Top 10 Trachea Quotes

#1. Her voice sounded much cooler than she felt. Inside, her internal organs were grinding themselves into nervous pulp. Her intestines were gone. Her kidneys were disintegrating. Her stomach was wringing itself out, yanking on her trachea.

Rainbow Rowell

Trachea Quotes #377971
#2. Plagueis pressed his right hand to the right side of his neck to discover that a disk had made off with a considerable hunk of his jawbone and neck, and in its cruel passing had severed his trachea and several blood vessels.

James Luceno

Trachea Quotes #856305
#3. I'm lucky and I appreciate that. I love every minute of every day.

Alan Shearer

Trachea Quotes #309845
#4. I've never listened to an audiobook before, and I have to say it's a totally different experience. When you read a book, the story definitely takes place in your head. When you listen, it seems to happen in a little cloud all around it, like a fuzzy knit cap pulled down over your eyes

Robin Sloan

Trachea Quotes #387517
#5. Funding privatized accounts with Social Security dollars would not only make the program's long term problems worse, but many believe it represents a first step toward undermining the program's fundamental goals.

Patty Murray

Trachea Quotes #546420
#6. It was fear that was then making you a good citizen, which is never a lasting teacher of duty.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Trachea Quotes #548062
#7. There is a kind of fallout that happens when you leave college. The classroom is a wonderful, if artificial, place: Your professor gets paid to pay attention to your ideas, and your classmates are paying to pay attention to your ideas. Never again in your life will you have such a captive audience.

Austin Kleon

Trachea Quotes #670733
#8. Wealth - one billion, two billion, what's the difference? The difference is one billion - the same difference as flat broke, like me, and one billion.

Jarod Kintz

Trachea Quotes #871008
#9. Her heart swelled with an emotion she had never felt before. Did she dare call it love? For the second time tonight, she suspected her heart had ignored all her warnings that falling in love with the forester was imprudent and impossible. Oh, dear heaven, what am I to do now? Her

Melanie Dickerson

Trachea Quotes #1547214
#10. Time may enhance what seems simply dogged or lacking in fantasy now because we are too close to it, because it resembles too closely our own everyday fantasies, the fantastic nature of which we don't perceive. We are better able to enjoy a fantasy as a fantasy when it is not our own.

Susan Sontag

Trachea Quotes #1762121

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