Top 33 Train Line Quotes

#1. I'm intelligent because my mother stood in the brain-line and not the train-line.

Lorraine Gokul

Train Line Quotes #114496
#2. 'Sir' Richard Branson may be the Julian Assange of British business, in that both believe the world revolves around them. Hence Branson's decision to set up an air service between Manchester and London, above the route of the train line that's been taken from him.

Simon Hoggart

Train Line Quotes #754503
#3. I was about to embark on a high-tech version of what I'd done in my first week there, twenty years ago, randomly taking trains out to see if they went back home. I took a deep breath, chose a train line, and started scrolling along it.

Saroo Brierley

Train Line Quotes #792416
#4. There must have been a real mess on the tracks,' Lorna said, 'They shut down the F train line for a whole two hours for you. Two hours! And in rush hour!'
My final achievement. Man, I hoped Mom was getting that put on my gravestone. Here lies Charlotte Feldman. She pissed off commuters. A lot.

Suzy Cox

Train Line Quotes #1216014
#5. It felt as though the whole globe was dressed in snow. Like it has pulled it on, the way you pull on a sweater. Next to the train line, footprints were sunken to their shins. Trees wore blankets of ice.
As you may expect, someone has died.

Markus Zusak

Train Line Quotes #59906
#6. You wouldn't train for a marathon & then give up a mile before the finish line. Same goes with your life & dreams.

Dawn Gluskin

Train Line Quotes #1053896
#7. Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.

Nina Fedoroff

Train Line Quotes #1874998
#8. The line, Lasko. Do you know anyone in San Francisco? Are you just gonna get off the train and take a streetcar to the swimming pool?" "I might. I could." "You have to have a plan, Lasko." "No, I don't. Not after this. I don't have to have a plan in the world.

Armistead Maupin

Train Line Quotes #1215090
#9. No one seems to care. Certainly, no one in the million dollar fund-raising cancer clinics are excited over the almost miraculous ... record of ... Krebiozen ...

Roland V. Libonati

Train Line Quotes #1407749
#10. I have several businesses that revolve around fighting: the training centres, the clothing line and all that stuff. I'll probably be involved in the sport in some way shape or form, and I'll continue to train and be active and do the things that I love to do.

Randy Couture

Train Line Quotes #1452818
#11. Whenever I think of baseball, the first name that comes to mind is Babe Ruth. What the Babe was to baseball, Shula is to football coaching. There are certain figures in sports who are larger than the games they play or coach, and Don Shula is one of those.

Marv Levy

Train Line Quotes #1457687
#12. Life is like a game, once your piece is on the board there is no leaving until you have finished. It does not matter how you finished just that you pass the line ...

Samuel Train

Train Line Quotes #1500236
#13. Some movies run off the rails. This one is like the train crash in The Fugitive. I watched it in mounting gloom, realizing I was witnessing something historic, a film that for decades to come will be the punch line of jokes about bad movies.

Roger Ebert

Train Line Quotes #1508203
#14. Lay my head on the railroad line,
Train come along, pacify my mind.

Toni Morrison

Train Line Quotes #1610303
#15. If we want our bodies to be healthier, we need to get off the salmonella, e-coli, mad cow, assembly-line toxic hell train! God I love that statement. What did I just say?

Ted Nugent

Train Line Quotes #1619042
#16. He invited me to his apartment in the wee hours one morning and pulled out a set of children's building blocks. It seems he used to ride around and around on the Yamanote Line with them, building castles on the floor of the train.

Ryu Murakami

Train Line Quotes #1700306
#17. Is that why the parents of dead children spend half the rest of their lives in darkened rooms? Are they hoping the ghosts will return with all their original power? She

Martin Amis

Train Line Quotes #1733082
#18. I saw 'The Artist.' It's really beautiful and it's all done to the letter with all the silent film techniques. The costumes were amazing and the dog is so good.

Florence Welch

Train Line Quotes #1771208
#19. I use three main tools in writing: instinct, hard work and dumb luck. Dumb luck is missing a train and, while you wait for the next one, writing a key word, line or verse. When this happens often enough you begin to believe in Fate.

David Massengill

Train Line Quotes #1848324
#20. If you don't stick to your plan enough, and you're too seduced by whimsical notions and new ideas, you can kind of lose your train of thought and end up with something that doesn't have a solid through-line.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Train Line Quotes #801338
#21. A local train ... moved gently off up the line with a very singular motion indeed, in which the leap of a frog, the bounce of a pogo-stick, and the canter of a very short fat pony all were brought to mind.

Honor Tracy

Train Line Quotes #759725
#22. you cannot enjoy the light without enduring the heat.

Timothy F. Geithner

Train Line Quotes #708360
#23. I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.

Kevin Systrom

Train Line Quotes #700374
#24. When you're sober it's easier to stay in line with your train of thought. There's a lot more you're thinking about that you want to discuss, and there are a lot more memories that you're dealing with that you had pent up inside of you for so long because you had been drinking all of those years.

Ryan Montgomery

Train Line Quotes #690574
#25. Religion contracts the circle of our pleasures, but leaves it wide enough for her votaries to expatiate in.

Joseph Addison

Train Line Quotes #538530
#26. The first 10 years, I was just building just to understand what I was doing and I didn't trust my intuition to just produce. Then, in the last five years, I have really been reflecting on what I am producing and what it is doing.

David Adjaye

Train Line Quotes #525644
#27. Time and circumstance made me into this Manson guy, Satan. Society wanted to buy this evil, mass-murdering-devil-fiend. I'm nobody. I'm the hobo in line. Give me a bottle of wine and put me on a train. I don't fit into the world you guys live in, so I live over there in the shadows of it.

Charles Manson

Train Line Quotes #497444
#28. I can remember watching large, tentative, individual flakes of snow falling and blowing around aimlessly in the wind generated by the train through the window of the CTA commuter line from Lincoln Park back up to Libertyville, and thinking, 'This is my crude approximation of a human life.

David Foster Wallace

Train Line Quotes #322959
#29. Her leg, sculptured by the tight sheen of the stocking, its long line running straight, over an arched instep, to the tip of a foot in a high-heeled pump, had a feminine elegance that seemed out of place in the dusty train car ...

Ayn Rand

Train Line Quotes #262950
#30. My clients train hard. They don't scream or throw weights - they just push hard, trying to get more out of themselves than their bodies want to give, trying to walk that terrible, beautiful line between controlled aggression and all-out insanity.

John Romaniello

Train Line Quotes #237918
#31. You ought to realize, you take up very little space in the world as a whole - your body, that is; in reason, however, you yield to no one, not even to the gods, because reason is not measured in size but sense. So why not care for that side of you, where you and the gods are equals?


Train Line Quotes #222114
#32. Success is finding your own path in life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Train Line Quotes #217315
#33. My hand feels cold without his.

Jennifer Niven

Train Line Quotes #79225

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