Top 62 Waiting For That Moment Quotes

#1. For my soul lies dormant, restless, waiting for that moment when shackles are cast aside and it is free to fly once more.

Virginia Alison

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #179161
#2. Fear isn't what it appears to be,
it's a motivation that sets us free,
keep scratching, chewing and kicking me,
waiting for that moment in time to flee,
when it erupts in disbelief,
when it's exposed and we let it be,
without its hold it has no meaning.

Jess "Chief" Brynjulson

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #69341
#3. There are times, they occur with increasing frequency nowadays, when I seem to know nothing, when everything I know seems to have fallen out of my mind like a shower of rain, and I am gripped for a moment in paralysed dismay, waiting for it all to come back but with no certainty that it will.

John Banville

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1390119
#4. In the landscape of time, there are few locations less comfortable than that of one who waits for some person or event to arrive at some unknown moment in the future.

Robert Grudin

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1206467
#5. Ten o'clock!" "What does it matter when my things are put up?" the young man said. "There's no crowd at this moment; there will be cabins to spare. I'm waiting for a telegram - that will settle

Henry James

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1368940
#6. Presence is when you're no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this one.

Eckhart Tolle

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1362148
#7. The sun sank with a sob and darkness waded in from all horizons so that the sky contracted and there was no more light left in the world, when, at this very moment of annihilation, the moon, as though she had been waiting for her cue, sailed up the night.

Mervyn Peake

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1315697
#8. He comes here at the peril of his life, for the realization of his fixed idea. In the moment of realization, after all his toil and waiting, you cut the ground from under his feet, destroy his idea, and make his gains worthless to him. Do you see nothing that he might do, under the disappointment?

Charles Dickens

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1315386
#9. I don't write quickly or a lot. Well actually I write quickly, but I don't have a store of things. I will wait for that erotic moment - like the one which struck me when someone said "have you ever heard of Kester Berwick?"

Robert Dessaix

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1304401
#10. I've learnt not to draw my sword first to strike.
That in no way portends I have the most feeble of minds or might . . .
Probably, I'm waiting for the perfect moment to startle with a fatal strike.

Ufuoma Apoki

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1289903
#11. The erotic is not about nudity and nudity is rarely erotic. The erotic is subtle, a feeling, a gesture, a mood, a story frozen in the moment that holds you breathless waiting for the next moment. Understand this, and you understand the erotic.

Chloe Thurlow

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1247158
#12. I realized there was a piece of me that had been waiting for this to happen ever since we'd become friends - the moment when Sloane would realize I wasn't cool enough, or daring enough, to be her best friend.

Morgan Matson

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1226197
#13. The people of the world could be divided into two groups: those who used all of their chances, and those who stood still through opportunity after opportunity, waiting for a moment that would never be perfect.

Jade Chang

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1220700
#14. A real hansom-cab took him from the station to Trinity College: the vehicle, it seemed, had been waiting there especially for him, desperately holding out against extinction till that moment, and then gladly dying out to join side whiskers and the Large Copper.

Vladimir Nabokov

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1220061
#15. I spent a lifetime giving my power away, assuming that everybody knew better what was right for me than me. And then there comes a point in your life you go, Oh, wait a second! There's an a-ha moment when you realize that the only person that can delegate your future is you.

Mariel Hemingway

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1218176
#16. What I've always insisted on from myself is to do as well as I could, and keep doing better until I'm at least competent. Long ago I learned that to achieve anything, one must start where one stands. Or spend eternity waiting for the right moment. Which never comes.

Victor Milan

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1216629
#17. Regardless of whether or not the producers think that there are five other people waiting for the job, the one that is there needs to be treated as if they are the only person for the job in that moment.

Anika Noni Rose

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1832115
#18. to go on waiting for the right moment in the hope that it would never come

Norbert Gstrein

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1426324
#19. But when it really happens I'm very fascinated, I'm waiting for the moment, because the moment where life abandons you and death steps in, that moment must be fantastic, no?

Nastassja Kinski

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1436902
#20. Memories were waiting at the edges of things, beckoning to me. Had you told me that I was seven again, I might have half believed you, for a moment.

