Top 100 The Introduction Of Quotes
#1. All the gestures of children are graceful; the reign of distortion and unnatural attitudes commences with the introduction of the dancing master.
Joshua Reynolds
#2. The introduction of religious passion into politics is the end of honest politics, and the introduction of politics into religion is the prostitution of true religion.
Lord Hailsham
#3. Ever since the introduction of psychoanalysis there have been too many terms to excuse behavior and phrases that can be [used] to explain everything.
Sean Connery
#4. How do you think the transition from the present situation to community of Property is to be effected? The first, fundamental condition for the introduction of community of property is the political liberation of the proletariat through a democratic constitution.
Friedrich Engels
#5. To the non-initiate, whose experience of sexuality and bodily pleasure may be distorted by negative cultural conditioning, the introduction of sexuality into a sacred context is often mistakenly misconstrued as the ordinary pursuit of sex for recreation.
Zeena Schreck
#6. The introduction of the doctrine of polygamy was the first time in my life that I desired the grave, and I could hardly get over it for a long time. And when I saw a funeral, I felt to envy the corpse its situation.
Brigham Young
#7. factory's problems arose from the introduction of an industrial process in a country with a language and culture stuck in the Middle Ages. The
Antonio Garrido
#8. Swipe fees have increased steadily since the introduction of debit cards 20 years ago, when there were no swipe fees at all. Merchants can't negotiate or control them. They've tried, but they have no leverage against the big banks and issuers. So they get ignored.
Peter Welch
#9. I want to promote the introduction of art history in primary schools and to convince the general public that, even in a period of economic crisis, arts funding is an absolute necessity at the federal, state, and local levels.
Camille Paglia
#10. The true function of philosophy is to educate us in the principles of reasoning and not to put an end to further reasoning by the introduction of fixed conclusions.
George Henry Lewes
#11. Much later, when I was discussing cosmological problems with Einstein, he remarked that the introduction of the cosmological term was the biggest blunder he ever made in his life.
George Gamow
#12. Hence the mere chance of seeing Will occasionally was like a lunette opened in the wall of her prison, giving her a glimpse of the sunny air; and this pleasure began to nullify her original alarm at what her husband might think about the introduction of Will as her uncle's guest. On
George Eliot
#13. And let it be noted that there is no more delicate matter to take in hand, nor more dangerous to conduct, nor more doubtful in its success, than to set up as a leader in the introduction of changes.
Niccolo Machiavelli
#14. Germans tend to forget now that the euro was largely a Franco-German creation. No country has benefited more from the euro than Germany, both politically and economically. Therefore what has happened as a result of the introduction of the euro is largely Germany's its responsibility.
George Soros
#15. The number of attacks on the American and allied forces is at the highest level since the insurgency began despite the increase of America combat operations and the introduction of some 40 new Iraq security forces and battalions.
Ike Skelton
#16. I have always hated slavery, I think, as much as any abolitionist. I have been an Old Line Whig. I have always hated it, but I have always been quiet about it until this new era of the introduction of the Nebraska Bill began.
Abraham Lincoln
#17. The advent of ebooks is no more going to kill the pleasure of reading than the introduction of the internal combustion engine made horses extinct.
Michael A. Stackpole
#18. The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. You may honestly feel grateful that homeopathy survived the attempts of the allopaths to destroy it.
Mark Twain
#19. The introduction of many minds into many fields of learning along a broad spectrum keeps alive questions about the accessibility, if not the unity, of knowledge.
Edward Levi
#20. It took 350 years, since the invention of the telescope, to enter the space age, but it has taken only fifteen years since the introduction of the MRI and advanced brain scans to actively connect the brain to the outside world.
#21. Since the introduction of inanimate mechanism into British manufactories, man, with few exceptions, has been treated as a secondary and inferior machine; and far more attention has been given to perfect the raw materials of wood and metals than those of body and mind.
Robert Owen
#22. The introduction of numbers as coordinates is an act of violence.
Hermann Weyl
#23. I just don't accept that there is a trade off between trade and democracy ... what we've got now is an institution that has utterly outgrown its roots which were noble ... the real difference was the introduction of the euro.
