Top 7 Walke Quotes

#1. TAMBURLAINE. [to BAJAZETH] Soft sir, you must be dieted, too much eating will make you surfeit.
THERIDAMAS. So it would my lord, specially having so smal a walke, and so litle exercise.

Christopher Marlowe

Walke Quotes #118790
#2. He that hath a head of waxe must not walke in the sunne.
[He that hath a head of wax must not walk in the sun.]

George Herbert

Walke Quotes #1430559
#3. Theodore Roosevelt came to Dekota to experience the dying of one age with the slaying of a rare buffalo and the dawning of the West's industrial age.

H.W. Brands

Walke Quotes #381344
#4. We're so busy broadcasting our latest cultural disdain that we scantly notice anything we enjoy. 'Oh man, this Rebecca Black kid is terrible! Let's laugh at her!' has become more culturally relevant than, 'I really love this new Bilal record.'

Patrick Stump

Walke Quotes #1710217
#5. If you can imagine photography in the guise of a woman and you'd ask her what she thought of Stieglitz, she'd say: He always treated me like a gentleman.

Alfred Stieglitz

Walke Quotes #1719183
#6. Do not worry yourself so much. Take joy in things that are joyful, there is no harm in that.

Josi S. Kilpack

Walke Quotes #1829005
#7. If one man kills a hundred men, and another man masters himself, the second man is the much greater warrior.

Gautama Buddha

Walke Quotes #1833137

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