Top 15 Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes

#1. The truth is that I've got all my net worth safely in Berkshire and I will never sell a share so there is no one more concerned about what happens after my death than I am.

Warren Buffett

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #3673
#2. Prophesying is lying professionally.

Thomas Paine

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #114209
#3. Oh yeah, this was so comforting. Like a porcupine in a condom factory.' (Danger)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #556728
#4. The point is to get a good rhythm, to make it mindless, almost as a daydream. To walk like breathing. To make it what the body wants, what the air wants, what time wants.

Susan Sontag

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #569319
#5. Yes. Childhood is the most dangerous place of all. If we had to live there forever, we wouldn't last very long.

Robert Goolrick

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #623457
#6. The whole history of computers is rampant with cheerleading at best and bigotry at worst.

Larry Wall

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #631562
#7. The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No existent theology can be a final formulation of spiritual truth.

Harry Emerson Fosdick

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #647916
#8. As so many commitments
demand your time
Or your shut-eye important be,
Your attraction to me must
in some way lack,
Such a pity to spend time
on thee.

Charlotte M. Liebel

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #803573
#9. Or maybe what he fears is just the opposite: that nobody is looking; that his death, like his life, is without purpose; that there is neither greater good nor evil
only people living and dying because their bodies function and then do not; that the universe is a rip.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #913809
#10. I knew I had an unreasonable attachment to her, and an overblown protective instinct for reasons we'd already discussed.

Juliette Jones

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1053503
#11. Life without literature is a life reduced to penury.

M.H. Abrams

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1168000
#12. You have a wide array of people that are watching something, and you cannot please everyone at the same time. Half the people will love it; half the people will hate it. Half the people won't see it.

David A.R. White

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1174631
#13. Your mind will take on the character of your most frequent thoughts: souls are dyed by thoughts.

Marcus Aurelius

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1297174
#14. You are such a sleazeball, Rhodes - walking, talking proof of why siblings shouldn't marry.

Cherise Sinclair

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1529585
#15. My wife was saying to me just the other day how she's noticed a spring in my step lately. That was because I thought you were gone forever.'
'I missed you too, Thurid.

Derek Landy

Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda Quotes #1598321

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