record of events that took place before we were born, or when we were too young to record them accurately; there are few maps to these remote regions, and only the occasional sign to guide the explorer.

Adam Sisman

Were Family Quotes #70628
#55. I've been protecting you since I joined the Mauricio family. You were why I joined them in the first place.


Were Family Quotes #75456
#56. If minutes were kept of a family gathering, they would show that "Members not Present" and "Subjects Discussed" were one and the same.

Robert Breault

Were Family Quotes #78032
#57. Our life is all about the choices we make, and when I was looking for a mate for life, I really was looking for someone who was a family man, somebody who would embrace my girls as much as they were going to embrace me. I guess I just wasn't finished having children yet.

Joan Lunden

Were Family Quotes #81413
#58. For most of our young lives, my family was baffled by elementary school bake sales, to which we were told to bring in goodies to sell. While other kids arrived bearing brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and apple pies, Chinese families didn't bake.

Jennifer Lee

Were Family Quotes #84541
#59. I was beginning to realize that all the food in the world, and all the running shoes, could not make me happy. The material things were worthless. I had lost my family. I wasn't loved, I wasn't free, and I wasn't safe. I was alive, but everything that made life worth living was gone.

Yeonmi Park

Were Family Quotes #86329
#60. My tattoos, like most people's, were reminders, badges of personal experiences. Yes, I might wear them on my skin for the world to see, but their meaning was a little too personal.

N.R. Walker

Were Family Quotes #89948
#61. Books were to my family's house like beds and stoves, the most basic items, necessary for survival

Nora Gallagher

Were Family Quotes #91540
#62. My father was a painter. There was a lot of singing. We hung around with a lot of folk musicians. My family knew a lot of great folk musicians of the time, like Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, Leadbelly. They were all people we knew.

Alan Arkin

Were Family Quotes #92771
#63. I was born on an even keel. Family lore says I never cried, even at birth. I felt at ease on earth, in the right place. And like many children, I took comfort in life's regularity: Every few days it rained, the school bus came and went, and my parents were rooted in their union.

Amity Gaige

Were Family Quotes #92921
#64. I got signed with the songwriting deal when I was sixteen and they were really great - my publishers, who to this day are still my publishers and are like my musical family, my second family - they took me in and taught me what a good song is.


Were Family Quotes #93422
#65. When I was a kid people always asked why I didn't act like the rest of my family, and parents would say, "Well, she needs a childhood! We would never allow her to do that even if she wanted to". They were as involved in my life as any parents are in any person's life.

Blake Lively

Were Family Quotes #96663
#66. Although my Dad was a talented calligrapher and both of my younger brothers were successful, I was the first one in my family to graduate from high school.

Betty Dodson

Were Family Quotes #99605
#67. The disappointments seemed to escape the family's notice, though. That was another of their quirks: they had a talent for pretending that everything was fine. Or maybe it wasn't a quirk at all. Maybe it was just further proof that the Whitshanks were not remarkable in any way whatsoever.

Anne Tyler

Were Family Quotes #101476
#68. Our family were outsiders, and I've always had a sense of the outsider, the underdog, and a strong sense of justice towards people who are excluded.

Andy Serkis

Were Family Quotes #101579
#69. Rainbow Cloud strode forward like a hunting cat with the same strength of height and broad shoulders, the same rolling gait as First Light's father. They were indeed the same man, split in two at birth, so the family might be rewarded by twice the skill in hunting each brother possessed.

P.J. Parker

Were Family Quotes #101627
#70. If I were ever to go mad it would be on Thanksgiving Day, that day of guilt and grace when the family hangs upon you like an ax over a sacrificial victim, like the oven's heat on that poor bird.

Francine Du Plessix Gray

Were Family Quotes #102590
#71. My mother's family were full-on Irish Catholics - faith in an elaborate old fashioned, highly conservative and madly baroque style. I sort of fell out of the tribe over women's rights and social justice issues when I was just 13 years old.

Geraldine Brooks

Were Family Quotes #104007
#72. My family was very encouraging, and both of my grandparents were both beautiful singers. My grandmother was a coloratura soprano, and my grandfather was an Irish tenor in a barbershop quartet.

Clare Bowen

Were Family Quotes #105378
#73. But when Tel Hasani wasn't looking, he cast a worried eye over the snake, just incase there were any family resemblances.

Darren Shan

Were Family Quotes #107643
#74. Once upon a time there was a huge family of children; and they were terribly, terribly naughty.

Christianna Brand

Were Family Quotes #108205
#75. The '90s were extremely diverse, almost like a laboratory of the new century. There was much experimenting around, in politics, economics, gender and family structures, and also in fashion. There was a cloud of possibilities which kept us all dizzy.

Jil Sander

Were Family Quotes #108762
#76. Haylee shook her head as soon as they were gone. Christ, how can our family be mankind's best hope?

