Top 81 Vision For God Quotes

#1. It's not magic; it's hard work by vested people who share a vision for God's kingdom in their city. An influential church is nothing more than a bunch of believers who get in the game and live on mission.

Jen Hatmaker

Vision For God Quotes #1288246
#2. A vision from God will motivate you. A vision for God will keep you on track. A vision from God will keep you moving and motivate you to press on to the mark of the high calling of God. This is why we need to have a vision. God's provision is directly linked to your expectation.

Todd Bentley

Vision For God Quotes #846403
#3. She stood, as it were, with her face to God and her back to the people, waiting to receive His word for the 'chose people.' She had a vision of holy living. She would not deviate from that no matter how well-established, rational, and practical the ways of older missions seemed to be.

Elisabeth Elliot

Vision For God Quotes #1325576
#4. A vision without a plan is fantasy. A plan without a vision is mediocrity. Believing 'God will do it for you' is magical thinking. Believing you can do it yourself is the ultimate arrogance. Plan your life as if you're doing the work
but live your life as if God is.

Derek Rydall

Vision For God Quotes #1018159
#5. If you decide that what God is asking you to do with your life is just too much on you and is just a little too inconvenient, then you will never see the miracles he has for you.

Andy Stanley

Vision For God Quotes #1323876
#6. The way to inscribe the will of God on the hearts of people in this world is not by way of law or vote but by way of redemption through Jesus. Jesus' kingdom vision is for his redeemed people and for them alone.

Scot McKnight

Vision For God Quotes #1322653
#7. If you have the gift of frustration and the deep sense that the world is a mess, thank God for that; not everyone has that gift of vision. It also means that you have a responsibility to lead us in new ways.

Shane Claiborne

Vision For God Quotes #1320869
#8. Eyes are wonderful! Revelation is more wonderful! Eyes deceive you; revelation does not. Eyes evaluate; revelation is certain. God gives everyone eyes; revelation is reserved for those who pursue him for it.

Ron Brackin

Vision For God Quotes #1313104
#9. I feel that faith and feminism have a deep relationship to each other and that both are responses to the deep human yearning for connection and for peace on earth, and that they both have a vision of universal human equity.

Helen LaKelly Hunt

Vision For God Quotes #1267549
#10. God has a plan for you but He does not plan for you

Saji Ijiyemi

Vision For God Quotes #1212691
#11. Smitten as we are with the vision of social righteousness, a God indifferent to everything but adulation, and full of partiality for his individual favorites, lacks an essential element of largeness.

William James

Vision For God Quotes #1178703
#12. The first key to a purposeful living is to accept the responsibility of your mission. When you agree "yes" to the calling, then you ask God "why?".

Israelmore Ayivor

Vision For God Quotes #1161879
#13. A young man rarely gets a better vision of himself than that which is reflected from a true woman's eyes; for God himself sits behind them.

J.G. Holland

Vision For God Quotes #1125974
#14. I do think that there is a hunger in the land for a vision of confessional Christianity that is robust, God-centered, tough-minded, able to address today and tomorrow and the next day, and comprehensive.

D. A. Carson

Vision For God Quotes #1079441
#15. A vision of God high and lifted up reveals to me my sin and increases my love for him. Grief and love lead to genuine repentance, and I begin to be conformed to the image of the One I behold.

Jen Wilkin

Vision For God Quotes #1079430
#16. The last verse that became clear to my vision that day was this: "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God's in Christ Jesus for you."

Mary C. Neal

Vision For God Quotes #1076877
#17. Thank God for grace, Ye who weep only! If, as some have done, Ye grope tear-blinded in a desert place And touch but tombs,
look up! Those tears will run Soon in long rivers down the lifted face, And leave the vision clear for stars and sun.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Vision For God Quotes #1061419
#18. You know, we're a victim of our own success," the former senator said quietly. "We've managed to handle every nation-state that ever crossed us, but these invisible bastards who work for their vision of God are harder to identify and track.

Tom Clancy

Vision For God Quotes #1055622
#19. It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires;

Oswald Chambers

Vision For God Quotes #1048859
#20. And so people ask God for signs and wonders. Yet when signs are given and wonders are performed, most can't even see them! I therefore believe that it's not signs people should be asking God for; but you should be asking God for Sight!

