Top 39 Thom Gunn Quotes

#1. Opposite Willem that afternoon is a Thom Gunn poem: "Their relationship consisted / In discussing if it existed." Underneath, someone has written in black market, "Dont worry man I cant get no pussy either.

Hanya Yanagihara

Thom Gunn Quotes #1584726
#2. As humans we look at things and think about what we've looked at. We treasure it in a kind of private art gallery.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1227495
#3. How sociable the garden was.
We ate and talked in given light.
The children put their toys to grass
All the warm wakeful August night.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #798197
#4. Deep feeling doesn't make for good poetry. A way with language would be a bit of help.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #918741
#5. I think most men, heterosexual and homosexual, enjoy being considered sexual objects.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #933468
#6. When I first started teaching at Berkeley in 1958, I could not announce that I was gay to anybody, though probably quite a few of my fellow teachers knew.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #949666
#7. I admired what my students were writing, but I think their improvement doesn't directly result from me but from being in a class, being with each other.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1011662
#8. Thus for each blunt-faced ignorant one The great grey rigid uniform combined Safety with virtue of the sun. Thus concepts linked like chainmail in the mind.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1017607
#9. I was reading the poems of Rochester. Rochester made himself out to be bisexual, but I think that was only to shock. Most of his poetry is sexual, even pornographic.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1126422
#10. We tend to put poems into factions. And it restricts our reading.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1140073
#11. The painter saw what was, an alternate
Candor and secrecy inside the skin.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #775375
#12. I was at a benefit for some imprisoned students in the '60s at San Francisco State, and there were lots of poets reading for the benefit: one was Elizabeth Bishop.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1249200
#13. I haven't written anything in four years. I'm sort of dried up.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1323297
#14. While I don't satisfy my curiosity about the way I work, I'm terribly curious about the way other poets work. But I would think that's true about many of us.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1349502
#15. I don't think of sex as a self-destructive impulse.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1378989
#16. As if hands were enough
To hold an avalanche off.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1388194
#17. There have been two popular subjects for poetry in the last few decades: the Vietnam War and AIDS, about both of which almost all of us have felt deeply.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1504960
#18. Their relationship consisted
In discussing if it existed.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1674617
#19. I notice that students, particularly for gay students, it's too easy to write about my last trick or something. It's not very interesting to the reader.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1801419
#20. One joins the movement in a valueless world, Choosing it, till both hurler and the hurled, One moves as well, always toward, toward.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #1801653
#21. I had assumed that I would age with all my friends growing old around me, dying off very gradually one by one. And here was a plague that cut them off so early.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #380005
#22. When I first started to write, I was aware of being queer, but I didn't write about it. Queer poems would probably not have been accepted by the editors I sent them to.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #42872
#23. Direct me gods, whose changes are all holy, To where it flickers deep in grass, the moly.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #85338
#24. I was much influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #162097
#25. I work best in rhyme and meter. I was most confident of myself in that way.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #223008
#26. My thoughts are crowded with death and it draws so oddly on the sexual that I am confused to be attracted by, in effect, my own annihilation.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #252919
#27. Much that is natural, to the will must yield.
Men manufacture both machine and soul,
And use what they imperfectly control
To dare a future from the taken routes.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #284358
#28. When I was an undergraduate I had very badly annotated editions of Shakespeare's sonnets, all of which left out the important fact that will has a sexual sense in Shakespeare's sonnets.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #295933
#29. We control the content of our dreams.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #310907
#30. I don't know how to sit outside myself and test against a hypothetical self who stayed home.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #366861
#31. I deliberately decided to write a kind of guide to leather bars for straight people, for people not into leather, so that people could see what it was all about.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #777244
#32. My old teacher's definition of poetry is an attempt to understand.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #415666
#33. I try not to observe myself in the process of composing a poem because I don't want to come up with a formula, which I would then be unscrupulous in using.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #444761
#34. I deliberately wrote a poem in my last book where I was suggesting that there are other passions as great as or more important than the passion of sex.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #472763
#35. A literary influence is never just a literary influence. It's also an influence in the way you see everything - in the way you feel your life.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #522529
#36. Ginsberg's Collected Poems contains a wonderful poem about making it with Neal Cassady.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #622225
#37. We learned in the university to consider Wordsworth and Keats as Romantics. They were only a generation apart, but Wordsworth didn't even read Keats's book when he gave him a copy.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #684953
#38. It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the '50s. By the time I retired, the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #722695
#39. Many of my poems are not sexual.

Thom Gunn

Thom Gunn Quotes #724581

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