Top 100 The Standard Quotes
#1. She has a point, Liege."
Ethan clucked his tongue. "Captain of my Guards and he carries the standard of my Sentinel. Oh, how quickly they turn."
"You're first in my heart, Liege.
Chloe Neill
#2. Were I so tall as to reach the pole or grasp the ocean at a span, I must be measured by my soul. The mind is the standard of the man.
William Ernest Henley
#3. I do think that the standard media is controlled by the conventional wisdom about global warming. We've come to believe - from reading a lot of articles and talking to a lot of scientists - that there's another side to be heard.
Steven Levitt
#4. The standard clauses of the American dream only included two weeks of vacation a year.
Jeff Deck
#5. The time has come for humanity to hoist the standard of the oneness of the human world, so that dogmatic formulas and superstitions may end.
Abdu'l- Baha
#6. Energy will be the immediate test of our ability to unite this Nation, and it can also be the standard around which we rally. On the battlefield of energy we can win for our Nation a new confidence, and we can seize control again of our common destiny.
Jimmy Carter
#7. When we watch a play under the standard circumstances, we've lost volition and time is passing. A still play feels like an existential threat.
Richard Greenberg
#8. Holy Scripture is the highest authority for every believer, the standard of faith and the foundation for reform ...
John Wycliffe
#9. For {she} had adopted the standard of the young: what there was in the moment was everything. And moments followed one another without necessarily belonging to one another.
D.H. Lawrence
#10. Now there is a new request. To release transcripts of speeches that were given. When everybody agrees to do that, I will as well. It is important we all abide by the same standards. So let's do the tax return standard first, because that has been the standard for a long time.
Hillary Clinton
#11. While Congress saw some need to loosen the standard in the initial days of a war, it wanted the president to comply with FISA in carrying out surveillance in the United States.
Jonathan Turley
#12. Rather than a plausible explanation for how we got to be the way we are, the standard narrative is exposed as contemporary moralistic bias packaged to look like science and then projected upon the distant screen of prehistory, rationalizing the present while obscuring the past. Yabba dabba doo.
Cacilda Jetha
#13. The problem with the standard American diet, a primary cause of our current obesity epidemic, is the fact that the majority of foods consumed are high in calories and low in micronutrients.
Joel Fuhrman
#14. Our representation of the standard criminal might be based on the properties of those less intelligent ones who were caught.
Nicholas Nassim Taleb
#15. I didn't follow the standard rules of bass playing, and many musicians on many different instruments who became noteworthy for their unique or particular style did a very similar thing.
Billy Sheehan
#16. As we move into the twenty-first century, women's status in society will become the standard by which to measure our progress toward civility and peace.
Mahnaz Afkhami
#17. I feel like obviously the standard for what TV looks like changes all the time.
J.J. Abrams
#18. That's the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don't work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital.
Noam Chomsky
#19. Her love ... so unconditional, so unapologetic; reminds me that I am worth so much more than the standard I have set for myself.
Steve Maraboli
#20. Man's life is the standard of morality, but your own life is its purpose . If existence on earth is your goal, you must choose your actions and values by the standard of that which is proper to man - for the purpose of preserving, fulfilling and enjoying the irreplaceable value which is your life.
Ayn Rand
#21. Auto designers usually have to think in terms of the standard categories: SUV, sports car, etc.
Charles Pelly
#22. If a leader engages in sinful activity that becomes the standard, if he is strict that becomes the standard.
Radhanath Swami
#23. The standard to compare your software to is what it could be, not what your current competitors happen to have.
Paul Graham
#24. So successful has been the camera's role in beautifying the world that photographs, rather than the world, have become the standard of the beautiful.
Susan Sontag
#25. The sum total of each man's giving determines the standard of man's civilization.
Walter Russell
#26. There is more in art, with an apology to that much abused word, as applied to photography, than startling display lines, on mounts and signs announcing artist Photographer, Artistic Photography Studio, etc., and the lower the standard the more frantic the claim ...
