Top 50 Vonnie Quotes
#1. Her breathing hitched and his all but seized in his lungs for the want of her, the taste of her, the feel of her under his hands. His lips whispered against the curve of hers, where her cheek ended and her very sexy mouth began.
Vonnie Davis
#2. Have ye ever known a female who wasna a bit of a witch in her own sweet way?
Vonnie Davis
#3. You always were the hot head. You got a temper in you that can't be tamed, yet you also got a soft spot for stray dogs, kids in trouble and damsels in distress. See why folks label you a complex conundrum.
Vonnie Davis
#4. The lynx raised his hind leg and licked his nether regions. 'Tis what I think of the doctor's foolish prediction.
Vonnie Davis
#5. While we're out shopping this afternoon, maybe we can find a Scottish man for me." Effie waggled her eyebrows. "I know just the size I want.
Vonnie Davis
#6. Take me inside. Show me if a fireman knows how to start a fire.
Vonnie Davis
#7. The bear in him roared. Take! He backed her against the wall, his arms caging her there. "Is that so, lassie?" Chest to chest, thigh to thigh, his gaze bore into her shocked eyes. "Aye, ye'd do well to be afraid of me, for I want ye naked beneath me like I've never wanted another woman before.
Vonnie Davis
#8. I intend to make love to you. Fast and furious the first time. Slow and sensual the second." He smiled against her neck. "Gentleman that I am, I'll let ye decide on how ye want the third.
Vonnie Davis
#9. If she were honest, she'd admit to being very attracted to Creighton Matheson. Something about him formed a large P in her heart ---for passion, protection and permanence. Wasn't P Paisley's favorite letter?
Vonnie Davis
#10. My Morris, bless his heavy-hung manhood, was a muscular man too."
Bloody hell, is she talking about her dead husband's manly parts? His tadger?
Vonnie Davis
#11. Gram walked between the brothers, and slipped an arm through each man's bent elbow. When she glanced over her shoulder at Paisley, her eyes gleamed with pleasure. "These two are mine, sweet pea. The next man in a kilt is yours. In Scotland, it's every woman for herself.
Vonnie Davis
#12. Och, my potion is boiling. I need to say good night and keep an eye on the pot. Ye canna overboil newt's eyeballs.
Vonnie Davis
#13. The world is full of mystery and magic. We just need to look, listen and believe that wondrous things are still possible.
Vonnie Winslow Crist
#14. Legends have it that once a Scot covers a lass with his plaid, his intentions are spoken.
Vonnie Davis
#15. A bear! I've landed on a wild and wicked bear!
Vonnie Davis
#16. I told Bryce if he left without me, I'd turn his pecker into a snail." She arched an eyebrow at Ronan. "Do you have any objection to my riding along?"
His hand went to his crotch. "No, ma'am, none at all.
Vonnie Davis
#17. He was so damn hard, he could chip the ice from his truck's windshield with his rigid pecker.
Vonnie Davis
#18. I think...I shall call ye Beauty, for I shall be yer beast.
Vonnie Davis
#19. A smart woman knows when to listen to her man."
Her man? "He is most definitely not my man. He's not my type."
"Type? If he was any more your type, he'd have you sitting in his lap.
Vonnie Davis
#20. Before we leave this country, I'm finding out what they wear under those kilts, even if I have to hike one up and take a gander myself.
Vonnie Davis
#21. Do ye remember the love potion Una made for yer feckin' balls and how the gnats bit the hell outta big daddy and the twins?
Vonnie Davis
#22. If ye wear underwear, it's a skirt. If ye dinna, it's a kilt.
Vonnie Davis
#23. He focused his mind on other things so his pecker would behave and not turn any harder than it already was. Things like pruning bushes, and weeding the vegetable garden, and planting his cock deep inside her. "No, No, not that, I mustna dwell on that.
Vonnie Davis
#24. Her gaze feasted on his cock, which was a turn on in itself. "There's nothing tiny about you, is there?
Vonnie Davis
#25. The family who naps together stays together.
Vonnie Davis
#26. Sex and love are what make the world go round. It's the heart of poetry and music.
Vonnie Davis
#27. Do ye always drool like that? Is it a family trait, lass?
Vonnie Davis
#28. His lips covered hers and turned potent and possessive. His mouth tasted of berries, honey, and a tang of whisky. It was a combination a woman could succumb to without a moment's hesitation - succumb to and be seduced by.
