Top 53 To Start A Journey Quotes

#1. As we left they told us the old joke. To start a journey in a sandstorm is good luck.

Michael Ondaatje

To Start A Journey Quotes #801358
#2. In this world of endless opportunities our dreams compete. If we wait to start a journey, the destination may not be anymore what we wanted to find.

Gisela Hausmann

To Start A Journey Quotes #2669
#3. When your consciousness expands you are in a world, literally, of light. You live in a world of light where nothing is solid. You don't have to be enlightened to have this experience. You just have to start the inner journey.

Frederick Lenz

To Start A Journey Quotes #805595
#4. And so you ask a very good question. Why go on? Why even start off on such a path? What is to be gained from embarking on such a journey? Where is the incentive? What is the reason? The reason is ridiculously simple. There is nothing else to do.

Neale Donald Walsch

To Start A Journey Quotes #1869959
#5. To keep an eye on emerging services and to think creatively about how you might be able utilize them to benefit you is great for your future, give it a try and start your journey now.

Auliq Ice

To Start A Journey Quotes #835251
#6. Sometimes you need a thick curtain around you to make a journey within you! You will not see anyone and no one will see you and then you are with yourself ready to start an inner journey!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

To Start A Journey Quotes #894858
#7. The initial spark that promoted me to start Not For Sale was human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area. This led me to take a journey around the world on how this could exist in the 21st century.

David Batstone

To Start A Journey Quotes #895358
#8. Although when I start a novel I know how it will begin and end, I like to let the people within the story take me on a journey between those points without having a fixed plan.

Cecelia Ahern

To Start A Journey Quotes #908708
#9. I thought I knew everything about love and relationships in my 20s, the ignorance of youth is bliss. As you get older, you start to realise that you don't really know anything and life is a great traveling journey. Life is unexpected ... you just never know whats going to happen.

Reese Witherspoon

To Start A Journey Quotes #975096
#10. Money is not the priority. A step to dream big and planning of your dreams is a premier action that will see you through a start of your journey to success.

Israelmore Ayivor

To Start A Journey Quotes #987986
#11. I'm glad that my journey has been gradual and slow, instead of instant, because that allowed me to grow and discover who I am before I was thrown into the world. I'm happy I didn't start acting professionally as a kid/teen; looking back, I don't think I was ready.

Jade Hassoune

To Start A Journey Quotes #1100711
#12. Getting started is the most difficult thing to do; once you file it out, they rest of the journey is as soft as the straw. Be a good beginner.

Israelmore Ayivor

To Start A Journey Quotes #1128722
#13. In order to start our mythic journey to end our suffering, we need to enter into a real and dynamic dialogue with our hearts. Start by writing a letter to your heart, telling it all that's going on with you now and asking it for guidance.

Carolyn Elliott

To Start A Journey Quotes #1143400
#14. The Christian experience, from start to finish, is a journey of faith.

Watchman Nee

To Start A Journey Quotes #1171660
#15. All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.

Shannon L. Alder

To Start A Journey Quotes #1174078
#16. Every student of science, even if he cannot start his journey where his predecessors left off, can at least travel their beaten track more quickly than they could while they were clearing the way: and so before his race is run, he comes to virgin forest and becomes himself a pioneer.

Theodore William Richards

To Start A Journey Quotes #1182855
#17. I think you have to find the humanity in the character and then the deterioration is a part of the process - the journey of the character. It's like playing King Lear. You can start off as a nice old man who finishes up crazy.

David Wenham

To Start A Journey Quotes #1287156
#18. As I read, I start to form clear ideas of the characters and allow myself to be a proper conduit for this author's voice so that you will feel you have been on a seductive audio journey.

Barbara Rosenblat

To Start A Journey Quotes #1396276
#19. Start today to follow your heart.
Map out your own journey.
Have the adventure of a lifetime.

Melody Beattie

To Start A Journey Quotes #1461987
#20. If a character is going to end up one way, you start them a certain way. If they're gonna end up the polar opposite of that, you might start them differently to have dramatic integrity to their journey.

Neil Burger

To Start A Journey Quotes #1465969
#21. But for me to start the journey of writing a book about my life, the first place I had to re visit was my past. A book written from the deepest part of my heart as so many tears at times did fall upon the keyboard as I typed away.

Christian S. Simpson

To Start A Journey Quotes #1494759
#22. Luck is very important. Of course you can't wait for luck, because it won't come. While you start a journey, luck may eventually come to you.

Jack Ma

To Start A Journey Quotes #1563657
#23. All that the spider needs to complete its web is step taking

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

To Start A Journey Quotes #1638039
#24. Your journey to a healthier weight is not a journey that you start and then give up. It is a journey that you are living every day for the rest of your life.

Nhat Hanh

To Start A Journey Quotes #1681781
#25. Note to myself - It is time for me to start taking my guitar lessons. One of my neighbor's singing and guitar strumming skills are so cool that I can't stop marveling at the music wafting around here.

Avijeet Das

To Start A Journey Quotes #1749795
#26. When you start a new job or a particular journey, you really don't know what to expect. I mean, you hear about your name being on the bestsellers list, but it doesn't really mean anything. Like, really, what does that translate to?

Eric Jerome Dickey

To Start A Journey Quotes #1825235
#27. Journey gives us a chance to start all over again and be a new personality

Dian Nafi

To Start A Journey Quotes #1848662
#28. Pure poetry in motion. A swift-moving, heartfelt tale of love and loss, two stories intersecting-an d connecting-by magic. Michelle Baker is a born poet, and a born writer. The Canoe is just the start of what I hope to be a long idyllic journey through the love and soul of the human heart.