Gertrude Kasebier
#27. If the new military elite is anything like the old one, it would, in any great crisis, tend to side with the Old Order and defend the status quo, if necessary, by force. In the words of the standard police bulletin known to all radio listeners, These men are armed -and they may be dangerous.
Ferdinand Lundberg
#28. The impact of the ACA on larger businesses - especially those that self-insure - is far less than what they would experience in the standard commercial insurance market were they to go out and purchase traditional coverage.
John E. McDonough
#29. The mind's the standard of the man.
Alan Watts
#30. There are no standards of taste in wine ... Each man's own taste is the standard, and a majority vote cannot decide for him or in any slightest degree affect the supremacy of his own standard.
Mark Twain
#31. To the Indian, politics are what the weather is to an Englishman. Politics are an introduction to a stranger on a train, they are the standard filler for embarrassing silences in conversation, they are the inevitable small talk at any social gathering.
Santha Rama Rau
#32. Jesus raised the standard high so we would realize we couldn't possibly do it without a savior.
Andy Stanley
#33. the standard Kettral horseshit: the trainers insisted that their charges memorize everything about the empire from the price of wheat in Channary to the length of the Chief Priest's cock, but when it came to ongoing operations - then you couldn't buy a straight answer.
Brian Staveley
#34. It is a masterpiece of the devil to make us believe that children cannot understand religion. Would Christ have made a child the standard of faith if He had known that it was not capable of understanding His words?
Dwight L. Moody
#35. I'm more comfortable with whatever's wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn't measure up to the standard he set.
John Malkovich
#36. After all, if you have the majority of customers, then what you do becomes the standard. Your competitors have little choice but to follow. If you are the leader, then having a nonstandard infrastructure is a bad idea. Ultimately, it leads to extinction.
Douglas Gwyn
#37. But the standard churchy spirituality doesn't require any real action, courage, or sacrifice from its attendees.
Alan Hirsch
#38. The solution of logical problems must be neat for they set the standard of neatness.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
#39. The world is changing; people's morals and standards are changing. The Bible stays the same, so should our morals, standard and convictions. Raise the standard, live the standard & be the standard!
Joe Joe Dawson
#40. I'd seen a lot of handsome men in my life, but Frank was absolutely beautiful. I could stare at him all day. I wanted to touch him, not just in the standard erogenous zones, but to move my fingers over every inch of his skin until I'd memorized his face and body the way he memorized his books.
Nicole Castle
#41. There are some pop songs I hate but I can't get them out of my head. Our songs also have the standard pop format: Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, bad solo. All in all, I think we sound like The Knack and the Bay City Rollers being molested by Black Flag and Black Sabbath.
Kurt Cobain
#42. 'Star Trek' still - I'm kind of intrigued by the way that the standard foods of various non-humans are sometimes portrayed as downright disgusting.
Ann Leckie
#43. I've learned to judge of men by their own deeds;
I do not make the accident of birth
The standard of their merit.
Sarah Josepha Hale
#44. We weren't afraid to mix some crazy styles into the standard rockabilly look. We also took a lot of different musical influences that were part of that era.
Brian Setzer
#45. Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?
Eric S. Raymond
#46. Physicists are interested in measuring neutrino properties because they tell us about the structure of the Standard Model, the well-tested theory that describes matter's most basic elements and interactions.
Lisa Randall
#47. There is no forgiveness when one who claims a superiority falls below the standard.
Frantz Fanon
#48. Your parents ask you to follow the standard path: School, job, security. Is this really the best way? I don't think so - be your own boss!
Kim Dotcom
#49. The mass never comes up to the standard of its best member, but on the contrary degrades itself to a level with the lowest.
Henry David Thoreau
#50. We usually evaluate creative process in terms of how much feeling or thinking was behind the work or how well the work was done. Isn't there any other way of appreciating the process? What if the standard of excellence was how fully present the artist was during the process?
Kazuaki Tanahashi
#51. In the meantime, it's unfair of me to use my expectations as the standard for their behavior or hold it against them when they don't live up to my hopes.
