Top 55 Trauma Pain Quotes

#1. I knew that my trauma, no matter what it was, was not unique. I knew that pain was the universal driving force of so many people - I knew that only in the details was it specific, and I just found it urgent to cut right to the chase and get right to the point.

Lydia Lunch

Trauma Pain Quotes #1336528
#2. Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive.

Danielle Bernock

Trauma Pain Quotes #820729
#3. When you study the wrongs you have committed before you study the wrongs done to you, you have no choice but to label yourself inherently evil, and be forced to dissociate emotionally to avoid the horrible pain in this lie.

Daniel Mackler

Trauma Pain Quotes #852226
#4. Pain & suffering requires time, awareness, and an intentional practice of self-love to disentangle.

Sharon Salzberg

Trauma Pain Quotes #905525
#5. I've never written a character that wasn't burdened by years of pain and trauma. Let's face it: Most comic-book heroes have some serious baggage. Not Green Arrow. He's a healthy guy - imagine that? Carrying your hero around in your head, imagining the world through his eyes, is just a hoot.

Ann Nocenti

Trauma Pain Quotes #927645
#6. Often it isn't the initiating trauma that creates seemingly insurmountable pain, but the lack of support after.

S. Kelley Harrell

Trauma Pain Quotes #954217
#7. Unforgiveness denies the victim the possibility of parole and leaves them stuck in the prison of what was, incarcerating them in their trauma and relinquishing the chance to escape beyond the pain.

T.D. Jakes

Trauma Pain Quotes #1004811
#8. Trauma is personal.

Danielle Bernock

Trauma Pain Quotes #1017606
#9. There comes a time when something changes you ... No matter the impact ... Where the world no longer beats in time with you. You no longer feel amongst the fray.. And the feeling of loneliness is a brandished armor you wear the rest of your life.

Solange Nicole

Trauma Pain Quotes #1032815
#10. The tears finally got the best of him and he pressed his palms to his eyes as his shoulders started to shake. He cried silently, in so much pain that there was no sound to equal it

Robin Benway

Trauma Pain Quotes #1050556
#11. You can't cure trauma when violence is ongoing, so the primary effort must be working for peace. You can't negotiate a lasting peace without bringing women into the effort, but women can't become peacemakers without releasing the pain that keeps them from feeling their own strength.

Leymah Gbowee

Trauma Pain Quotes #1050945
#12. Over the years, I learned to smile or laugh when I was supposed to. I kept my true self hidden; I did not need to unleash my pain on the world around me. Instead, I taught myself to ignore it. I did not realize that the pain was eating away at my soul.

J.D. Stroube

Trauma Pain Quotes #1129596
#13. SE Self Execution the act will always be greater than the pain.

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Trauma Pain Quotes #1270897
#14. When you have mental illness it's common to be shunned by your family or friends it wouldn't happen if they knew the pain you were in.

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Trauma Pain Quotes #1275160
#15. Parts of you are phobic of anger and generally terrified and ashamed of angry dissociative parts. There is often tremendous conflict between anger-avoidant and anger-fixated parts of an individual. Thus, an internal and perpetual cycle of rage-shame-fear creates inner chaos and pain.

Suzette Boon

Trauma Pain Quotes #817916
#16. There are people that damage you for life. The day they walked into your life will forever be a turning point you will use to label and count your years with... Your own BC and AD.

Malak El Halabi

Trauma Pain Quotes #1380396
#17. Even as a child, I had a sense that I was two people; the one who experienced the trauma, the pain, the happiness, and the other who stood aside and watched with a disinterested ironic eye.

P.D. James

Trauma Pain Quotes #1425287
#18. I wanted to peel myself off of me.

Wendy Walker

Trauma Pain Quotes #1512373
#19. The wounded are instruments, singing pain.

Brendan Phibbs

Trauma Pain Quotes #1540010
#20. No doubt about it, allopathic medicine (the term used to describe conventional Western medicine) is superb at dealing with trauma and bacterial infections, but it is not nearly as effective as natural medicine at managing chronic pain, autoimmune disease, and degenerative conditions.

Marcellus A. Walker

Trauma Pain Quotes #1669183
#21. So I let my shame own me, kill me, wilt me away into a thousand dead flakes, knowing if I kept it all in, she would never have to learn the dirtiness that was forever inside me
the bad, the ugly, the twisted. She could go on living her life happy, just like she deserved.

Jessica Sorensen

Trauma Pain Quotes #1673684
#22. Time heals nothing. It only brings other issues and tissues, and takes what is incurable or unacceptable out of the center of our attention.

Ana Claudia Antunes

Trauma Pain Quotes #1777467
#23. Pain, torture or trauma cause bipolar and PTSD
and once you have it's hard to get free

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Trauma Pain Quotes #1780975
#24. What it boils down to is that each person has his own ways of coping with trauma and grief, with the pain of life, and astrology was one of mine. Don't criticize me, I wanted to say, until you have stood in my place. This helped me. Nobody was hurt by it.

Nancy Reagan

Trauma Pain Quotes #1787113
#25. The only way to get over the pain is to face it, embrace it, hug it and learn the lessons embedded within it.

Adele Theron

Trauma Pain Quotes #1816029
#26. He's dead Duncan, killed himself when I was 13. In all those years he forgot something vital. He taught me when he was learning for himself. I know how to inflict pain; the scary thing is it doesn't bother me, a trait I'm sure I inherited from him. Lorelei Preston-The Wild Hunt

Ashley Jeffery

Trauma Pain Quotes #1818263
#27. What they don't tell you about the illusion
is that I am as much lion as I am lion tamer.
And I got good at inflicting pain the same way I got good
at soothing it.
This, we call unfortunate,
but inevitable.