C. JoyBell C.

Vision For God Quotes #1033863
#21. We have forfeited our calling for the simple reason that we've ignored the God who says that the 'possible' is never bound by the 'probable,' and instead we've dutifully heeded the god of fear that incessantly says the 'possible' is anything but 'probable.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Vision For God Quotes #1027618
#22. Calm for too long begs the question of whether we're in an all-out pursuit of life, or we're all-out of the pursuit of life.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Vision For God Quotes #1874257
#23. When you see people only as personalities, rather than souls with life missions to fulfill, you forever limit the growth and possibilities of what God has in store for another person.

Shannon L. Alder

Vision For God Quotes #1645572
#24. For Berkeley (normal) vision is a language whereby God tells us about the tangible world. But prior to having experience of the tangible world, the visual language would be as meaningless as an utterly alien language. It would convey no meaning to the sighted mind.

David Berman

Vision For God Quotes #1858880
#25. There is no other life; life itself is only a vision and a dream for nothing exists but space and you. If there was an all-powerful God, he would have made all good, and no bad.

Mark Twain

Vision For God Quotes #1848965
#26. The most that any of us can do is to say with Isaiah, as he beheld a vision of God in his holiness, "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" (Isa. 6:5).

Michael S. Horton

Vision For God Quotes #1761516
#27. What I would say is this, that the light is not blinding because God would hide, but because the truth is too glorious for our vision.

George MacDonald

Vision For God Quotes #1760078
#28. His vision was religious and clean, and therefore his paintings were without decoration or superfluous comment, since a religious man respects the power of God's creation to bear witness for itself.

Thomas Merton

Vision For God Quotes #1759474
#29. God has given us a vision to see the body of Christ move from being an inactive audience to a Spirit-filled army ... God is about to unloose a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit of an unprecedented magnitude ... He is looking for individuals who will be 'dread champions' for his cause.

John Wimber

Vision For God Quotes #1728868
#30. This is a vision of ideal reflection, ideal mimesis. God's desire for me awakens my desire for him. His relentless pursuit of me sustains my passion for him. I have found my true reflection.

Andre Rabe

Vision For God Quotes #1724335
#31. Many of the most powerful things in life are not tangible. All it takes is for you to close your eyes to see.

Shannon L. Alder

Vision For God Quotes #1717539
#32. Don't sit around depressed and discouraged. Get a new vision for your life.

Joel Osteen

Vision For God Quotes #1702419
#33. The leader is the bell ringer, the trumpet blower, the drum beater, the vibration maker, and the vision caster ... A great leader imparts the burden, inspires commitment, and sets the pace for achievement of God's purpose.

Phil Pringle

Vision For God Quotes #1328458
#34. For me, doing the actual work to fulfill the vision is the easy part. It's the emotional journey that I go through as I am free falling into the unknown that is the hard part. But each time I jump, I'm learning to trust that God will continue to guide me and help me to land safely.

Yvonne Pierre

Vision For God Quotes #1602602
#35. Prophecy will confirm and broaden the vision; it cannot create one if nothing is there. Vision is created through prayer, seeking God and sharing our hearts with people in the work. If these things are absent we need to be restoring people to God, not creating vision for empty hearts.

Graham Cooke

Vision For God Quotes #1593298
#36. If we had a vision of God like Isaiah did, I don't think we'd be asking him for good parking spots.

Drew Dyck

Vision For God Quotes #1518308
#37. It was when I finally captured God's vision for my life that I was able to recognize the kind of people who fit into my story. All

Debra Fileta

Vision For God Quotes #1459433
#38. Communion is as necessary for us to sustain our Christian vitality, as the vision of God is necessary to the angels, to maintain their life of glory.

Peter Julian Eymard

Vision For God Quotes #1433412
#39. If the size of your vision for your life isn't intimidating to you, there's a good chance it's insulting to God.

Steven Furtick

Vision For God Quotes #1430208
#40. Sometimes an obstacle is placed in front of us by God for the purpose of upgrading our vision and experiencing our dream at a higher level. The obstacle can only be here by permission of God, so it has to help us become what He is seeing about us.

Graham Cooke

Vision For God Quotes #1389169
#41. But really, my ability to exercise oversight willingly flows from my vision. No, not a vision for an "awesomely bold" church - at least, not at first - but of my God and for the flock of God that is among me.