Vonnie Davis
#29. Driving a stolen plane will be nothing compared to the ride with a fired-up Scot.
Vonnie Davis
#30. The little woman, wearing a pink and black zigzag-striped pantsuit over a black turtleneck, resembled a skinny zebra who'd OD'd on Pepto-Bismol.
Vonnie Davis
#31. Ice Man, his friends had called him. She'd give him a different nickname, like Sex on a Stick or Horny Toad.
Vonnie Davis
#32. She tugged on his hair. "I'll have you know I'm no weakling."
He grinned and kissed her forehead. "No, it takes a strong woman to kill a truck.
Vonnie Davis
#33. He splayed his fingers in her hair and stared at her for a few moments. "I'm giving in to the need to do what I wanted the minute I saw ye exit the Land Rover with the Scottish gales blowing about yer golden hair."
"I'm going to kiss ye.
Vonnie Davis
#34. Gram, you should have been a romance writer." Creighton wasn't her soul mate. The man was probably just lonely, living in such a remote area.
"You know, I might just give that a try. Just think, Effie Munro, erotic-romance author pens "hawt" stories from her beautiful Scottish estate.
Vonnie Davis
#35. That girl seemed awful nice. If that bastard did anything to her, I've got a crowbar in my trunk that'll fit might fine up that moron's ass.
Vonnie Davis
#36. Man, I don't know who's breathing faster right now. Her running or you watching.
Vonnie Davis
#37. The denim lovingly cupped his manhood as if it were precious cargo.
Effie elbowed her. "Oh, the man saunters like walking sin, doesn't he?
Vonnie Davis
#38. Paisley shivered. "So much for a relaxing stroll before dinner. Wait 'til I tell Gram about this. We've landed smack dab in the middle of the Scottish Twilight Zone.
Vonnie Davis
#39. Honey increases sperm count."
"Oh, you're so full of it. There's no scientific evidence to support that ridiculous statement."
"It's an auld Scottish belief.
Vonnie Davis
#40. That's a dead flower she'd holding. How's it gonna look cute?" Flash glanced back again and shook his head. "Man, it's beyond dead. I've got Legos with more life than that plant."
"That's why everyone calls Emily Black Thumb, because she somehow kills every plant she gets.
Vonnie Davis
#41. One arm encircled her waist and scooted her bottom against his groin; then he leaned over so his lips were against her ear. "'Tis odd how what starts out bad can end up so fukin' good.
Vonnie Davis
#42. In early cultures, it was thought pearls were born when a single raindrop fell from the heavens and became the heart of the oyster. For me, ye have become the pearl, the beat of me heart. The sapphires and emeralds signify me tartan and how I will always surround ye with love, Creigh.
Vonnie Davis
#43. Hello."
He smiled and snuggled into his pillow. "Is this the voice mail of the beautiful Kenzie Denune or the real thing?"
"Well, Highlander, ye just happen to be in luck tonight."
He wanted to tell her if he was in luck, he'd be inside her right now...
Vonnie Davis
#44. What the feckin' hell is PMS, I'd like to ken?"
"Petty Male Shit," she yelled.
Vonnie Davis
#45. His head tilted to the side and humor twinkled in his dark eyes. "Turn yer back."
'Are you shy? What's wrong, big guy? Afraid to show me your Scottish bagpipe? Are ye built like a moose and hung like a mouse?
Vonnie Davis
#46. If Scotsmen truly didn't wear anything under their kilts, she bet his equipment was frozen solid.
Vonnie Davis
#47. Tell me to stop, Sugar, or I'm going to start a firestorm of emotion neither one of us will know how to handle."
She smiled. "I've always loved storms."
He jerked her face closer and her heart rate kicked up. "Then it's time you were introduced to a Florida hurricane.
Vonnie Davis
#48. Ye have taught me something I never understood."
"What? How to get rid of Parisian Pink Pecker Disease?
Vonnie Davis
#49. Being a bear brings us more freedom." He tilted his glass and swallowed its contents. "Sometimes I'd sooner stay a bear.
Vonnie Davis
#50. Please dinna tell me ye are taking a bath...naked...because I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about watching ye."
"Isna that how one takes a bath? Naked?
Vonnie Davis
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