Ruth Davidson
#24. We have learned that precision munitions go precisely where they're targeted to go. We've learned that the introduction of human beings in the equation, who can cause the precision munitions to go precisely where they should go, pays a huge dividend.
Tommy Franks
#25. [Heresy is] the dislocation of a complete and self-supporting scheme by the introduction of a novel denial of some essential part therein.
Hilaire Belloc
#26. The introduction of a substantial Government transfer tax on all transactions might prove the most serviceable reform available,with a view to mitigating the predominance of speculation in the United States.
John Maynard Keynes
#27. A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers.
Adam Weishaupt
#28. Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics.
Archie Kalokerinos
#29. Arithmetic has a very great and elevating effect, compelling the soul to reason about abstract number, and rebelling against the introduction of visible or tngible objects into the argument.
#30. Big data is the most disruptive force this industry has seen since the introduction of the relational database.
Jeffrey Needham
#31. So urgent on the vulgar is the necessity of believing, that the fall of any system of mythology will most probably be succeeded by the introduction of some other mode of superstition. Christian
Matt Burriesci
#32. The introduction of Christianity, which, under whatever form, always confers such inestimable benefits on mankind, soon made a sensible change in these rude and fierce manners.
Edmund Burke
#33. Mr. Cat and Mr. Dog were neighbors who fought like, well, cats and dogs. That is until Mr. Rat moved in. It's fascinating how easily two enemies ally at the introduction of a third.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#34. The fruits of Christianity were religious wars, butcheries, crusades, inquisitions, extermination of the natives of America, and the introduction of African slaves in their place.
Arthur Schopenhauer
#35. At the English Revolution, when William of Orange came to the throne, the introduction of French wines into the country was prohibited, and this gave a great impetus to the manufacture of cyder and care in the production of cyder of the best description.
Sabine Baring-Gould
#36. The introduction of LSD and psychedelics into the culture produced a transformation of the entire culture, the consciousness of the culture.
Ralph Metzner
#37. Well, Apple invented the PC as we know it, and then it invented the graphical user interface as we know it eight years later (with the introduction of the Mac). But then, the company had a decade in which it took a nap.
Steve Jobs
#38. I was once on a panel where we concluded that the only things you couldn't have in YA were boring and beastiality. Now with the introduction of shapeshifters, I'd say just boring.
Janni Lee Simner
#39. What's really interesting is the introduction of the tablet - not just the iPad, but the Nook and the Kindle. While they aren't going to solve all of our problems, I do think they make it easier for people to pause, linger, read and really process very important ideas.
Chris Hughes
#40. On the one hand, a central part of this theory is the introduction of probability measures which describe what associations and deductions we are likely to make.
Ulf Grenander
#41. In some ways, I lament the introduction of civilisation on such a huge scale, because it has given us a lot of room to abuse each other, which we continue to do.
Roy Harper
#42. The introduction of radar, a completely new way to see, in the Second World War altered the basis of warfare more profoundly than any of the inventions that had marked the industrialization of combat.
Louis Brown
#43. The President wishes the Japanese to be very prudent about the introduction of opium, and if a treaty is made, he wishes that opium may be strictly prohibited.
Townsend Harris
#44. Evermore the Law must prepare the way for the gospel. To overlook this in instructing souls is almost certain to result in false hope, the introduction of a false standard of Christian experience, and to fill the Church with false converts ... Time will make this plain.
Charles Grandison Finney
#45. There has been nothing more impactful on my life and meaningful to me than the introduction of Christ. That, hands down, blows away every joke I've ever written.
Steve Harvey
#46. The introduction of free competition is thus public declaration that from now on the members of society are unequal only to the extent that their capitals are unequal, that capital is the decisive power, and that therefore the capitalists, the bourgeoisie, have become the first class in society.
Karl Marx
#47. The larger part of the 50,000 English stocking knitters and their families did not fully emerge from the hunger and misery entailed by the introduction of the machine for the next forty years.
Henry Hazlitt
#48. In occupied Iraq, the introduction of new paper money took almost a year, 20 or so Boeing 747s, the mobilisation of the U.S. military's might, three printing firms, and hundreds of trucks.
