Top 47 Wade In Love Quotes

#1. Both spouses are equal, yet different. One of the most beautiful things about a relationship is that the feminine energy can feed a masculine man's heart. And, the masculine energy can totally light up the feminine energy.

Renee Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1553810
#2. I would rather go swimming with great white sharks than wade in romance 'cause I can never find the courage to ask her to dinner or even to dance.

Adam Young Owl

Wade In Love Quotes #1227871
#3. I knew it would be all of those things and so much more to me, but it was his heart I was yanking from his chest with my decision, and that's what mattered to me. I was giving up a piece of my own as well, but it was a choice.
His was just collateral.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1256467
#4. For my love, I will wade through an ocean of blood, even if it destroys me

Christopher Paolini

Wade In Love Quotes #1269098
#5. This was our rhythm, our worship: give and take, gift and receive, honor and entrust. Making love to this man wasn't just an expression of my feelings for him or a carnal, physical need - it was an offering.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1294569
#6. She was falling apart beneath my hands, and I was falling apart beneath her. My power was her power, and together, we sent each other soaring.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1346125
#7. Be the fountain of love and let everyone wade in it.

Debasish Mridha

Wade In Love Quotes #1354246
#8. Dear God, if I made it through this alive and conscious, my name deserved to be added to some X-rated category in the Guinness Book of World Records or something.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1372325
#9. I love my family; they're such great people and they really love what I do.

Wade Bowen

Wade In Love Quotes #1375939
#10. Sometimes evil wins, nah, child. But it's always fleeting. Just a temporary ripple in a sea of goodness, brought on by the carnal nature of greed 'n corruption. Sacrifice washes that ripple out in waves of love 'n light, and peace is found when justice is served, even for those who lose, ya hear?

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1377059
#11. Family is what really runs through my head. I'm usually bombarded with tons of phone calls, but I'm usually bombarded with love as well.

Wade Bowen

Wade In Love Quotes #1494542
#12. I would have to name two people - my parents. I've seen them come through adversity and work hard to create the best life for me and my siblings. Although I don't remember them together as a couple, I remember the love they had for their children.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1531492
#13. Because I'm good with me & god, it's the "between me & the parents" part I still have problems with.

Wade Kelly

Wade In Love Quotes #1221069
#14. I think if you truly love someone, a part of you will always love that person.

Ellie Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1568557
#15. I think that work has been the key for me. Just like they say shooting will become easy if you just keep working at it, well, I love the dribble game-that brings excitement to the game.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1601475
#16. I love to sing some Beyonce - ya know, like 'All the Single Ladies.' I'll sing that - maybe not with the body shakin' - but I'll have a little bit of the hand movement going on.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1625389
#17. Where trust goes, love follows.

Kevin Wade Johnson

Wade In Love Quotes #1630428
#18. Know that I loved you more than the stars have power to kiss the night sky.

Wade Kelly

Wade In Love Quotes #1643485
#19. I saw with so many of the gay couples, they were so devoted to another. I saw so much love. When this hearing was over, I was a changed person in regard to this issue. I felt that I understood what same-sex couples were looking for.

Wade Kach

Wade In Love Quotes #1654826
#20. You all set?" he asked, tossing me a pair of sunglasses.
"Wow, nice." I felt the frame, rubbing my finger over the lenses to wipe away a smudge. "Not bad, Phoenix."
"Twinkies." He slid his pair on and adjusted the gun across his chest. "Told you. Breakfast of champions."
- Skylla and Jet

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1656414
#21. There's nothing left of me, because you have it all.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1681934
#22. Yes, it's true - I love the roar of the crowd. When the fans are with you, their voices come together in a big booming rush of sound that you can actually feel in your body - almost like a wave that lifts you and carries you past your own limits.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1740723
#23. So help me, if something crawls out of one of these bags, I will castrate you."
"I bet you'd love that."
-Emma and Jackson

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1764242
#24. It wouldn't be long until I made my declaration. I didn't just need my position to be clear, I needed to blind Whitney with blazing fireballs of glory. Real hardcore knock-em-down shit.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1836438
#25. I think we love watching rich people behave badly. It has a sort of grisly fascination for us.