Jared C. Wilson

Vision For God Quotes #1389163
#42. Perhaps because our culture and politics have gone so off course, with values so contrary to those of Jesus, more and more people intuitively recognize that His vision of God's kingdom-a new world of compassion, justice, integrity and peace- is the Good News they've been searching and waiting for.

Tony Campolo

Vision For God Quotes #397994
#43. All of us need a vision for our lives, and even as we work to achieve that vision, we must surrender to the power that is greater than we know. It's one of the defining principles of my life that I love to share: God can dream a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself.

Oprah Winfrey

Vision For God Quotes #638999
#44. Being born of the Spirit means much more than we usually think. It gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything through the never-ending supply of the life of God.

Oswald Chambers

Vision For God Quotes #624981
#45. If there's no vision, there's no hope.
It there's no hope, there is nothing.
If there is a vision, there is hope.
If there's hope, there's something.
Look unto God for these things...

Jerrel C. Thomas

Vision For God Quotes #566406
#46. To settle for anything less than a true, glorious, exalted vision of God is utterly stupid and utterly sinful.

Stephen Altrogge

Vision For God Quotes #564962
#47. One Harlem preacher likens us to the pink plastic spoons at Baskin Robbins: we give the world a foretaste of what lies ahead, the vision of the Biblical prophets. In a world gone astray we should be activity demonstrating here and now God's will for the planet.

Philip Yancey

Vision For God Quotes #542175
#48. God in his wisdom circumscribed man's vision, and rightly too, for otherwise man's conceit would know no bounds.

Mahatma Gandhi

Vision For God Quotes #494836
#49. If we had attained the full vision of Truth, we would no longer be seekers, but become one with God, for Truth is God.

Mahatma Gandhi

Vision For God Quotes #461321
#50. For reasons known only to him, God has chosen to work through men and women who are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the "thing" he has placed in their hearts to do. If God bas birthed a vision in you, it is only a matter of time until you will come upon the precipice of sacrifice.

Andy Stanley

Vision For God Quotes #429805
#51. Prayer in the sense of petition, asking for things, is a small part of it; confession and penitence are its threshold, adoration its sanctuary, the presence and vision and enjoyment of God its bread and wine.

C.S. Lewis

Vision For God Quotes #406548
#52. Your destiny lies in your own hands. But remember it was God who deposited it there!

Israelmore Ayivor

Vision For God Quotes #682759
#53. God is a man of His word, He assures us that we'll succeed in every task, every assignment, every dream, every vision He gives us. And always uses catchphrases for us to cling on during tough times. 'Be strong and courageous' (Joshua 1:6).

Euginia Herlihy

Vision For God Quotes #377308
#54. I explained that often when we revealed ourselves to mortals we drove them mad - for we were unnatural beings, and yet we did not know anything about the existence of God or the Devil. In sum, we were like a religious vision without revelation. A mystic experience, but without a core of truth.

Anne Rice

Vision For God Quotes #367154
#55. My work with churches has led me to the conclusion that the single most important element in having an effective and life-changing ministry is to capture God's vision for your ministry.

Phil Pringle

Vision For God Quotes #354460
#56. We need not avoid our active lives, but simply bring to them a new vision and shift of gravity. for in the center we are rooted in god's love. in such a place there is no need for striving and impatience and dashing about seeking approval.

Sue Monk Kidd

Vision For God Quotes #309273
#57. Jesus' own witness of sacrificial love and forgiveness, and his work to heal the sick and care for those in need, represent God's ways and vision for us.

Adam Hamilton

Vision For God Quotes #292005
#58. There is a place in God's sun for the youth "farthest down" who has the vision, the determination, and the courage to reach it.

Mary McLeod Bethune

Vision For God Quotes #269555
#59. [Amy Carmichael's] great longing was to have a "single eye" for the glory of God. Whatever might blur the vision God had give her of His work, whatever could distract or deceive or tempt other to seek anything but the Lord Jesus Himself she tried to eliminate.

Elisabeth Elliot

Vision For God Quotes #258834
#60. True deliverance of man is the deliverance from Avidya i.e. ignorance. It is not in destroying anything that is positive and real, for that cannot be possible, but that which is negative, which obstructs our vision of truth.