Lysa TerKeurst
#52. A persistent rumor has circulates in the USA: There are two intelligent races living on the surface of planet Earth: the standard people and the hungarians.
Isaac Asimov
#53. You see, Marcus, some things have value yet have no price, and a wise man learns them and their worth. So do not let the standard of the marketplace be your guide. A man goes there for flour and greens, but not for virtue.
Paul Waters
#54. According to the standard model billions of years ago some little quantum fluctuation, perhaps a slightly lower density of matter, maybe right where we're sitting right now, caused our galaxy to start collapsing around here.
Seth Lloyd
#55. Women's status in society has become the standard by which humanity's progress toward civility and peace can be measured."-Architects of Peace: Visions of Hope in Words and Images
Mahnaz Afkhami
#56. The BBC is the greatest broadcaster in the world. It's the standard that everyone measures themselves against. If we lose the BBC, it won't be quite as bad as losing the royal family, but an integral part of this country will have gone. But then, I'm an old guy.
Terry Wogan
#57. According to a study by Achieve Incorporated, Texas is the first state to make a college-prep curriculum the standard coursework in high school, starting with this year's ninth grade class.
Rick Perry
#58. Demands for 3d Floor Plans have increased significantly compared to the last couple of years where only black and white layouts are the standard choice in the building or housing industry.
Mark Smith
#59. A superior man in dealing with the world is not for anything or against anything. He follows righteousness as the standard.
#60. The standard Chicago hot dog comes with everything you need to sustain life . . . until the bright green pickle relish catches up with you and you die.
Daniel Pinkwater
#61. People have been very resistant to giving me more than the standard amount of money. So I keep making films on a similar scale. Which is fine, but also frustrating.
Mike Leigh
#62. Monogamy is not found in any social, group-living primate except - if the standard narrative is to be believed - us.
Christopher Ryan
#63. Ownership of the standard should be in the hands of those who do the work.
Tom DeMarco
#64. My son is fully vaccinated, but there is one immunization on the standard schedule that he did not receive on time. This was meant to be his very first shot, the hep B administered to most babies immediately after birth.
Eula Biss
#65. Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. It defines what you do and what you don't do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren't. You simply ask, "Does this activity help me fulfill one of God's purposes for my life?
Rick Warren
#66. Thus rising wages do not produce greater satisfaction if the standard of living of the capitalist has risen even more. Yet this is exactly what happens when the growth of capital produces a rise in wages.
#67. The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel.
Esther Hicks
#68. I am intentionally avoiding the standard term which, by the way, did not exist in Euler's time. One of the ugliest outgrowths of the "new math" was the premature introduction of technical terms.
George Polya
#69. The standard God has for you has nothing to do with approval, and everything to do with purpose.
Steven Furtick
#70. Because a person chooses to leave their home country and come to the United States does not necessarily mean they have the right to demand that their father or their other extended family members be allowed to come if they don't otherwise meet the standard.
Jeff Sessions
#71. In my fifty years of experience and memory, I have seen the most amazing increase in the standard of living of a people ever achieved anywhere in the world. This is why I am so sure that our system of free competition and industrial development is sound and must be preserved.
Charles E. Wilson
#72. Holy shit! Can we say unstable? Was I the only sane one around here? Well, I guess that really wasn't setting the standard very high. -Ember, Darkness Of Light
Stacey Marie Brown
#73. We set the standard of how we want to be treated. Our relationships are reflections of the relationships we have with ourselves.
Iyanla Vanzant
#74. And it never occurs to anyone to admit a greatness that is not commensurate with the standard of right and wrong is merely to admit one's own nothingness and immeasurable puniness.
Leo Tolstoy
#75. I exhort you never to debase the moral currency or to lower the standard of rectitude, but to try others by the final maxim that governs your own lives, and to suffer no man and no cause to escape the undying penalty which history has the power to inflict on wrong.
Lord Acton
#76. I would caution against fueling cheap populism. First of all, every German who has spent a vacation in Greece knows that the standard of living there isn't higher than it is in Germany. Second, Greece is paying a high price for European assistance.