Natasha Larry

Were Family Quotes #109110
#77. The boy didn't know where he and his family were, other than one name: Mississippi.

Larry Brown

Were Family Quotes #111901
#78. I think the sense of family and family achievement, plus the discipline which I received there from that one-room school were really very helpful in what I did later on.

Alan Shepard

Were Family Quotes #112968
#79. I don't think in my family anyone looked after anyone. It didn't matter how old they were.

Diane Cilento

Were Family Quotes #113048
#80. I am an English-speaking Canadian, but my entire family - Russian exiles and the Canadians they married - is buried in Quebec, and if Quebec were to separate, I would feel I had been cut in two.

Michael Ignatieff

Were Family Quotes #117353
#81. If parents simply read for pleasure at home on their own, their children were more likely to enjoy reading, too. That pattern held fast across very different countries and different levels of family income. Kids could see what parents valued, and it mattered more than what parents said.

Amanda Ripley

Were Family Quotes #118270
#82. Studies have shown that since women have had access to the pill and family planning measures, they have made huge gains in both wages and in careers that were dominated by men.

Jennifer Granholm

Were Family Quotes #124759
#83. Families were nothing more than hope cast out in a wide net, everyone wanting only the best.

Emma Straub

Were Family Quotes #125078
#84. Under her thick pancake makeup, her skin had been pockmarked, but he would stare at her adoringly from his cot at night and imagine her scars were constellations, a secret map to a far-off, happy place.

Sarah Addison Allen

Were Family Quotes #125749
#85. I was a Yankee fan in Brooklyn because my father was a Yankee fan. And my father was required to live in Brooklyn with my mother's family, who were all Dodger fans. So he was surrounded by Dodger fans. He was a Yankee fan. So his revenge was to make me a Yankee fan.

Rudy Giuliani

Were Family Quotes #127102
#86. They were handsome, proper and normal family fathers who built the concentration camps and whipped the prisoners to death. And who was Nietzsche? A narcotized syphilitic.

Jens Bjorneboe

Were Family Quotes #131085
#87. You have to understand that during the course of our show, we were a family for five hours a day, five days a week, maybe four days a week. And we experienced the same things that we experienced in our own family.

Tom Bosley

Were Family Quotes #133442
#88. I've been scuffed up a little, but I just hope and pray that I keep my youthful looks for as long as possible. I grew up in a musical family
my mom sings and my father plays the piano. They were both very active in the church.

Cyrus Chestnut

Were Family Quotes #133567
#89. I was not very keen on joining the family business ... there were 14 family members working together, and it worried me that I would not have enough individuality.

Uday Kotak

Were Family Quotes #133924
#90. They were as close and as distant as any family.

Kate Tempest

Were Family Quotes #134789
#91. There was much bitterness in the family. There were even those who would liked to have considered Barnabas Collins dead. But he lived on. He lived on-and outlived his enemies.


Were Family Quotes #136906
#92. My parents were very poor, but we never felt any sense of need or want. It was a very close, loving, tightly-knit family growing up, and I never felt any sense of deprivation or anything like that.

George J. Mitchell

Were Family Quotes #137691
#93. There were no monsters, her parents assured her, but Luce's repeated insistence on the presence of something wobbly and dark had gotten her several appointments with the family eye doctor, and then glasses, and then appointments with the ear doctor after she made the mistake of describing

Lauren Kate

Were Family Quotes #137986
#94. But it is not our place to punish a father for his political beliefs or where he wants to raise his child. Indeed, if we were to start judging parents on the basis of their political beliefs, we would change the concept of family for the rest of time.

Janet Reno

Were Family Quotes #145734
#95. The girl. Was that who I was? I was the girl just like they were the boys. Was that how we were going to address each other for the entirety of this year? How family-feeling.

Natalie Bina

Were Family Quotes #146646
#96. People don't break up because someone's family is a little ... messy. If that were the case, no one would ever get married.

Laura Dave

Were Family Quotes #147899
#97. The photographs had made him aware how much the street and the buildings meant to him. Like an extended family that he'd taken for granted and ignored, assuming it would always be there. But buildings and roads and spaces were as fragile as human beings, you had to cherish them while you had them.

Rohinton Mistry

Were Family Quotes #148169
#98. My family took a vacation to Universal Studios when I was really young. Me and my brother Richard - who's also an actor - were both really intrigued by seeing the behind-the-scenes stuff of how films are made. We kind of begged our parents to get into acting.

Jonathan Jackson

Were Family Quotes #148334
#99. Demond's family history wasn't so different from my own, did that mean we were living the same story over and over again, down through the generations? That the young and Black had always been dying, until all that was left were children and the few old, as in war?

Jesmyn Ward

Were Family Quotes #149165
#100. In the '80s the band was 24/7. You were only as good as what you were producing at any given moment. Now my family is more important. I also think having the shock of your mum and dad dying humbles you slightly.

Gary Kemp

Were Family Quotes #150124

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