Top 14 Thirstier Than A Sayings

#1. If getting more girls and drinking more beer meant I'd be 'cool,' then why not? But I soon discovered that lifestyle was like drinking saltwater. If you are extremely thirsty, you'll settle for it, but it just makes you thirstier.

Jefferson Bethke

Thirstier Than A Sayings #29116
#2. The foaminess of the Falls, together with the tinge of tawny yellow in the troubled waters, only reminded me of so much unattainable soda and sherry, and made me feel thirstier than ever.

George Augustus Henry Sala

Thirstier Than A Sayings #156362
#3. Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Thirstier Than A Sayings #169197
#4. Making love with you
Is like drinking sea water.
The more I drink
The thirstier I become,
Until nothing can slake my thirst
But to drink the entire sea.

Kenneth Rexroth

Thirstier Than A Sayings #226217
#5. The very best place to be in all the world is St. Mary's parish, Jamaica. And the best spot in St. Mary's is Port Maria, though all of St. Mary's is fine. Old Maker put himself to a lot of trouble to make that part of the island of Jamaica, for everything there is perfect.

Zora Neale Hurston

Thirstier Than A Sayings #401166
#6. While we got hotter and thirstier as the heat beat down on us. The somebody would call in a voice full of elation

Arthur Godfrey

Thirstier Than A Sayings #590617
#7. The fixation of the theater in one language
written words, music, lights, noises
betokens its imminent ruin.

Antonin Artaud

Thirstier Than A Sayings #772806
#8. I mean, I guess it's just me who argues that; but I'm very vocal.

Randall Munroe

Thirstier Than A Sayings #867631
#9. If you worry about making bogeys, it makes the game that much more difficult. You put more pressure on yourself without even noticing it. It makes a difference to take it easy when things aren't going right.

Sergio Garcia

Thirstier Than A Sayings #957536
#10. It is well known that if there is anything that makes men thirstier than the acquisition of knowledge it is the full or partial prohibition of drinking.

Andrzej Sapkowski

Thirstier Than A Sayings #1003150
#11. Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

George R R Martin

Thirstier Than A Sayings #1110153
#12. Riches, one may say, are like sea-water; the more you drink the thirstier you become; and the same is true of fame.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Thirstier Than A Sayings #1155948
#13. Power is like saltwater; the more you drink, the thirstier you get.

Charles Colson

Thirstier Than A Sayings #1561480
#14. The rose fell, a brief fragrant blazing meteor before it plummeted to the cold stones, forgotten.

Melinda O'Donnell

Thirstier Than A Sayings #1649290

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