Top 15 True Pretenses Quotes

#1. People say things die in winter, but it isn't true, mostly. They just gather their strength.

Rose Lerner

True Pretenses Quotes #8254
#2. But who then was he? What could his own self really consist of? He bent over that self in order to peer into it, but all he could find was the reflection of himself bending over himself to peer into that self ... Milan Kundera, Life is Elsewhere

Milan Kundera

True Pretenses Quotes #127635
#3. And my life went to pieces, like a love letter in the rain.

Will Christopher Baer

True Pretenses Quotes #251367
#4. Secrets are my profession. I know them inside and out. What separates me from someone I'm lying to isn't the lie. It's that I know I'm lying. It's a pane of glass---they can't see it, but I don't forget it's there.

Rose Lerner

True Pretenses Quotes #477599
#5. Wrestlers give their bodies to their work. I don't know if I like the word 'crazy' here. What I would say is there are people who have a different relationship to their bodies than most people.

John Darnielle

True Pretenses Quotes #595125
#6. My mind swirled with memories of the life I had led. The constant struggle to keep up appearances, the pretenses, the smiles that had been met with tears. The long sleepless nights, the loneliness that cloaked my spirit and turned me into a true ghost.

Anchee Min

True Pretenses Quotes #736226
#7. We believe that many Christians do not fully appreciate the odd way in which the church, when it is most faithful, goes about its business. We want to claim the church's "oddness" as essential to its faithfulness.

Stanley Hauerwas

True Pretenses Quotes #801249
#8. People liked to imagine their feelings were obvious, that their emotions were written all over their face. But generally, no one looked carefully enough to notice anything, or knew you well enough to understand what they noticed.

Rose Lerner

True Pretenses Quotes #808887
#9. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it's brought a tear to my eye, and a boner to my pants.

Jack Barakat

True Pretenses Quotes #1067142
#10. Drek. He was definitely in love with her now.

Rose Lerner

True Pretenses Quotes #1134565
#11. One of these days I'd really like to win a battle, rather than just stand quiet while they lose it at me. You know, just to be able say I'd done it. But I'm not complaining. I mean, it works.

K.J. Parker

True Pretenses Quotes #1177194
#12. The human heart is like a big mess of embroidery silks, and the more you pull, the more they tangle. The thing is, the threads have only got one end, if that. You can't sort them all out into colors. You just pick the ones you want and hold one to them as best you can.

Rose Lerner

True Pretenses Quotes #1187194
#13. Perhaps I should go," Brad noted and Tate didn't release me but his head turned toward Brad.
"You think?" he asked.

Kristen Ashley

True Pretenses Quotes #1553488
#14. Perfection is a fallacy. Embrace the things you cannot change and fight for those you can.

Danielle Bourdon

True Pretenses Quotes #1636801
#15. Any success that I've had in my life has been in spite of my education rather than because of it.

Wayne Dyer

True Pretenses Quotes #1642271

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