Top 81 Understanding Myself Quotes

#1. I've worked very hard at understanding myself, learning to be assertive. I'm past the point where I worry about people liking me.

Pam Dawber

Understanding Myself Quotes #415685
#2. I love vocal music, but I've had a hard time understanding myself through the English language. So it just seemed to me that if I relied solely on creating a voice out of the music, then I might be able to reach something more profound.


Understanding Myself Quotes #399878
#3. When it comes to investments, I have to go to someone else to understand them, but then I have to make a judgment. I can't do that if I don't have a basic understanding myself.

Gregory Meeks

Understanding Myself Quotes #1373842
#4. I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.

Katherine Mansfield

Understanding Myself Quotes #1252186
#5. Because being witness to all types of human experience is important to understanding the world, but also to understanding myself. To define what is important to me, and who is important, and why.

Nina Sankovitch

Understanding Myself Quotes #1215627
#6. It's been one of the most important tools for me in personal growth for understanding myself, how I am, and what effect I do have on other people.

Joe Rogan

Understanding Myself Quotes #1197801
#7. I don't know what understanding myself is. I don't look inside.
I don't believe I exist behind myself.

Alberto Caeiro

Understanding Myself Quotes #1124364
#8. It's incredibly liberating to spend an hour talking to someone and not caring about what you sound like. It's about understanding myself. Sometimes I'll speak to my therapist for an hour a day. It's become part of my routine.


Understanding Myself Quotes #760850
#9. Understanding myself should not be confused with changing myself

Milton Bevington

Understanding Myself Quotes #718826
#10. May the actions that I take toward the good, toward understanding myself, toward being more peaceful be of benefit to all beings everywhere. And

Sharon Salzberg

Understanding Myself Quotes #456605
#11. Making movies is a way of understanding myself and the world.

Ang Lee

Understanding Myself Quotes #423491
#12. I was told I had brain damage. I always knew it was an unfair label. Now I have a clearer understanding of what's wrong and I feel relieved and a bit more relaxed about myself.

Susan Boyle

Understanding Myself Quotes #1392399
#13. I really don't like to hurt myself. I have a good understanding with all the women who have been in my life, whether I see them occasionally or not.

Bob Dylan

Understanding Myself Quotes #1026750
#14. The process of growth is obviously critical to my understanding of the land and myself. So the process is far more unpredictable with far more compromises with the day, the weather, the material.

Andy Goldsworthy

Understanding Myself Quotes #1343654
#15. I understood myself only after I destroyed myself. And only in the process of fixing myself, did I know who I really was.

Sade Andria Zabala

Understanding Myself Quotes #1322364
#16. I've spent a lot of time in my life dedicating myself to love or the pursuit of love or the understanding of love. And now I've stopped believing in happy endings and I've started believing in good days.

Drew Barrymore

Understanding Myself Quotes #1252946
#17. So once I shut down my privilege of disliking anyone I choose and holding myself aloof if I could manage it, greater understanding, growing compassion came to me.

Catherine Marshall

Understanding Myself Quotes #1232096
#18. One must be reasonable in one's demands on life. For myself, all that I ask is: (1) accurate information; (2) coherent knowledge; (3) deep understanding; (4) infinite loving wisdom; (5) no more kidney stones, please.

Edward Abbey

Understanding Myself Quotes #1190057
#19. I have raged at the wall growing between myself and others. I expect intuitive, miraculous understanding, or else I'm disillusioned and don't want to struggle to make things clear.

Anais Nin

Understanding Myself Quotes #1188152
#20. There was something in her eyes that made me trust her. Maybe it was because they held the same cynicism, the same world-weariness I saw in my own every morning when I looked at myself in the mirror.

Melika Dannese Lux

Understanding Myself Quotes #1179347
#21. I think I've become more understanding of people around me compared to before. I try to understand other people's tendencies and relationships. I've been able to laugh off a lot of things between myself and others, but it's still difficult trying to look at things from their perspectives.

Jessica Jung

Understanding Myself Quotes #1177985
#22. But I deal with this meditating and by understanding I've been put on the planet to serve humanity. I have to remind myself to live simply and not to overindulge, which is a constant battle in a material world.

Sandra Cisneros

Understanding Myself Quotes #1164574
#23. I craft most of my own tragedies without ever having even the remotest understanding that it is I myself who have done the crafting.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Understanding Myself Quotes #1144242
#24. Whenever I have to think to understand what the code is doing, I ask myself if I can refactor the code to make that understanding more immediately apparent.