Laura Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #708629
#26. As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to stay far away from her. Being with her makes me feel like I've been starving for so long. Sofia has given me a taste of something I didn't know I wanted. Something I am now desperate for. Her.

E.R. Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #55341
#27. I love football. I'll watch the NFL before I watch any NBA.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #178942
#28. There's a reason why relationships don't work out. It's usually better to take a few steps back if you have any doubts before it gets complicated and you find yourself in a tangled web, not of your doing, but somehow you end up paying the price.

E.R. Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #251503
#29. There is one person who fits so perfectly in my life, someone I love unconditionally - someone who makes me laugh until I cry, and someone who I'm so attracted to that my blood will race through my veins at his every touch.

Ellie Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #269688
#30. Love couldn't be moved by circumstance, poor choices, or even blatant lies - skewed and damaged, yes, but the heart couldn't deny what it wanted most once the desire was planted. Whether in bliss or affliction, love owned you all the same.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #287982
#31. With the many uncertainties, of one thing I was sure. I could not escape love, the very thing that had kept me mobile since the day I realized I was capable of giving and receiving it.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #325996
#32. Life isn't love, destiny, rainbows, and butterflies. Life is shit. It's painful and hard. It's surviving when you want to give up." "No,

Ellie Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #429759
#33. Emma has it wrong. You don't ditch your men, you kill them."
"I won't kill you." She stepped in front of me and took my hand, watching me take the last drag of my cigarette. "I like you too much.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #468224
#34. I wonder what would happen if I stopped walking, if I let the crowd fill up the space between us. Would he notice? Would he wade back to find me? Or would he keep going, because forward is his destination and I am not?

Nina LaCour

Wade In Love Quotes #551988
#35. I was about to say that we all hurt the ones we love. That we can't help it and that for some reason, we're just defective like that. Maybe because those we love most bring out the very best and the worst in us, and in some twisted way, we resist that magic.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #624618
#36. When you have kids, they are the consistent things in your life. They don't change no matter what's going on. They love you. They are more honest than anybody will be.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #679757
#37. It was amazing the things you could bring yourself to do when you felt insecure, when you were out to protect your heart. You could deny it what it wants most, just for the sake of saving your pride or dodging another bullet.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #15551
#38. I wanted to be a football player. Football is a sport that I love, but the more I started playing basketball, the more I started dreaming of playing in the NBA.

Dwyane Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #722061
#39. I was fiercely aware that the instant his mouth touched mine, I was no longer my own. He would love me or break me, the choice was his.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #792072
#40. No matter what Joe Hoffman and Wade Preston say, it's not gender that makes a family; it's love. You don't need a mother and a father; you don't necessarily even need two parents. You just need someone who's got your back.

Jodi Picoult

Wade In Love Quotes #813479
#41. My heart and my cock seemed to like the idea, and Whitney made me a slave to both, so my wits were outnumbered.

Rachael Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #823869
#42. When a man finds the woman he really loves, the one he respects and wants to call wife, there is nothing on earth he won't do for her. No mountain he won't hike. No river he won't wade. No door he won't open. She is Eve and there's not a snake crawling that can keep them apart.

Yolanda Joe

Wade In Love Quotes #915398
#43. I don't know why I have to write down my fucking thoughts. What if I don't have any thoughts?

Wade Kelly

Wade In Love Quotes #943418
#44. It was more than love at first sight. For Mallory it was as if a dam had burst and the impounded emotions of a young lifetime had found immediate release.

Wade Davis

Wade In Love Quotes #1023246
#45. Yeah, Jame. I don't have a woman. I am sure as fuck not taking a guy. You can be my date." Matt answered.
"Oh, because I'm not a woman, or a guy.

Wade Kelly

Wade In Love Quotes #1035168
#46. ... you only know what I want you to know, you only see what I want you to see."...
Wade: " I don't care! I am in love with your mind, with the person you are. I couldn't care about the packaging.

Ernest Cline

Wade In Love Quotes #1138293
#47. He loved her with a pursuing love that she could scarcely comprehend. Her mistakes had been paid for. Miracle of miracles, they'd been paid for. And now she needed only to have faith in Him and accept the waterfall of His grace.

Becky Wade

Wade In Love Quotes #1150652

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