Ashe Vernon

Trauma Pain Quotes #1846527
#28. Delusional pain hurts just as much as pain from actual trauma. So what if it's all in your head?

Octavia E. Butler

Trauma Pain Quotes #1863579
#29. There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Trauma Pain Quotes #438818
#30. Because of that, he didn't know how to love someone who actually loved him. He had learned a twisted, tormented kind of love filled with pain and exploitation.

Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Trauma Pain Quotes #31536
#31. Developmental trauma occurs when "emotional pain cannot find a relational home in which it can be held."1 In retrospect, I can see that this was the case for

Mark Epstein

Trauma Pain Quotes #49945
#32. When we seek to escape from inner conflict and pain, we are running away from unresolved childhood trauma or original pain. Most people with serious addictive natures who are in the process of recovery have found that trauma played a huge role in escalating their addictions. It certainly did for me.

Christopher Dines

Trauma Pain Quotes #51129
#33. We don't necessarily need to know each other's name, age, profession, drug of choice, childhood trauma or recent tragedy to understand what pain feels like and offer comfort. We are strangers drawn together by a shared desire for lasting peace.

Marta Mrotek

Trauma Pain Quotes #70823
#34. Admitting pain humbles us to the reality of our personal histories and our present conditions. We no longer have to pretend we are something that we are not.

Steven Franssen

Trauma Pain Quotes #78147
#35. Sitting on my bed with all these things I used to love but not loving them anymore, I just wanted to set them on fire. That's when I knew I was never going to be all right again.

Wendy Walker

Trauma Pain Quotes #108064
#36. Intimacy requires a slow, cumulative build of safety between people who agree to a relationship, an ongoing connection of care and concern. The performance of pain is essentially a form of bonding over trauma, and people can get addicted to their endorphins.

Lierre Keith

Trauma Pain Quotes #164787
#37. How can he call it all fun? Does all this. all this trauma and torture that he made me go through means nothing? What if he had to go through the same, what then? What if his legs would be itching right now from all the pain that they spent being dragged?

Ritika Chhabra

Trauma Pain Quotes #166651
#38. In a world so full of trauma, why should causing offense be a goal in and of itself? When people are told they shouldn't be offended, their pain is invalidated, deemed less important than the dominant culture's supposed right to remain complacent.

Phoebe Rusch

Trauma Pain Quotes #277213
#39. Our Ancestors knew that healing comes in cycles and circles.

One generation carries the pain so that the next can live and heal.

One cannot live without the other, each is the other's hope, meaning & strength.

Gemma B. Benton

Trauma Pain Quotes #304785
#40. The pain of an unpublished manuscript is akin to the trauma of bearing an unborn.

Anurag Shourie

Trauma Pain Quotes #338561
#41. Trauma never goes away completely, it changes perhaps, softens some with time, but never completely goes away.

Mark Epstein

Trauma Pain Quotes #345355
#42. Some people are as angry as they seem to be only because it's the safest place to hide from more pain.

Ashly Lorenzana

Trauma Pain Quotes #417652
#43. Betrayal is a more subtle, twisted feeling than terror. It burns and eats, but terror stabs right through.

Wendy Hoffman

Trauma Pain Quotes #3651
#44. The real self of an artiste lies in art, so when an artiste performs, all the pain, trauma and tension get released through art, be it dancing, painting, singing, writing or even martial arts.

Mrinalini Sarabhai

Trauma Pain Quotes #449763
#45. Where does repressed pain and rage go in a body? Does the wound of daughter turn to something else if left unattended? Does it bloom in the belly like an anti-child, like an organic mass made of emotions that didn't have anywhere to go? How do we name the pain of rage in a woman? Mother?

Lidia Yuknavitch

Trauma Pain Quotes #457099
#46. Some memories never heal. Rather than fading with the passage of time, those memories become the only things that are left behind when all else is abraded. The world darkens, like electric bulbs going out one by one. I am aware that I am not a safe person.

Han Kang

Trauma Pain Quotes #473709
#47. Don't be scared of scars. They just tell stories that are hard to hear.

Ashly Lorenzana

Trauma Pain Quotes #488997
#48. Hiding my pain and acting strong, afraid to cry and show my tears, I struggle with all this years later.

Erin Merryn

Trauma Pain Quotes #502586
#49. Paul says that our troubles are "light." Granted I may not see them as light in the midst of trauma, but looking back on them, they may seem light. He also says they are "momentary." They only last for a short time.

Lisa Bedrick

Trauma Pain Quotes #526505
#50. With each of the choices that we make, we create consequences and we ourselves experience those consequences. If you harm another soul. If you cause pain or trauma in another soul, you yourself will experience that trauma.

Gary Zukav

Trauma Pain Quotes #562577
#51. There are no injuries that run so deep that one can't add insult to them and make them feel even worse.

Matthew S. Williams

Trauma Pain Quotes #588449
#52. Sometimes healing comes after helping someone that is going through the same trauma you went through. Help yourself by helping others.

Ace Antonio Hall

Trauma Pain Quotes #604196
#53. When it comes to mental illness most of the diagnoses are similar or the same yet they can never display how we individually go through our pain.

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Trauma Pain Quotes #708164
#54. For many, the emotional trauma of a broken heart can manifest as real, physical pain.

Kat Rosenfield

Trauma Pain Quotes #742834
#55. The purpose of the false self is to defend against pain - not deal with reality

Robert W. Firestone

Trauma Pain Quotes #770311

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