Martin Fowler

Understanding Myself Quotes #1122038
#25. I started by just sitting by the chessboard exploring things. I didn't even have books at first, and I just played by myself. I learnt a lot from that, and I feel that it is a big reason why I now have a good intuitive understanding of chess.

Magnus Carlsen

Understanding Myself Quotes #1120371
#26. It took a man capable of an immeasurable amount of understanding to strip away the insecurities I'd felt after learning what I was. It took a man capable of loving me until the end of the world to make me accept myself.
And I would move heaven and hell to keep him.

Keary Taylor

Understanding Myself Quotes #1107928
#27. Mom, Dad, I'm fourteen, I see what the world is like. And, no, I did not get this from the psychologist ... I came to this understanding on my own, from what I really see in myself and about life.

Darryl Steven Markowitz

Understanding Myself Quotes #1097664
#28. In my present life from day to day, I attempt to improve my understanding of God by responding to Him in three basic ways: by moving outwards into positive action, by exercising my ability to choose positive thoughts, and by allowing myself to be drawn inwards to positive being.

A.A. World Services Inc.

Understanding Myself Quotes #1087731
#29. I can't marry myself to one idea or one form of doing politics or one form of understanding politics. I believe that we have to play the game of strategy, and understand how to move the pieces because this is how the political spectrum functions.


Understanding Myself Quotes #1863286
#30. It's so funny, you go to acting school thinking you're going to learn how to be other people, but really it taught me how to be myself. Because it's in understanding yourself deeply that you can lend yourself to another person's circumstances and another person's experience.

Lupita Nyong'o

Understanding Myself Quotes #1664251
#31. If I let myself really understand another person, I might be changed by that understanding. And we all fear change. So as I say, it is not an easy thing to permit oneself to understand an individual,

Carl R. Rogers

Understanding Myself Quotes #1862661
#32. At least twice a week, I pause in the rush of work and have a meeting with myself. (If I were part of a team, I'd call a team meeting.) I ask myself, again, of the project: "What is this damn thing about?" Keep refining your understanding of the theme; keep narrowing it down.

Steven Pressfield

Understanding Myself Quotes #1825732
#33. I was myself brought up with my brother, whose name was Matthias, for he was my own brother, by both father and mother; and I made mighty proficiency in the improvements of my learning, and appeared to have both a great memory and understanding.

Flavius Josephus

Understanding Myself Quotes #1772658
#34. I wasn't ever unable to function, but I did realize at some point that I had built a wall between myself and my childhood by saying, "I'm so glad that's over. Nothing can ever be as bad again," without understanding that my childhood was still very much with me.

Gloria Steinem

Understanding Myself Quotes #1753049
#35. I myself am a supporter of multilingualism, but multilingualism without a true understanding of universal language will only make us blind and ultimately ineffectual in realizing that very ideal.

Minae Mizumura

Understanding Myself Quotes #1744916
#36. I protect myself by refusing to know myself.

Floriano Martins

Understanding Myself Quotes #1704437
#37. Oh Christ, he understood more than he wanted to right now. Give me a chance, Louis thought, and I'll
understand myself right into the nearest mental asylum.

Stephen King

Understanding Myself Quotes #1671269
#38. When I'm playing the 1-guard, I'm kind of seeing everything that's going on. When I play the 2, I have a more broader understanding of what's going on and where the screens are being set in order for not only myself to get open, but for my teammates.

Kyrie Irving

Understanding Myself Quotes #1664630
#39. I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and understanding I have

Louise Hay

Understanding Myself Quotes #1408469
#40. I claim no right to myself, no right to this understanding, this will, these affections that are in me. Neither do I have any right to this body or its members, no right to this tongue, to these hands, feet, ears or eyes. I have given myself clear away and not retained anything of my own.

Jonathan Edwards

Understanding Myself Quotes #1656610
#41. It's hard to come up with a 'quote' about myself. Perhaps I could say that most of my writing has been concerned with understanding between people. Whether of different races, or religions, or even in the same family I tried in my books ... to deal with the subject of understanding the other fellow.

Phyllis A. Whitney

Understanding Myself Quotes #1554172
#42. Emmet Fox was one of the world's greatest metaphysical teachers. His works have contributed profoundly to the spiritual understanding of millions of people, including myself.