Trent Zelazny

To Start A Journey Quotes #292344
#29. I guess that's the thing about a hero's journey. You might not start out a hero, and you might not even come back that way. But you change, which is the same as everything changing. The journey changes you, whether or not you know it, and whether or not you want it to. I had changed.

Kami Garcia

To Start A Journey Quotes #5802
#30. I've gone through a really hard divorce, and anyone who has gone through a divorce will speak about how hard the journey is from start to finish. It's a life-uprooting time.

Christina Aguilera

To Start A Journey Quotes #8670
#31. Eventually it will become quiet enough so that you can simply watch the heart begin to react, and let go before the mind starts. At some point in the journey it all becomes heart, not mind ... The mind doesn't even get a
chance to start up because you let go at
the heart level.

Michael Singer

To Start A Journey Quotes #74629
#32. Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.

Erich Fromm

To Start A Journey Quotes #94466
#33. Wake up Lovers, It is time to start the Journey! Let us kiss the ground & flow like a river towards the Ocean. Only love can lead the way.


To Start A Journey Quotes #125638
#34. The journey you start now can take you on the adventure of a lifetime ... it's up to you. Education is a life-long process. Determine now to never stop learning and to never give up on your dreams.

Carol Edwards

To Start A Journey Quotes #202783
#35. The Forester patted a log next to her. 'Come and sit, child. Tell me about your journey, and start a little before the beginning, because we are usually wrong about where things begin.

T. Kingfisher

To Start A Journey Quotes #216156
#36. To get to a destination, you have to know the address. To find your purpose in life, you must set a goal, draw a map, and start the journey.

Debasish Mridha

To Start A Journey Quotes #237813
#37. It rained last night heavily, and now the skies are beginning to clear; it is a new fresh day. Let us meet that fresh day as if it were the only day. Let us start on our journey together with all the remembrance of yesterday left behind - and begin to understand ourselves for the first time.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

To Start A Journey Quotes #267006
#38. The journey to the center of your soul doesn't start in your heart. It begins in your brain, and taking it makes you among the bravest of the brave for it's a place only the rare dare venture.

Toni Sorenson

To Start A Journey Quotes #287543
#39. He has to find his own way home. Faith is a journey. It doesn't have a stop and start date. It grows with time. Sometimes it falters and stumbles, but every misstep can be used to shape us."~Asher Powell

Tammy L. Gray

To Start A Journey Quotes #288899
#40. Humans have a light side and a dark side, and it's up to us to choose which way we're going to live our lives. Even if you start out on the dark side, it doesn't mean you have to continue your journey that way. You always have time to turn it around.

Taraji P. Henson

To Start A Journey Quotes #289260
#41. Dreams require down payments. Dreams are free, but the journey isn't. There is a price to pay. When you find your why you'll find your way. When you develop your will you will embark on your way. Many people start; few people finish. Many people have a dream; few people achieve their dreams.

John C. Maxwell

To Start A Journey Quotes #802991
#42. As your training integrates Mind, Body and Spirit, enjoy the process. Your journey to the marathon finish will last a few hours. Your journey to the start will influence a lifetime.

Gina Greenlee

To Start A Journey Quotes #303740
#43. It's the journey of self, I guess. You start with this kind of loner, outside guy, which a lot of people can relate to, and he goes out into the world.

Keanu Reeves

To Start A Journey Quotes #373396
#44. When you accept your imperfections-and still are willing to brush yourself off and start again-you can make changes ... for you are on a heroic journey of the heart. To me this is the best kind of hero. The kind of hero I strive to be.

Denise Linn

To Start A Journey Quotes #403879
#45. I see myself as an explorer more than a storyteller. A great storyteller, in control of her craft, must be the same person when she finishes telling a story as she was at the start. But I want to be transformed by my filmmaking, by the journey I take.

Joshua Oppenheimer

To Start A Journey Quotes #432172
#46. Thankfully, life is a journey of progress and not perfection, and we can improve our blurred reflection by taking up the Sword of the Spirit. We can find a healthy dose of just how much God loves us in the Bible and start to have as much respect for ourselves as God has for us.

Kristen Clark

To Start A Journey Quotes #446856
#47. You wake up oneday and it's different, not so much in a physical way but in the way you look at things. I think when you reach that primary moment in your life, you finally have the courage to let go of the human attachments and start to live in a way that compliments your heart and soul.

Nikki Rowe

To Start A Journey Quotes #501177
#48. Someone soon to start on a journey is always a little holy.

Elizabeth Bowen

To Start A Journey Quotes #574237
#49. The most fulfilling adventures happen when you start your journey without knowing where you're going, because only then are you free to experience the unexpected detours you're meant to take.

A.J. Darkholme

To Start A Journey Quotes #602481
#50. Your book is a springboard and integral strategic part of your overall game plan. Being an author positions you strongly upon your platform. It is the passport which will start you on your journey to becoming the recognized authority in the niche or space that you work in or aspire to work in.

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

To Start A Journey Quotes #617496
#51. I wanted to go to the rooftree of Maine to start my trip before turning west. It seemed to give the journey a design, and everything in the world must have design or the human mind rejects it. But in addition it must have purpose or the human conscience shies away from it. Maine

John Steinbeck

To Start A Journey Quotes #691631
#52. To begin a new journey is never easy, but we have to start somewhere to reach a new destination.

Debasish Mridha

To Start A Journey Quotes #778520
#53. A journey to try is not worthy to start, better to love none than starting over in relationships and getting dropped like a coin that won't get tossed.

Auliq Ice

To Start A Journey Quotes #786765

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