Rabindranath Tagore

Vision For God Quotes #136308
#61. God's will for you is to make you more like Jesus. Christlikeness is your target, your goal, your vision, and the reason you were created. You are set apart to be like Jesus. That goal will take the rest of your life to accomplish." (Life Hacks, p.61)

Jon Morrison

Vision For God Quotes #3199
#62. The dunamis power of God equipes you to unleash your visions and that is your responsibility. You can't be responsible for what you are not equipped to do

Israelmore Ayivor

Vision For God Quotes #908208
#63. This vision of life is deeply centered in God, the sacred. So it was for Jesus. So it is in all of the enduring religions of the world. What makes Christianity Christian is centering in God as known in Jesus.

Marcus J. Borg

Vision For God Quotes #1008123
#64. Whoever buys into the vision God has for the congregation develops an affinity for all that is going on.

Phil Pringle

Vision For God Quotes #1007638
#65. Rebels defy the rules of society, risking everything to retain their humanity. If the world Atwood depicts is chilling, if 'God is losing,' the only hope for optimism is a vision that includes the inevitability of human struggle against the prevailing order.

Joyce Johnson

Vision For God Quotes #1005961
#66. The supreme need in every hour of difficulty and distress is for a fresh vision of God. Seeing Him, all else takes on proper perspective and proportion.

G. Campbell Morgan

Vision For God Quotes #980468
#67. Your help comes from the Lord God who made heaven, earth and you! Grab your mission; that's your father's assignment for you! No one can stop you from attaining success with the assignment your father gave you to do!

Israelmore Ayivor

Vision For God Quotes #951214
#68. The absolute goal of vision for ministry is to glorify God.

George Barna

Vision For God Quotes #939636
#69. Often, in the midst of great problems, we stop short of the real blessing God has for us, which is a fresh vision of who He is.

Anne Graham Lotz

Vision For God Quotes #929000
#70. Thank God for tunnel vision. Thank God for selective perception. Because without it, we might as well all be in a Lovecraft story.

Stephen King

Vision For God Quotes #922578
#71. The vision is always to point one to God and to Christ our Savior and to give Him the glory for our actions. We are encouraged to see the hope that Christ brings into our lives and to share the encouragement with our friends and neighbors.

Mike Reese

Vision For God Quotes #920217
#72. Sorrow and loss are meant to prepare us for the vision of God to purge the inward eye that it may see Him.

Alexander MacLaren

Vision For God Quotes #1012189
#73. A consciousness of our powerlessness should cast us upon Him who has all power. Here then is where a vision and view of God's sovereignty helps, for it reveals His sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency.

Arthur W. Pink

Vision For God Quotes #889609
#74. To avoid the cost incurred in pursuing great things we opt for ease and blithely abandon great things. The sheer recklessness of such a pathetically apathetic trade-off will eventually cost us a life squandered, which in the end is the greatest cost of all.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Vision For God Quotes #887297
#75. The words of human love have been used by the saints to describe their vision of God, and so I suppose we might use the terms of prayer, meditation, contemplation to explain the intensity of the love we feel for a woman ...

Graham Greene

Vision For God Quotes #885765
#76. Be outrageous enough to trust God. Don't be adjusting your vision downward. Keep believing for radical things in Christ.

Brian Houston

Vision For God Quotes #858116
#77. It is impossible for human tongue to exaggerate the riches which a vision from God brings to the soul: it even bestows health and refreshment on the body.

Teresa Of Avila

Vision For God Quotes #840430
#78. I once sat on the rim of a mesa above the Rio Grande for three days and nights, trying to have a vision. I got hungry and saw God in the form of a beef pie.

Edward Abbey

Vision For God Quotes #831701
#79. What this denomination stands for is, really, is the universal vision of all people being treated fairly under the law as God sees us in His sight.

Clementa C. Pinckney

Vision For God Quotes #791434
#80. Hell is the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do...For me that conception of hell lies in two words: Too late!

Giancarlo Menotti

Vision For God Quotes #772649
#81. If you are already an awakened soul,
Then you must realise
That God has already given you
A supreme task to perform:
He wants you to work
For His Vision's world-blossoms.

Sri Chinmoy

Vision For God Quotes #725092

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