Top 15 Tidies Quotes

#1. The word 'aloha,' in foreign use, has taken the place of every English equivalent. It is a greeting, a farewell, thanks, love, goodwill. Aloha looks at you from tidies and illuminations; it meets you on the roads and at house-doors. It is conveyed to you in letters: the air is full of it.

Isabella Bird

Tidies Quotes #491171
#2. To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.

Maxwell Maltz

Tidies Quotes #115937
#3. We are often so distracted by the internal war between what we want to do and what we have to do that we overlook what we need to do.

Tonya Hurley

Tidies Quotes #154532
#4. My first order of business was to look in the side pocket where I had hidden my garnet and gold necklace.

Nancy B. Brewer

Tidies Quotes #267894
#5. You know as far as diet goes, for a while I was really obsessed with counting fat grams along with the rest of the world.

Jean Smart

Tidies Quotes #475818
#6. Theirs is a civilization of deprivation; ours of finely balanced satisfaction ever teetering on the brink of excess.

Iain M. Banks

Tidies Quotes #875559
#7. Sooner or later you have to decide what you believe. It was a thing I'd always known but until recently had forgotten: that faith is a decision. In its most basic form, it is a choice.

Jennifer Haigh

Tidies Quotes #1109563
#8. I think I'm wealthy. I make a good living for what I do. Well, it depends. If I'm doing an independent film I'm making no money - probably losing money. But if I'm doing a studio film, I'll make a decent wage. I can live for a year without working.

Eric Stoltz

Tidies Quotes #1114759
#9. Fortunately I am accustomed to creating amusement inadvertently.

Graeme Simsion

Tidies Quotes #1215634
#10. In New Orleans, the inspired feel sultry; the rest just feel sweaty.

Kristin Fouquet

Tidies Quotes #1266009
#11. I was born in Burnsville, Minnesota, and raised in Eagan, which is right by Burnsville. I've been in that area my whole life.

Laura Osnes

Tidies Quotes #1341093
#12. I do try very hard to develop themes that are easily understood and that, hopefully, will paint vivid images of the legal principles and implications of the ruling that will stick in the Justices' heads and will help influence how they think about the case.

Patricia Millett

Tidies Quotes #1646473
#13. Who," asked Hitler, "remembers the Red Indians?" For Hitler, Africa was the source of the imperial references but not the actual site of empire; eastern Europe was that actual site, and it was to be remade just as North America had been remade.

Timothy Snyder

Tidies Quotes #1755453
#14. You were a furious bull
and I was a china shop
with beautiful red curtains.

Danabelle Gutierrez

Tidies Quotes #1771667
#15. The key to excellent health and longevity is to eat a high ratio of micronutrients to macronutrients.

Joel Fuhrman

Tidies Quotes #1853335

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