Top 32 Unblinking Quotes

#1. Someone once had said to her that the sky hides the night behind it, shelters the person beneath from the horror that lies above. Unblinking, she fixed the solid emptiness, and the anguish began to move in her. At any moment the rip can occur, the edges fly back, and the giant maw will be revealed.

Paul Bowles

Unblinking Quotes #1274745
#2. His eyes stayed trained on me, unblinking. "Fine." Convince me you don't want me like I want you.

Nicole Williams

Unblinking Quotes #1848735
#3. His gaze was unblinking. Lacking eyelids will do that to a person.

Jeaniene Frost

Unblinking Quotes #1833588
#4. You didn't care about the .... the name.'
'Not the name.'. He led my gaze, unfaltering, unblinking. 'Just the girl.

Catherine Doyle

Unblinking Quotes #1826168
#5. Yes"
Somehow, I wasn't surprised to hear his low voice. I opened my eyes, and Asher's fierce, unblinking stare held me captive. I couldn't think while trapped by the power of that intent look.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, you're worth dying for.

Corrine Jackson

Unblinking Quotes #1817160
#6. What is it like ... what is it like to be dead?' Evan looked at him with his dull, unblinking blue eyes, ' I don't know, what is it like ... to be alive?

Daniel Waters

Unblinking Quotes #1791846
#7. But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

C.S. Lewis

Unblinking Quotes #1663053
#8. The tears stream down my cheeks from my unblinking eyes. What makes me weep so? There is nothing saddening here. Perhaps it is liquefied brain.

Samuel Beckett

Unblinking Quotes #1572149
#9. I'd thought of her with unblinking eyes, moving always, across the pages of opened books with rapid precision, but as she stood in front of me, her eyes looked slow and watery. I capsized into them.

Amber Dermont

Unblinking Quotes #1540187
#10. One thing that I think never goes out of style is just purity. Niceness and purity. And the Muppets have never lost that. Kermit especially is just wide-eyed wonder, unblinking. And he can't blink. Which I think probably helps.

Jason Segel

Unblinking Quotes #1540110
#11. The stars you see at night are the unblinking eyes of sleeping elephants, who sleep with one eye open to best keep watch over us.

Gregory Colbert

Unblinking Quotes #1512996
#12. They had stared at her with great uncomprehending eyes. Eyes that questioned nothing and asked everything. Unblinking and unabashed, they stared up at her. The end of the world lay in their eyes, and the beginning, and all the waste in bewteen.

Toni Morrison

Unblinking Quotes #1490436
#13. She felt his eyes on her, and returned his stare, unblinking. "I should say they'd find her handsome, though; they do like a woman as is sweetly plump.

Diana Gabaldon

Unblinking Quotes #1385547
#14. Photographs should celebrate the contingent, the spontaneous, the incomplete, the fortuitous. Direct, unblinking vision should be coupled with deliberate indifference as to subject. The ironic goal is a scrupulous recording of whatever chance brings to hand.

Douglas McCulloh

Unblinking Quotes #1352473
#15. I swear I am happy. I have realized that the only happiness in this world is to observe, to spy, to watch, to scrutinize oneself and others, to be nothing but a big, slightly vitreous, somewhat bloodshot, unblinking eye. I swear that this is happiness.

Vladimir Nabokov

Unblinking Quotes #1302168
#16. The answering call causes my ears to ring. Pigpen stares at me, unblinking as the mantra is repeated three more times followed by over a hundred men howling into the night.

Katie McGarry

Unblinking Quotes #1298096
#17. They looked at each other for a while their gazes steady, unblinking. It was the way people stare at each other not when they're in love but afterward, when they finally realize all the many horrible and beautiful things locked up within that love.

Brock Clarke

Unblinking Quotes #172508
#18. Acid gave me a clinical, unblinking look at madness, and I discovered I wasn't brave enough to be insane.

Craig Ferguson

Unblinking Quotes #1266129
#19. Instead he stood erect, the snow insinuating itself down his collar and up his sleeves, plastering against his face and into his unblinking eyes.

Louise Penny

Unblinking Quotes #1188318
#20. He died alone,' said Pious Dundas, old as Methuselah, unblinking. 'It don't matter a rat's ass whether there was anyone with him or not. He died alone.

Neil Gaiman

Unblinking Quotes #1116226
#21. She responded to Letty's well-meaning suggestions with the unblinking disdain perfected by cats in their dealings with their humans.

Lauren Willig

Unblinking Quotes #1074575
#22. She was not unattractive until she focused her eyes on a human being, when their unblinking coldness gave the effect of the stare of an adder.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Unblinking Quotes #1045779
#23. Silence fell between the four of them as they looked up at the sky. There was no sign of movement, the stars stared back, unblinking, indifferent, unobscured by flying friends. Where was Ron? Where were Fred and Mr Weasley? Where were Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Mad Eye, Mundungus?

J.K. Rowling

Unblinking Quotes #1044889
#24. Penelope screamed incoherently in Erik's tight embrace. Kaliope sat on her heels, rocking back and forth, silent. Her eyes were wide open, unblinking. She was silent

A.O. Peart

Unblinking Quotes #979865
#25. Love is more than an unblinking deep gaze, or a romantic fairytale of two hearts...
Love is two people bound by loyalty and deep friendship, standing side-by-side on the same trail of life.

Krista Leontieff

Unblinking Quotes #899843
#26. When I interviewed at Yale, the admissions committee asked me why they should let me into the program. I looked at them unblinking and said, 'Because I'm going to change the world some day. And I'm giving you the chance to say, We knew her when.

Sarah Thebarge

Unblinking Quotes #676084
#27. He kept his eyes on mine, his gaze unblinking, and I stared right back into the blue. He moved almost imperceptibly and in the space between a heartbeat his lips touched mine.

Sarah Alderson

Unblinking Quotes #597378
#28. All who wait upon the Lord shall rise higher and higher upon the mighty pinions of strong devotion, and with the unblinking eye of faith, into the regions of heavenly-mindedness, and shall approach nearer and nearer to God, the Sun of our spiritual day.

John Angell James

Unblinking Quotes #586704
#29. You would abandon Tommen." "Tommen has his mother." Ser Kevan's green eyes met her own, unblinking. A last drop of wine trembled wet and red beneath his chin, and finally fell. "Aye," he added softly, after a pause, "and his father too, I think.

George R R Martin

Unblinking Quotes #554975
#30. Marooned by all but one of his new disciples, the busker complete his act unfazed. The perfumed air seems to be replaced by a faint electrical smell like ozone after a lightning strike. When the man becomes a sterling tableau in the setting sun, Leah stares into his unblinking moonstone eye.

Laura Treacy Bentley

Unblinking Quotes #369231
#31. Brady was staring at me from across the table. Unmoving. Unblinking. Not speaking. It was like an old Western. The house was too quiet as I stared back at him. He was winning this contest. And I'd had no idea we were even in one to begin with. Break, kid. Break

Amber L. Johnson

Unblinking Quotes #316889
#32. She paused, staring into the void. The void, for its part, stared back unblinking.

Charles Stross

Unblinking Quotes #282402

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