Marianne Williamson

Understanding Myself Quotes #1533164
#43. If it were in my power, I would be wiser; but a newly felt power carries me off in spite of myself; love leads me one way, my understanding another.


Understanding Myself Quotes #1509133
#44. I wanted to pose myself both tasks - understanding and condemnation. But it was impossible to do both

Bernhard Schlink

Understanding Myself Quotes #1491094
#45. When I first started working it was as if I didn't understand myself. The fact that I didn't understand myself was tied up with not understanding where I came from, where I began.

Rirkrit Tiravanija

Understanding Myself Quotes #1437622
#46. I like stories very much," the priest said. "They help me understand myself better.

Simon Van Booy

Understanding Myself Quotes #1415586
#47. As in everything else, I must start with myself. That is: in all circumstances try to be decent, just, tolerant, and understanding, and at the same time try to resist corruption and deception. In other words, I must do my utmost to act in harmony with my conscience and my better self.

Vaclav Havel

Understanding Myself Quotes #343178
#48. Perhaps the mistake I made at the start of my mandate is not understanding the symbolic dimension of the president's role and not being solemn enough in my acts. A mistake for which I would like to apologise or explain myself and which I will not make again. Now, I know the job.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Understanding Myself Quotes #529137
#49. I finally realized that yeah I did want to be an actor and it wasn't out of habit, but I needed to grow up for myself and then kind of re-enter the industry with a sound understanding of what my sensibilities and my values are as a relatively formed human being.

Claire Danes

Understanding Myself Quotes #455586
#50. My responsibility is to obey, to surrender my heart and to yield myself to the will of God. It is in the process of obedience that we gain understanding. You can't get the peace that passes understanding until you give up your right to understand.

Bill Johnson

Understanding Myself Quotes #455144
#51. In my own deepening understanding of myself I find my capacity to serve others is deepened as well. The better I am at self-care the more genuinely nurturing of others I am able to be.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Understanding Myself Quotes #440641
#52. As a youth, I hated myself for not being good enough. All my inadequacies and failures, not being kind enough, generous or understanding enough, would assail me at night. It became a habit to be guilty and self castigating, not liking myself because I was unworthy ... I really tortured myself.

Mira Sorvino

Understanding Myself Quotes #424570
#53. From the age of 12, I had an understanding that singing was something I loved to do more than anything, and I did say to myself, 'Why not?' But there were definitely some doubts along the way.

Patty Griffin

Understanding Myself Quotes #399599
#54. I fancy myself at being pretty good at understanding a script and finding the weaknesses, and then making them more radical than they are. People tend to listen to me.

Mads Mikkelsen

Understanding Myself Quotes #393900
#55. We are diverse, big time. Sully is the main man, which makes sense as the lead man of the band. Tony and myself are quiet; I need to be begged to do these interviews (laughs). But it comes down to being a team, that is the main thing. Knowing, understanding and accepting our roles.

Robbie Merrill

Understanding Myself Quotes #373152
#56. His ready answer impressed me, reiterating my belief that one of the reasons I required a boyfriend was to halve my ignorance and double my chances of understanding the world and myself.

Bob Smith

Understanding Myself Quotes #540862
#57. When I looked at myself through the prism of awareness, great tears came as I connected with how this wounded child felt.

David W. Earle

Understanding Myself Quotes #335150
#58. On the roads, I can see truth revealed whole without thought or reason. There I experience the sudden understanding that comes unasked, unbidden. I simply rest, rest within myself, rest within the pure rhythm of my running. And I wait.

George A. Sheehan

Understanding Myself Quotes #242841
#59. I ache to hear her tell me she loves me, but forcing her to put words to how she feels pushes her further into the silence she seems comfortable calling home now. I tell myself to be patient and understanding, but inside there's a longing only those words will fill, and it hurts to ignore it.

C.J. Redwine

Understanding Myself Quotes #233401
#60. 'Vagabond' is about owning where I come from, understanding the real power music had to transport myself with, whether that's busking in Europe or getting number ones.

Eddi Reader

Understanding Myself Quotes #220279
#61. People who stare. I ask for a little empathy. Please don't judge. Be understanding that some places will strongly affect me. My senses are heightened and i experience lights, noise and smells differently that you might. Stimming will help me regulate myself to my environment as well as calming me.

