Top 20 Weezy F Quotes

#1. Weezy F. Baby/ And the 'F' ain't for fear

Lil' Wayne

Weezy F Quotes #1705652
#2. Yes I do it big, call me little astronomical. Weezy F. Baby and the F is for phenomenal.

Lil' Wayne

Weezy F Quotes #905626
#3. To create a new belief is easy but to understand and improve someone's concept and to develop it for good is difficult.

Vikram Roy

Weezy F Quotes #1843091
#4. To the wind with what the world thinks about us. We are not to seek the approval of earth, but the honor of heaven.

Paul Washer

Weezy F Quotes #1706421
#5. I've seen the power of Life Coaching firsthand and I know how beneficial it can be.

Leeza Gibbons

Weezy F Quotes #1549234
#6. I don't think children have competed with my career, they have clarified it. My children ground me. They make me honest.

Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Weezy F Quotes #1529163
#7. Mind so sharp,I fuck around and cut my head off

Lil' Wayne

Weezy F Quotes #1425664
#8. Gettin at Weezy you comin through me-zy & I won't hesitate to do anyone greasy

Nicki Minaj

Weezy F Quotes #1198841
#9. You know how writers are ... they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves.

Orson Scott Card

Weezy F Quotes #1189019
#10. If anyone asks me whether I like being a popular writer, I ask them whether they think I'd rather be an unpopular writer.

Barbara Taylor Bradford

Weezy F Quotes #936198
#11. Our Being is Becoming, not stasis. Our Science is Utopia, our Reality is Eros, our Desire is Revolution.

Murray Bookchin

Weezy F Quotes #832834
#12. Excuse my charisma, vodka with a spritzer. Swagger down pat, call my shit Patricia. Young Money militia and I am the commissioner. You don't want start Weezy 'cause the F is for finisher
So misunderstood but what's a world without enigma?

Lil' Wayne

Weezy F Quotes #801241
#13. I think you've had a very hard life," Passion said calmly, "and you see everyone and everthing through a lens of mistrust." - Passion to Marcus

Ripley Patton

Weezy F Quotes #570438
#14. The truth is, as most of us know, that global warming is real and humans are major contributors, mainly because we wastefully burn fossil fuels.

David Suzuki

Weezy F Quotes #456598
#15. Being alone & actually sitting with our own thoughts can lead to such growth and realizations that are rare in our everyday busy lives.

Kourtney Kardashian

Weezy F Quotes #388142
#16. ball so hard, weezy tryn to find me

Lil' Wayne

Weezy F Quotes #386596
#17. And even so, before I had ever met Charlotte Holmes, I was sure she was the only friend I would make in that miserable place.

Brittany Cavallaro

Weezy F Quotes #309384
#18. And through the opening or clearing in your own awareness may come flashing higher truths, subtler revelations, profound connections. For a moment you might even touch eternity.

Ken Wilber

Weezy F Quotes #286020
#19. At the end of oneself was the best place to discover the Lord at work.

Robin Lee Hatcher

Weezy F Quotes #102836
#20. Daddy's gonna put you on a sailboat across the River Styx." "Did you just use Greek mythology to talk trash?

John Green

Weezy F Quotes #22944

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