Top 15 Von Papen Quotes

#1. It is conceivable that a party might gain the majority in parliament and claims the government for itself.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #155003
#2. I wouldn't recommend people to go up and ride their road bikes in Kenya. Bikes are not meant to be on the roads. But the mountain biking is fantastic. You can go right up into the tea and coffee plantations up in the highlands. You can descend the great Rift Valley.

Chris Froome

Von Papen Quotes #206511
#3. The hope in the hearts of millions of national socialists can be fulfilled only by an authoritarian government.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #411243
#4. It is to be hoped that the leaders of this movement will place the nation above the party.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #474423
#5. I just heard George W. Bush's new plan for airline security. From here on out, every plane will now have its own hockey dad.

David Letterman

Von Papen Quotes #732502
#6. I love everything from country to alternative to Blink-182 and '90s music to Dave Matthews.

Spencer Boldman

Von Papen Quotes #766959
#7. Party domination and State leadership are concepts incompatible with one another.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #910959
#8. We decline the claim to power by parties which want to own their followers body and soul, and which want to put themselves over and above the whole nation.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #1109064
#9. Philosophy is then nothing more than properly directed questions made in an attempt to better understand the world in which we live as a means of improving the quality of one's life.

Chris Matakas

Von Papen Quotes #1138146
#10. Allow me to say how manly and humanly great of you I think this is. Your courageous and firm intervention have met with nothing but recognition throughout the entire world. I congratulate you for all you have given anew to the German nation by crushing the intended second revolution.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #1141710
#11. The nation demands a movement which has written upon its banner the internal and external national freedom that it will act as if it were the spiritual, social and political conscience of the nation.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #1559985
#12. Why couldn't I want something easy?"
"Because that's not like you. You've always been fond of the difficult."
"True enough. I like you, after all.

Mindy McGinnis

Von Papen Quotes #1586596
#13. Foucault's pendulum would

Anthony Doerr

Von Papen Quotes #1636124
#14. Names and individuals are unimportant when Germany's final fate is at stake.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #1645884
#15. The essence of conservative ideology is its being anchored in the divine order of things.

Franz Von Papen

Von Papen Quotes #1850693

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