Top 14 Trouble Making Friends Quotes

#1. Kids can make fun of you for having the wrong shoelaces: that's just kids. But I don't think I had any trouble making friends.

Mark Ronson

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1630451
#2. Writing has always allowed me to escape. I was a very lonely child. Because I was very socially awkward, I would always have trouble making friends. And so reading and writing allowed me to have friends and to have an active imaginary life that really sort of kept me sane.

Roxane Gay

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1684944
#3. If as a society we place more value on people for their physical appearance; such as weight, skin, eye color, and height, versus their heart and character, then we are draining the wealth and heart out of our society.

Leta B.

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #384749
#4. A person without much power is easily influenced by others, whether they are physical or non-physical beings. Their life is easily ruined. They are blown around like a leaf in the wind.

Frederick Lenz

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #650597
#5. Everybody has a different kind of talent and a different timetable as to when they develop ..

Itzhak Perlman

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #757948
#6. If you had a table spread for a feast, and was making merry with your friends, you would think it was kind to let me come and sit down and rejoice with you, because you'd think I should like to share those good things; but I should like better to share in your trouble and your labour.

George Eliot

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #802280
#7. You can take a picture of New York and one person looking at it will think it looks really depressing, frightening; and someone else will look at it and think of all the fun things you can do in New York. I think songs are kinda like that.

Elliott Smith

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #816391
#8. I talk too much because I have been made so miserable by what you are keeping hushed.

Djuna Barnes

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #863591
#9. My school life was very much a wandering experience. I was having trouble in school and I was not making a lot of friends. So coming home and actually improvising on the piano and just coming up with melodies was an escape for me.

Josh Groban

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1182396
#10. I gave it my body and mind, but I have kept my soul.

Phil Jackson

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1188834
#11. Solitude: so fulfilling that the merest rendezvous is a crucifixion.

Emil Cioran

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1431170
#12. We camped for the night in a hollow near a good-sized creek - one big enough for trout. Jamie and Ian waded into this with enthusiasm, harrying the finny denizens with whippy rods cut from black willow.

Diana Gabaldon

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1451629
#13. This is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1606769
#14. Let thy carriage be such as becomes a man grave settled and attentive to that which is spoken. Contradict not, at every turn, what others say.

George Washington

Trouble Making Friends Quotes #1647715

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