Top 37 Try A Little Harder Quotes

#1. Do a little more than you're paid to. Give a little more than you have to. Try a little harder than you want to. Aim a little higher than you think possible, and give a lot of thanks to God for health, family, and friends.

Art Linkletter

Try A Little Harder Quotes #321894
#2. Get up every day and try a little harder than the day before.

Emeril Lagasse

Try A Little Harder Quotes #197883
#3. Spirit. Approach life with genuine zeal, with vigor and energy. Walk a little faster than average. Read a little more. Try a little harder. Be enthusiastic, even about your thoughts. Give everything you do your every best effort.

Joni Hilton

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1782590
#4. We need to take a harder look at what's really going on. Stop trying to treat the symptoms and treat the cause of the problem. Maybe we should try a little harder to help these kids before they feel so cornered that they turn into monsters.

Aaron B. Powell

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1771931
#5. Maybe our job in life is to help
a person run a little farther,
to try a little harder,
to not give up.

Phil Mitchell

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1410229
#6. Try a little harder to be a little better.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1353339
#7. It is not just the more talented player who wins. Some players may try a little harder.

Arthur Ashe

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1270778
#8. Elizabeth's doze had deepened into real sleep. Once she might have been young and beautiful. Once she might have been some young man's dream baby. Now she was snoring with her mostly toothless mouth pointed at the ceiling. If there's a God, I think He needs to try a little harder.

Stephen King

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1170334
#9. If it was up to me, I would just wear jeans and t-shirts, even to red carpets, but then no one would photograph me, so that would make me very sad. So you know, I've gotta keep up with the rest of the female population and sometimes try a little harder.


Try A Little Harder Quotes #1164410
#10. Do a little more than you're paid to. Try a little harder than you want to. Aim a little higher than you think possible, and give a lot of thanks to God for health, family & friends.

Art Linkletter

Try A Little Harder Quotes #993348
#11. I hear you're supposed to be good at manipulating people. Try a little harder to make me like you, all right? I'm the queen. Your life will be nicer if I like you.

Kristin Cashore

Try A Little Harder Quotes #991619
#12. You're at your most purest, most innocent, pure state when you're doing something you've never done before. You're scared a little, you're a little vulnerable, you're kind of trying, and then you're also better, because you're trying harder than you maybe would try.

Alicia Keys

Try A Little Harder Quotes #832315
#13. She is entirely in her closed eyes, and quite alone with her soul, in the bosom of the most intimate attention ... She feels in herself that she is becoming some event.

Paul Valery

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1874965
#14. I have a little half-Asian butt, and the more I work out, the more I try to get it bigger, it's just going to get flatter and harder.

Chrissy Teigen

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1205752
#15. As we talk about devices, you should never forget that behind every one there is a person - a customer. Its not the Internet of Things, but the Internet of People - of customers. We are moving to one-to-one relationships.

Marc Benioff

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1236710
#16. That's the thing about this game
you get a little monkey on your back. You go 0-for-3, you go 0-for-6, pretty soon you start pressing. You keep trying a little harder, and the harder you try, the worse it gets. So, anytime you can break out of it by getting a base hit, it feeds confidence.

Mike Candrea

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1303595
#17. The uncertainty of events disturbs the purest enjoyments.

Francis De Gaston, Chevalier De Levis

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1376724
#18. If the industrial era was about building things, the social era is about connecting things, people and ideas.

Nilofer Merchant

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1428813
#19. Stories heal us because we become whole through them. In the process of writing, of discovering our story, we restore those parts of ourselves that have been scattered, hidden, suppressed, denied, distorted, forbidden, and we come to understand that stories heal.

Deena Metzger

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1594062
#20. We have the can-do factor, and us doing what we do I think inspires people to just try that little bit harder, whether they are able-bodied or disabled.

Lee Pearson

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1612723
#21. I think we defy entropy and impermanence with our films and our poems. We hold onto each other a little harder and say, 'I will not let go. I do not accept the ephemeral nature of this moment. I'm going to extend it ... forever. Or at least I'm going to try.'

Jason Silva

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1727915
#22. They fight so much for two reasons. One is they don't want to be blamed for breaking the spending caps. And secondly, they don't want to be blamed for spending the Social Security surplus on non-Social Security problems.

Robert Reischauer

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1780868
#23. I don't believe that I'm better than anybody, but I do believe that I'll try harder than most and I hope that people just join me for a little bit of a ride.

Tom DeLonge

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1810124
#24. I just wish human beings were better gardeners.

Mark Andrew Poe

Try A Little Harder Quotes #1870401
#25. Honey, if you've had your eye on a piece of talent and that chick down the road has been getting all the action, then you know what you gotta do ... Try A Little Bit Harder.

Janis Joplin

Try A Little Harder Quotes #780300
#26. I knew you could do it, I knew you could, Libby," she mumbled into my hair, warm and smoky.
"Do what?"
"Try just a little harder.

Gillian Flynn

Try A Little Harder Quotes #747809
#27. During the off-season when you see other people playing in the Super Bowl, you wonder, and you say to yourself, 'Are you ever gonna get there and see what it feels like?' And it pushes you a little bit harder during that off-season to work to try to get there the following year.

Walter Payton

Try A Little Harder Quotes #726802
#28. I should be able to look at my accolades and go, "Come on, Paul. That's enough." But there's still this little voice in the back of my brain that goes, "No, no, no. You could do better. This person over here is excelling. Try harder!" It still can be a little bit intimidating.

Paul McCartney

Try A Little Harder Quotes #669062
#29. Marriages maybe made in heaven, but a lot of the details have to be worked out here on earth.

Gloria Pitzer

Try A Little Harder Quotes #646794
#30. I'm working harder than ever now, and I'm putting on my pants the same as I always have. I just get up every day and try to do a little better than the day before, and that is to run a great restaurant with great food, great wine, and great service. That's my philosophy.

Emeril Lagasse

Try A Little Harder Quotes #528903
#31. While 9-5 and what happens on the job is important, what happens from 5-9, off the job, is infinitely more important.

Zig Ziglar

Try A Little Harder Quotes #485872
#32. 'The Duino Elegies' are notoriously cryptic, and part of the reason why I have always loved them is because they invite multiple readings over the course of a lifetime.

Dinaw Mengestu

Try A Little Harder Quotes #347454
#33. Noronha's Laws

1. No man works harder than he must.
2. The joy of living, lies in making little things big.
3. Try never to do what you do not want to do. The secret of a happy old age is in never doing what you do not want to do.

R.P. Noronha

Try A Little Harder Quotes #333074
#34. We are first worshipers. We should be able to go into any atmosphere where there is worship, and throw off whatever sound or style we are accustomed to and worship the Creator of all things. We deny ourselves-- we are not the center... He is. Is He not worthy?

James Vincent

Try A Little Harder Quotes #307018
#35. Disappointments will come, rejection will come, and failures will come in the midst of the fulfilment of your dream. Don't give up, don't give in, try to push little harder; I know it won't be easy to give that push but keep pushing my friend be persistent and you'll see great results.

Euginia Herlihy

Try A Little Harder Quotes #261365
#36. You can make it if you try, push a little harder, think a little deeper.

Sly Stone

Try A Little Harder Quotes #144737
#37. I want to be able to play trailer-bound fatties in a Judd Apatow comedy.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Try A Little Harder Quotes #113353

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