Tina J. Richardson

Understanding Myself Quotes #190776
#62. I try to give myself passionately, totally, to whatever I'm observing, with as much affectionate curiosity as I can muster, as a means of understanding a little better what being human is.

Diane Ackerman

Understanding Myself Quotes #180843
#63. I pinch myself because of the understanding that I've been blessed with a real rare opportunity that few Americans ever get - to serve their government and their people at this level.

Marco Rubio

Understanding Myself Quotes #89357
#64. But what does the word insist mean after a whole life of love and understanding? I have never asked anything for myself that I did not also wish for him.

Simone De Beauvoir

Understanding Myself Quotes #29657
#65. Asperger's doesn't define me. It's a condition that I have to live with and work through, but I feel more relaxed about myself. People will have a greater understanding of who I am and why I do the things I do.

Susan Boyle

Understanding Myself Quotes #737060
#66. I understood something about myself as well, even if I didn't have the will to examine it just then.

Rachel Hartman

Understanding Myself Quotes #920267
#67. I also forgive myself. May the misfortunes of the past no longer weigh on my heart. Instead of pain and resentment, I choose understanding and compassion. Instead of rebellion, I choose the music from my violin. Instead of grief, I choose forgetting. Instead of vengeance, I choose victory.

Paulo Coelho

Understanding Myself Quotes #906927
#68. I have an idea of who I wish I were, and that obscures my understanding of who I actually am. Sometimes I pretend even to myself to enjoy activities that I don't really enjoy, such as shopping, or to be interested in subjects that don't much interest me, such as foreign policy.

Gretchen Rubin

Understanding Myself Quotes #905422
#69. What is it that unites, on the left of British politics, George Orwell, Billy Bragg, Gordon Brown and myself? An understanding that identity and a sense of belonging need to be linked to our commitment to nationhood and a modern form of patriotism.

David Blunkett

Understanding Myself Quotes #829381
#70. As I walk through This wicked world Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity, I ask myself Is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred, and misery? And each time I feel like this inside, There's one thing I wanna know: What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love, & Understanding?

Elvis Costello

Understanding Myself Quotes #782971
#71. I am suspicious - first of all, in myself - of adopted mysticisms of glib spirituality, above all of white people's tendency to ... vampirize American Indian, or African, or Asian, or other 'exotic' ways of understanding.

Adrienne Rich

Understanding Myself Quotes #754348
#72. When I was married to an abuser, he'd tell me he wouldn't have to get so angry if only I'd be less demanding, more supportive, more understanding. I hid the truth from everyone, especially myself.

Luanne Rice

Understanding Myself Quotes #753679
#73. I constantly remind myself that there are terrible movies out there. I try to watch them, some of them, to give myself an understanding of what not to do.

Taika Waititi

Understanding Myself Quotes #745539
#74. Part of living is understanding where the fringes are. Once you know how far people go, you can say, "Well, here's how I choose to represent myself."

Morgan Spurlock

Understanding Myself Quotes #1008638
#75. Feeling very surprised too at myself. I knew what was happening, O my brothers. I was like growing up.

Anthony Burgess

Understanding Myself Quotes #736133
#76. Why did I allow myself to be bored ever in the past and to compensate for it got high or drunk or rages or all the tricks people have because they want anything but serene understanding of just what there is, which is after all so much.

Jack Kerouac

Understanding Myself Quotes #734807
#77. When I was 16 or 17, anyone could have had me if they sang the right song and recruited me in the right way. Which is why I've always had a sneaking understanding for people who took the wrong route. That doesn't mean to say I took it or even contemplated it myself.

John Le Carre

Understanding Myself Quotes #717746
#78. In truth, people know very little about each other. I only know as much about you as I know about myself.

Vironika Tugaleva

Understanding Myself Quotes #629057
#79. If I follow a particular method of knowing myself, then I shall have the result which that system necessitates; but the result will obviously not be the understanding of myself.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Understanding Myself Quotes #603532
#80. I would call myself a Gnostic. Which means, I'm interested in pursuing and understanding the spiritual nature of things. A Gnostic is somebody seeking knowledge of that aspect of reality.

Robert Crumb

Understanding Myself Quotes #574967
#81. If I actually believed that the progress of human understanding depended on our crop of contemporary novelists, I would shoot myself.

Annie Dillard

Understanding Myself Quotes #553126

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