Yanis Varoufakis
#49. The introduction of the word 'intuition' by a moral philosopher is always a signal that something has gone badly wrong with an argument.
Alasdair MacIntyre
#50. European countries unresistingly submitted to the introduction of general military service
i.e., to a state of slavery involving a degree of humiliation and submission incomparably worse than any slavery of the ancient world.
Leo Tolstoy
#51. The introduction of heartache began as a child.
Ozzy Osbourne
#52. At every major step, physics has required, and frequently stimulated, the introduction of new mathematical tools and concepts. Our present understanding of the laws of physics, with their extreme precision and universality, is only possible in mathematical terms.
Michael Atiyeh
#53. And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
Niccolo Machiavelli
#54. Eli Lilly had decided not to sell in Japan in the 80's because of a lack of demand, but with the introduction of the new diagnosis kokoro no kaze (which translates to "your soul has a cold"), mild depression became a "real" illness, treatable with medication.
Margee Kerr
#55. For the introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperiling the whole state; since styles of music are never disturbed without affecting the most important political institutions.
#56. Like the invention of the telescope, the introduction of MRI machines and a variety of advanced brain scans
Michio Kaku
#57. With the introduction of agriculture mankind entered upon a long period of meanness, misery, and madness, from which they are only now being freed by the beneficent operation of the machine.
Bertrand Russell
#58. The introduction of resistance in form of sand and hill is too important to be ignored.
Percy Cerutty
#59. Melody and harmony are like lines and colors in pictures. A simple linear picture may be completely beautiful; the introduction of color may make it vague and insignificant. Yet color may, by combination with lines, create great pictures, so long as it does not smother and destroy their value.
Rabindranath Tagore
#60. Invest in learning and discovering new filmmaking techniques is the next keystone to success. Film is changing rapidly right now. The last big change was the introduction of sound. This time around it is movies on th internet and mobile telephones.
Elliot Grove
#61. After years of patient study (and with cricket there can be no other kind), I have decided that there is nothing wrong with the game that the introduction of golf carts wouldn't fix in a hurry.
Bill Bryson
#62. The introduction of political pluralism often quickly led to bad results.
Omar Bongo
#63. It will at least be a recommendation to the proposed constitution that it is provided with more checks and barriers against the introduction of tyranny, and those of a nature less liable to be surmounted, than any government hitherto instituted among mortals hath possessed.
George Washington
#64. There is a great need for the introduction of new values in our society, where bigger is not necessarily better, where slower can be faster, and where less can be more.
Gaylord Nelson
#65. The introduction of the cipher 0 or the group concept was general nonsense too, and mathematics was more or less stagnating for thousands of years because nobody was around to take such childish steps ...
Alexander Grothendieck
#66. We ought therefore to suspect that a great mass of information respecting the Bible, and the introduction of it into the world, has been suppressed by the united tyranny of Church and State, for the purpose of keeping people in ignorance, and which ought to be known.
Thomas Paine
#67. The introduction of cooking may well have been the decisive factor in leading man from a primarily animal existence into one that was more fully human.
Carleton S. Coon
#68. I ought to be more hardboiled; I'd like to be. I don't think I have it in me. To write in clipped sentences. To employ gritty metaphor in the introduction of sultry blondes ... I can't do it, so why bother trying?
Jesse Kellerman
#69. Arguably, it was the introduction of international non-proliferation treaties in the late '80s that finally led to the missiles being removed from Greenham Common.
Beeban Kidron
#70. The British have been particularly shy about the issues of financial regulation, and attentive only to the interests of the City - hence their reluctance to see the introduction of a tax on financial transactions and tax harmonisation in Europe.
Francois Hollande
#71. Strip the human race, absolutely naked, and it would be a real democracy. But the introduction of even a rag of tiger skin, or a cowtail, could make a badge of distinction and be the beginning of a monarchy.
Mark Twain
#72. The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.
Thomas Jefferson
#73. I left Apple in April of 1984, pretty soon after the introduction of the Mac.
Andy Hertzfeld
#74. It could be a meeting on the street, or a party or a lecture, or just a simple, banal introduction, then suddenly there is a flash of recognition and the embers of kinship glow. There is an awakening between you, a sense of ancient knowing.