Neil Gaiman

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1461155
#21. I keep waiting for that movie moment when Reed runs out of the house, screaming for me to come back.

But it never happens.

There's no rain-filled reunion and the only moisture are the tears I can't hold back any longer.

Erin Watt

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1493006
#22. Do not wait for life. Do not long for it. Be aware, always and at every moment, that the miracle is in the here and now.

Marcel Proust

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1522094
#23. The one thing I've discovered about social media is that people love answering questions. In fact, it sometimes feels like at any given moment, millions of people are online who have been waiting for exactly the question you fire off.

Susan Orlean

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1561999
#24. I've been looking for a feeling like that everywhere I go. I've been waiting for someone to see all the good in me at every truck stop and intersection along the way. I've been waiting all my life for the moment to arrive when I can just stop. Stop looking

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1568997
#25. Sometimes it seems his whole life revolves around watching and waiting. Waiting for the right moment, waiting for the right memory to capture. Hoping for that perfect minute where everything finally comes together.

Travis Thrasher

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1579242
#26. at that moment, old Joe Vigil was the only coach in America shivering in a freezing forest at four in the morning, waiting for a glimpse of a community-college science teacher and seven men in dresses.

Christopher McDougall

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1660544
#27. The truce is that. You forgive all of these moments because you're constantly waiting for the moment when you will be seen. As an equal. As just another person. As another first person. There's a letting go that comes with it.

Claudia Rankine

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1695849
#28. Betsy dreamed about going away from Deep Valley, but she didn't for a moment suspect that around a bend in her Winding Hall of Fate a journey was actually waiting.

Maud Hart Lovelace

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1711313
#29. With each reunion (we) had to learn each other all over again. There was always that nervous moment at the airport when I would stand there waiting for him to arrive, wondering, Will I still know him? Will he still know me?

Elizabeth Gilbert

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1712943
#30. My whole life, I was waiting for someone to save me, and he did. I knew in that moment that I would never be unloved, I would never be abandoned, and I would never be left to fight the monsters alone.

E.K. Blair

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1755741
#31. I can't remember that I was ever looking for anything. I was waiting for something to touch me. It's like, I'll be open to it, and see if it moves me. There has to be a "falling in love" moment.

Richard Gere

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1778331
#32. It wasn't perfect: so what? Life isn't perfect: life is what happens while you're waiting for your moment in the sun and if you miss it, waiting instead for the perfect illusion that Hollywood sells, then more fool you. I'd spent half my life waiting for the right moment: I was done with waiting.

Jane Harvey-Berrick

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1787092
#33. Ive been waiting for this moment,
The one where looking back doesn't seem fascinating anymore & looking forward doesn't seem to be the greatest seek, I am so darn content with creating and living right now that there honestly isn't any room left for the ordinary.

Nikki Rowe

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #549608
#34. I have spent my life waiting for something to happen,' she said. 'And I have come to understand that nothing will. Or it already has, and I blinked during that moment and it's gone. I don't know which is worse - to have missed it or to know there is nothing to miss.

Tracy Chevalier

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #9464
#35. Sometimes I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin and more than anything, in that moment, I wanted to force some kind of beginning. I wanted things to be different than usual. I wanted to bend reality.

Holly Black

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #14956
#36. Katelyn steps closer, her hand moving up my chest. I sigh when she touches my face. She holds me to her, like I belong. I've been waiting for this moment since I met her and now that I finally have her, I don't think I'll be able to let her go.

Heidi McLaughlin

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #37387
#37. Sometimes, for a moment, everything is just as you need it to be. The memories of such moments live in the heart, waiting for the time you need to think of them, if only to remind yourself that for a short while, everything had been fine, and might be so again.

Ami McKay

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #123338
#38. There's still a part of her that's waiting for the twist, the moment when all of this pleasure will jackknife into pain.

David Levithan

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #140464
#39. As with men, it has always seemed to me that books have their own peculiar destinies. They go towards the people who are waiting for them and reach them at the right moment. They are made of living material and continue to cast light through the darkness long after the death of their authors.

