Top 13 Timshel Chords Quotes

#1. You coulld put girls' boyfriends in jail, and I could teach the immigrants how to dress!!!

Meg Cabot

Timshel Chords Quotes #171881
#2. I think we all have a bunch of different people inside of us, and then for a particular role you bring a certain side of that self of yourself forward to sort of play, but it's always really dimensionalised.

Vince Vaughn

Timshel Chords Quotes #186711
#3. We can think of descriptions almost as computer languages, an operative description that only deals with very simple operations. Its code is sex - Male, female, dark, light, up down, in out - its the language of duality.

Frederick Lenz

Timshel Chords Quotes #209340
#4. To be honest, I think that Republicans love terrorism.

David O. Russell

Timshel Chords Quotes #305958
#5. We have a solution for war. It is to expand the sphere of liberty.

Rudolph Rummel

Timshel Chords Quotes #312966
#6. It wasn't that Helga and I were crazy about Nazis. I can't say, on the other hand, that we hated them. They were a big enthusiastic part of our audience, important people in the society in which we lived.
They were people.
Only in retrospect can I think of them as trailing slime behind.

Kurt Vonnegut

Timshel Chords Quotes #433652
#7. That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.

Garth Stein

Timshel Chords Quotes #701325
#8. As to his religious notions - why, as Voltaire said, incantations will destroy a flock of sheep if administered with a certain quantity of arsenic.

George Eliot

Timshel Chords Quotes #816144
#9. I think that Richard Nixon will go down in history as a true folk hero, who struck a vital blow to the whole diseased concept of the revered image and gave the American virtue of irreverence and skepticism back to the people.

William S. Burroughs

Timshel Chords Quotes #828045
#10. She was broken. She was useless. She was the pointless half of a friendship. The one who would live forever in shadows, no matter what she did. No matter whom she fought.

Susan Dennard

Timshel Chords Quotes #882668
#11. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land.

James Madison

Timshel Chords Quotes #947533
#12. Remember when welfare mothers were robbing us all blind and driving Cadillacs?

Joe Bageant

Timshel Chords Quotes #996113
#13. Improving efficiency on the farm is not only a risk-reduction strategy, it's a profitability strategy.

Bill Vaughan

Timshel Chords Quotes #1160389

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