Wolfgang Schauble
#77. Even in these times of ours," he wrote in 1948, "when political passion and brute force hang like swords over the anguished heads of men, that even in such times there is being held high and undimmed the standard of our ideal search for truth.
Brandon R. Brown
#78. God's careful instructions for building the tabernacle in Exodus 31 remind us that his perfection sets the standard for whatever we create in his name. Whatever we happen to make-not only in the visual arts, but in all the arts-we should make it as well as we can, offering God our very best.
Philip Graham Ryken
#79. I took her in the standard jive hold that I had practised on the skeleton, and immediately felt the awkwardness, approaching revulsion, that I feel when forced into intimate contact with another human.
Graeme Simsion
#80. Today, if you don't understand the controller, you're not able to enjoy video games. ... We expect the Revolution [Wii] controller to become the standard in video game controls.
Satoru Iwata
#81. The world is a bell curve. Classroom test scores, employee performance in a company or how many people really, really like you. No matter the population you're studying, they always fit neatly across the standard deviations of the famous bell curve.
Simon Sinek
#82. It's good. I swear. Genesis loves it, and she wouldn't even eat eggs for dinner, Stu explains. As if this is the standard by which all food should be judged.
Katie Klein
#83. In short, if we adhere to the standard of perfection in all our endeavors, we are left with nothing but mathematics and the White Album.
Daniel M. Gilbert
#84. The standard entertainment industry reaction to Hollywood's box office slump reveals the same shallow, materialistic mindset that helped create the problem in the first place.
Michael Medved
#86. But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.
Ellen G. White
#87. [T]he present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banners, bona fide must we combat our political foes - rejecting all changes but through the channel itself provides for amendments.
Alexander Hamilton
#88. The working class positively benefited from Hitler's rule, under which the standard of living was raised till it became the highest in Europe.
Hugh Trevor-Roper
#89. Bad friends could ruin your whole life. Be wise when it comes to choosing your friends. You set the standard. You be the one who stands strong. Don't be a follower.
Robin Jones Gunn
#90. Unlike her closest primate cousins, the standard human female doesn't come equipped with private parts that swell up to double their normal size and turn bright red when she is about to ovulate. In
Christopher Ryan
#91. In LA, where I live, it's all about perfectionism. Beauty is now defined by your bones sticking out of your decolletage. For that to be the standard is really perilous for women.
Alanis Morissette
#92. He was the standard against which all others were measured.
Rebecca Flanders
#93. The standard definition of God, "God is light," is just a simple way of saying that God is energy. Electromagnetic energy. He is not a He but an It; a field of energy that permeates the entire universe and, perhaps, feeds off the energy generated by its component parts.
John A. Keel
#94. Standards are different for all things, so the standard set by man is by no means the only 'certain' standard. If you mistake what is relative for something certain, you have strayed far from the ultimate truth.
#95. I would have to say I'm bored with the standard rock, guitar solos, but I've done it for five albums now, and this time I wanted to go in a completely different direction. I wasn't interested in showing off any more.
Kirk Hammett
#96. Whether a tops-down or bottoms-up investor in bonds, stocks, or private equity, the standard analysis tends to judge an investor or his firm on the basis of how the bullish or bearish aspects of the cycle were managed.
Bill Gross
#97. A trustee is held to something stricter than the morals of the market place. Not honesty alone, but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is then the standard of behavior.
Benjamin N. Cardozo
#98. Commonality as a shared estate is an essential paradox; one calling dynamics within dynamics. It invokes the standard of not having standards.
Dew Platt
#99. If they are willing to give women economic freedom in that home, if they are willing to live by the standard they wish women to live by, then homes will be preserves.
Agnes Macphail
#100. I'm not a poet, but I was in the poetry program. And I'm also not much of a nonfiction writer, at least not in the standard sense of nonfiction, nor especially in the way we were thinking about nonfiction back then, in the late 90s.
John D'Agata
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