Top 9 Unmannered Person Quotes

#1. Glass & peace alike betray proof of fragility under repeated blows.

David Mitchell

Unmannered Person Quotes #32153
#2. All I've ever tried to do is play real people.

Alan Alda

Unmannered Person Quotes #140755
#3. I told people I was taking a gap year, but the truth was that I wanted to do nothing, absolutely nothing, for as long as possible, maybe for the rest of my life.

Tana French

Unmannered Person Quotes #567145
#4. The only people who do plays in LA are people who can't get jobs in TV shows.

William H. Macy

Unmannered Person Quotes #797194
#5. He feels a need to be understood. Most people do, you know.

Jo Nesbo

Unmannered Person Quotes #836171
#6. The terrorists who committed the 2003 Istanbul attacks were locals, that is, Turks. And when filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands last year, the murderer and his supporters were also part of the Muslim community.

Otto Schily

Unmannered Person Quotes #1456699
#7. It has been said with some meaning that if men would but rest in silence, they might always hear the music of the spheres.

Arthur Helps

Unmannered Person Quotes #1496323
#8. A true friend is like an umbrella that opens her heart to protect you on those rainy days.

Debasish Mridha

Unmannered Person Quotes #1524915
#9. Let us be grateful
to people who
make us happy;
they are the
charming gardeners
who make our
souls bloom.

Marcel Proust

Unmannered Person Quotes #1552346

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