Top 28 The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes

#1. There are very few films that work like a novel.

Robert Schwentke

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #744135
#2. Love born of anxiety resembles a thorn shaped so that efforts to pull it out of one's flesh merely cause it to penetrate more deeply therein.

Andre Maurois

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1844962
#3. That little, twitching, momentary clasp of acknowledgment that she gave him in her satisfaction, roused his pride unconquerable. They loved each other, and all was whole. She loved him, he had taken her, she was given to him. It was right. He was given to her, and they were one, complete.

D.H. Lawrence

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1545415
#4. All that happens means something; nothing you do is ever insignificant.

Aldous Huxley

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1498208
#5. You don't win on emotion. You win on execution.

Tony Dungy

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1476153
#6. The moment she entered the room where the man sat alone, waiting intensely, the thrill passed through her, she died in terror, and after the death, a great flame gushed up, obliterating her.

D.H. Lawrence

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1283326
#7. Big results require big ambitions. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. - ALFRED LORD TENNYSON

Bob Proctor

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1203884
#8. The first part of my plan is to write until I die.

The second part is to not die.

Will Carver

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1188662
#9. Every man has a specific skill, whether it is discovered or not, that more readily and naturally comes to him than it would to another, and his own should be sought and polished. He excels best in his niche - originality loses its authenticity in one's efforts to obtain originality.

Criss Jami

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1158616
#10. A thorn in the flesh is nothing compared to a thorn in the conscience.

Adrian Rogers

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #1076116
#11. Consciousness is much more than the thorn, it is the dagger in the flesh.

Emil Cioran

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #978660
#12. She was uneasy, perturbed to her last fibre. She wanted to remain clear, with no touch on her. A wild instinct made her shrink away from any hands which might be laid on her.

D.H. Lawrence

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #958136
#13. Water and stone
Flesh and bone
Night and morn
Rose and thorn
Tree and wind
Heart and mind

Juliet Marillier

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #946623
#14. In fact, my mom always told me because I was the daughter of an Army officer born overseas in Paris, France, that under the Constitution she believed that I could never run for president.

Karen Hughes

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #769778
#15. Women are more emotional, and it's natural to talk about it.

Jenny Eclair

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #12568
#16. When we see all women as the divine mother and all men as the divine father, everyone you meet is sacred.

Stephen Levine

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #738473
#17. Youth has the resilience to absorb disaster and weave it into the pattern of its life, no mater how anguishing the thorn that penetrates its flesh.

Sholem Asch

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #597914
#18. Those who enjoy the emotion of hating are much like the groups who sate their thirst for blood by hunting and hounding to death helpless animals as an outlet for their emotions.

Clarence Darrow

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #571563
#19. The dream I have when I go to sleep involves me crawling through a very narrow wooden corridor for a very long time.

Sam Pink

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #493919
#20. The shame, the roused feeling of exposure acted on his brain, made him heavy, unutterably heavy.

D.H. Lawrence

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #389687
#21. Too normal, I'd worry about. Too weird is perfectly fine.

Annabel Joseph

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #352764
#22. There were people who gave everything they had to the war because it was the last war and by winning it we would remove war like a thorn from the flesh of the world and there wouldn't be any more such horrible nonsense.

John Steinbeck

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #252101
#23. Alice Stewart [is] a much underestimated scientist who has been an indomitable challenger of the establishment and a thorn in the flesh of the nuclear industry.

Joseph Rotblat

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #247035
#24. We can't stop hell from knocking at our door, but that doesn't mean we should stop living because we know it's coming." "I

Dannika Dark

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #221317
#25. (...) he was beginning to be himself. And now he wanted madly to be free to go on. A home, his work, and absolute freedom to move and to be, in her, with her, this was his passionate desire. He thought in a kind of ecstasy, living an hour of painful intensity.

D.H. Lawrence

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #159153
#26. An education system is best belittled when the so-called educated gets hired by a company that's owned by a so-called dropout.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #155150
#27. A fool is a thorn in his own flesh,
and day after day his wounds worsen.
The more he serves folly,
the more foolish he becomes.

Matshona Dhliwayo

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #115739
#28. I started my career without fans.

Christian Bale

The Thorn In The Flesh Quotes #69514

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