John O'Donohue
#75. The wearer of smiles and the bearer of a kindly disposition needs no introduction, but is welcome anywhere.
Orison Swett Marden
#76. Zen is meditation, the actual experience of life directly, immediately with no buffers.
Frederick Lenz
#77. I joined the Army and was sent to the MIT radiation laboratory after a few months of introduction to electromagnetic wave theory in a special course, given for Army personnel at the University of Chicago.
Jack Steinberger
#78. Old Zen was the reduction of concepts to absurdity.
Frederick Lenz
#79. My objection to Liberalism is this that it is the introduction into the practical business of life of the highest kind namely, politics of philosophical ideas instead of political principles.
Benjamin Disraeli
#80. old books -- little tombstones of ideas and history
Amy Tan
#81. It takes great effort to follow the rules of a pull system ... thus a half-hearted introduction of a pull system brings a hundred harms and not a single gain.
Taiichi Ohno
#82. I am the owner of the sphere,
Of the seven stars and the solar year,
of Caesar's hand, and Plato's brain,
Of Lord Christ's heart, and Shakespeare's strain.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#83. I had long since given up trying to extract from a woman as it were the square root of her unknown quantity, the mystery of which a mere introduction was generally enough to dispel.
Marcel Proust
#84. My introduction to the Brady book was an attempt to nail the exact same idea since Brady addressed the point. And since I write pornography, naturally, something of an obsession for me.
Peter Sotos
#85. Diligence in employments of less consequence is the most successful introduction to greater enterprises.
Samuel Johnson
#86. We have misunderstood our confusion when we think there is an answer to it. The confusion is not a result of questions that are too hard, but rather a questioner who is disintegrating. Confusion is the introduction to true intelligence.
Steven Harrison
#87. The sense of self is one of the obscurations that prevents us from seeing clearly, the idea that there is a self or that we are anyone in particular.
Frederick Lenz
#88. Climbers seem to forget that we said in our introduction that there were simply '50 classic routes', not 'the 50 classics'. We chose 50 from a list of about 120. Only a torturer will ever pry loose from our lips the names of those other 70 classics ...
Steve Roper
#89. Esther liked books out where everyone could see them, a sort of graphic index to the intricate labyrinth of her mind arrayed to impress the most casual guest, a system of immediate introduction which she had found to obtain in a number of grimy intellectual households in Greenwich Village.
William Gaddis
#90. My introduction, implicitly echoing Oscar Wilde's remark that all bad poetry is sincere, grants the benign social decency of [Stephen] King's fictions.
Harold Bloom
#91. For, usually and fitly, the presence of an introduction is held to imply that there is something of consequence and importance to be introduced.
Arthur Machen
#92. At the age of 12 I won the school prize for Best English Essay. The prize was a copy of Somerset Maugham's 'Introduction To Modern English And American Literature.' To this day I keep it on the shelf between my collection of Forester's works and the little urn that contains my mother's ashes.
Wilbur Smith
#93. I'd rather strive for the kind of interview where instead of me asking to introduce myself to society, society asks me to introduce myself to society.
Criss Jami
#94. An accessible introduction to the nature of political thought. Just what I always wanted.
Chris Weitz
#95. Lord help us to understand that everything we desire to achieve has to have a basic start/foundation. For example: every story has an introduction, body and closing. So there is no way we can skip one of the three elements.
Euginia Herlihy
#96. Borrowing Hans Burger's clever introduction to his expansive treatment of union with Christ, "To be or not to be - in Christ - that is the question.
David B Garner
#97. The introduction into the supernatural lifestyle that the Lord wants for all who follow Him begins with the ability to hear the voice of God.
Brian Nickens
#98. It is curious how in English embroideries there has always been a predilection on the part of the designers for interlacing stems, and for the inconsequent introduction of birds and beasts.
#99. The title of the class was listed in fresh dark ink: Introduction to Not Being a Stupid Jackass.
Patrick Rothfuss
#100. Less depends upon the choice of words than upon this, that their introduction shall be justified by pregnant theorems.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
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