Miguel Serrano

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #180244
#40. There is part of us that stands in quiet witness to what we do, taking notes, waiting for a solitary moment to bring up the subject.

Robert Breault

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #217214
#41. This is what we've been waiting for, this is the cyberchryst moment. This is when the activists that have been pushing against the FED are going to win.

Max Keiser

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #239684
#42. But I was waiting for some magical moment, that would prove to me, forever would be fine. Meanwhile, my first love was standing first in line.


Waiting For That Moment Quotes #272232
#43. Killing myself was a matter of such indifference to me that I felt like waiting for a moment when it would make some difference.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #285837
#44. This is the moment I realize that our traumas never really go away. They live inside of us, in the deepest darkest pits of our own tiny hells. Cocked and loaded, waiting for someone to come along and pull the trigger.

A. Zavarelli

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #295196
#45. Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift.

Oprah Winfrey

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #321327
#46. If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.

Jack Sparrow

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #409281
#47. If the question was did we want to delay the revelation? ... Yeah, you want to delay it as long as possible because the audience knows that that moment is coming and you want to make them wait for it. They have to suffer a bit.

William Mapother

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #433066
#48. From this moment on I know exactly where my life will go: seems that all I really was doing was waiting for love.

John Lennon

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1200208
#49. I'm just waiting for the moment where it's accepted that women are just as sexual as men without women having to be overtly sexy just to prove how 'liberated' they are.

Marina And The Diamonds

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #561028
#50. I am grateful to God for all the good and bad that has given me, Without reproach the past, without waiting in the future I continue, just living in the moment makes me completely happy!

Ebelsain Villegas

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #562794
#51. And I thought, there's a sloth near. There's a sloth here, it's close, it's gonna happen. And I didn't know how to process that, because my entire life had been waiting for this moment.

Kristen Bell

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #573104
#52. Allow yourself to be happy right now, even if outside circumstances seem imperfect. Waiting for everything to be "perfect" means delaying the happiness that you are meant to enjoy now. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy this very moment ... now.

Doreen Virtue

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #689883
#53. it will make sense the moment you come Home. I could see it all so clearly. I could see what it is that we are waiting for. I knew in one solitary moment why I had learned obedience and why I valued nothing on the earth but love. It's all that matters. It is all there is.

Kate McGahan

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #756515
#54. When a writer's whole being is poured into a piece of work, there is never enough. The feeling of finally getting to the end of a piece of work, of making it as good as you can at that moment, is more of a relief than anything else, and then you wait for reviews.

Dani Shapiro

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #767794
#55. In a race, sooner or later there's a moment that separates the winner from those who don't win. That instant is your chance, the moment you've been waiting for.

Seth Godin

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #792286
#56. I'd do it all again for another moment with him. I'd do it all again with him. I'd leap blindly into the air if only there were even a 0.01 percent chance that he'd still be there, waiting to catch me.

Katy Evans

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #958480
#57. Here I am with you & yet not for a single moment do I forget that there's an unfinished novel waiting for me.

Anton Chekhov

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #970385
#58. He taught me to stand on a street corner or in a room for an hour - or two or three - waiting for that great epiphany of a moment, the wondrous combination of subject, light, and composition. And something else: the inexplicable magic that made the image dive right into your heart.

Lynsey Addario

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1029577
#59. To feel the anguish of waiting for the next moment and of taking part in the complex current (of affairs) not knowing that we are headed toward ourselves, through millions of stone beings - of bird beings - of star beings - of microbe beings - of fountain beings toward ourselves

Frida Kahlo

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1054377
#60. That perfect day, that magic moment that we're all waiting for, is right now.

Kevin Griffin

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1074927
#61. I knew from the moment I heard you, the moment I saw the gun and realized that this lovely, petit woman was the executioner, that you would never die waiting for me to save you - that you would save yourself.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1158345
#62. The only reason that there has been no sabotage or espionage on the part of Japanese-Americans is that they are waiting for the right moment to strike.

Earl Warren

Waiting For That Moment Quotes #1171956

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