Top 15 Transcendently Beautiful Quotes

#1. I want to know who killed my father," Peter growled, shrugging off her fingers and pushing himself away from the wall to stand up straight. "If you think you can help me with that, then you are welcome to try.

Deborah Blake

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #150254
#2. I shall stay and tell my tale, hope that it may serve some purpose, that eyes shall see it and learn, that the future will not repeat the mistakes of the past. That is my prayer, but what use is prayer to a god that has abandoned all things . . .

John Gwynne

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #167174
#3. You can't react to a man's kiss like that and expect him to forget you.

Chloe Blaque

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #252470
#4. It is pleasing to the dear God whenever thou rejoicest or laughest from the bottom of thy heart.

Martin Luther

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #281071
#5. At one point in time, every friend was a stranger. Love changed that.

Jarrid Wilson

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #429315
#6. The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of business and of the world, who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobweb distinctions of what things ought to be.

William Hazlitt

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #438053
#7. [I] educate people to be kinder to each other, and to other life-forms. There has been racism, sexism and now there is 'species-ism.' People think that they are better than other creatures.

Alicia Silverstone

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #687686
#8. Q: Why doesn't the law permit a man to marry a second woman? A: Because the law says


Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1010513
#9. ...I know good design when I fail to trip over it.

Spider Robinson

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1014129
#10. A loach can't emulate a goldfish. Because of my looks, the public support rating for us won't rise.

Yoshihiko Noda

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1098114
#11. If you can't win, make the one ahead of you break the record.

John McKeithen

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1158681
#12. Society in every state is a blessing, but Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil ...

Howard Zinn

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1266236
#13. I feel like we need to make new superheroes, African-American superheroes, that people would accept.

Terry Crews

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1282250
#14. The limit is not as narrow as it might be. I do not claim for this action, as it now goes on, an ideal degree of efficiency. What I do claim is that this type of competition already reveals its nature and its ultimate power to hold seeming monopolies in check.

John Bates Clark

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1321742
#15. The Envisagers were gone. Dead, because of what he had done. If there were others, he had no idea how to locate them.

Brandon Sanderson

Transcendently Beautiful Quotes #1844260

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