Top 43 The Culture Industry Quotes

#1. The triumph of advertising in the culture industry is that consumers feel compelled to buy and use its products even though they see through them.

Theodor W. Adorno

The Culture Industry Quotes #295170
#2. Illusory universality is the universality of the art of the culture industry, it is the universality of the homogeneous same, an art which no longer even promises happiness but only provides easy amusement as relief from labour.

J.M. Bernstein

The Culture Industry Quotes #24146
#3. Conservatives frequently complain of being frozen out of the culture industry, though, like all industries, the culture industry will produce or sell anything it expects to profit from.

Alex Pareene

The Culture Industry Quotes #1776946
#4. In so far as the culture industry arouses a feeling of well-being that the world is precisely in that order suggested by the culture industry, the substitute gratification which it prepares for human beings cheats them out of the same happiness which it deceitfully projects.

Theodor W. Adorno

The Culture Industry Quotes #1094194
#5. On the aesthetic level, decolonized music presents itself as a direct antagonist to the traditional values promoted by the culture industry.


The Culture Industry Quotes #1048701
#6. MTV and the culture industry never are talking about community relevance, hood organization, they aren't talking about ethical codes, they aren't talking about forms of political organization, they don't speak about codes inside the jails. What they talk about are superficial things.


The Culture Industry Quotes #1014770
#7. The culture industry not so much adapts to the reactions of its customers as it counterfeits them.

Theodor Adorno

The Culture Industry Quotes #973334
#8. What becomes fascinating is the way the culture industry doesn't deny it and doesn't try to mitigate it, but tries to sell its products as a way of liberating oneself.

Thomas Frank

The Culture Industry Quotes #818213
#9. The paradise offered by the culture industry is the same old drudgery. Both escape and elopement are pre-designed to lead back to the starting point. Pleasure promotes the resignation which it ought to help to forget.

Theodor W. Adorno

The Culture Industry Quotes #317132
#10. I claim that space is part of our culture. You've heard complaints that nobody knows the names of the astronauts, that nobody gets excited about launches, that nobody cares anymore except people in the industry. I don't believe that for a minute.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The Culture Industry Quotes #1022436
#11. I love and admire the American culture and the American dream. I learnt so many things about the American shoe industry and marketing strategies. I caught the secrets of American casual wear, that is elegant and wearable, retro and modern, and mixed it with an Italian touch, luxurious and handmade.

Diego Della Valle

The Culture Industry Quotes #1814732
#12. Whether serving in the military, building industry, organizing politically, or making their way in any other part of American culture, the Irish were determined to create a free and prosperous life for themselves. This Irish-American struggle led to social and political progress for all Americans.

Rashers Tierney

The Culture Industry Quotes #1037280
#13. I think in our culture there's been a tendency for people to blame the audience. There is a tendency in our industry to say, 'The audience has left the building. People don't want culture anymore.'

Diane Paulus

The Culture Industry Quotes #1066626
#14. The illusion of skill is not only an individual aberration; it is deeply ingrained in the culture of the [investment management] industry.

Daniel Kahneman

The Culture Industry Quotes #1098669
#15. The mommy-porn genre currently sweeping the book industry and the Babylonian excess of most television shows probably fall within the historical norm in our culture's sleaze index and are not omens of the imminent collapse of civilization, though if I were not so busy, I might start building an ark.

Dean Koontz

The Culture Industry Quotes #1237746
#16. Laughing in the cultural industry is mockery of happiness.

Theodor W. Adorno

The Culture Industry Quotes #1315308
#17. The film industry has become a universal medium exercising a profound influence on the development of people's attitudes and choices, and possessing a remarkable ability to influence public opinion and culture across all social and political frontiers.

Pope John Paul II

The Culture Industry Quotes #1334542
#18. That's America for you - a red herring culture, always scared of the wrong things. The fact is, there are a lot of creepy middle-aged men out there lusting for your kids. They work for MTV, the pharmaceutical industry, McDonald's, Marlboro and K Street.

Bill Maher

The Culture Industry Quotes #1418917
#19. The music industry is such a huge machine. There are still a lot of good people in it, but the character of the industry and the culture of the industry is very fast.


The Culture Industry Quotes #1440425
#20. The notion that gaming was not for women rippled out into society, until we heard it not just from the games industry, but from our families, teachers and friends. As a consequence, I, like many women, had a complicated, love-hate relationship with gaming culture.

Anita Sarkeesian

The Culture Industry Quotes #1478137
#21. I'm not a big crime reader, but I'm reading Michael Connelly's 'The Reversal.' I'm going back to his novels. I'm also reading Keith Richards' 'Life.' I'm always fascinated by the transition from the innocent late '60s and early '70s and the youth culture becoming an industry.

Jo Nesbo

The Culture Industry Quotes #1497492
#22. You don't realize it until you go out and take a look, but there are so many ways in which sexism is just allowed in our culture, not just in the entertainment industry. It's just allowed to be there, and that's not acceptable anymore. And I think it's really important to be very vocal.

Jenny Slate

The Culture Industry Quotes #1516710
#23. There is this peculiar blind spot in the culture of academic medicine around whether withholding trial results is research misconduct. People who work in any industry can reinforce each others' ideas about what is okay.

Ben Goldacre

The Culture Industry Quotes #1666698
#24. We live in a youth-obsessed, aesthetically obsessed culture. That is no more evident than in the film industry.

Ben Barnes

The Culture Industry Quotes #1695815
#25. In the fashion industry, everything goes retro except the prices.

Criss Jami

The Culture Industry Quotes #1699748
#26. Human Millipede 6 was the highest-grossing movie of the summer and returned Nicholas Cage to Oscar-winning status.

C.Z. Hazard

The Culture Industry Quotes #1812601
#27. Music belongs to everybody. Having a little clique of the industry tell us what our culture is ... I don't think that's healthy. And the Internet is helping us get away from that.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

The Culture Industry Quotes #329798
#28. Rappers hate each other, not the labels that got rich,
Don't care about culture, they only want profit.
If your album sell slow, bet you'll get dropped quick;
Q-Tip warned us: the industry's toxic.
For reference, check out BDP's Sex and Violence.


The Culture Industry Quotes #658
#29. I would ask: Given the nature of free-market capitalism - where the rule is to rise to the top at all costs - is it possible to have a financial industry hero? And by the way, this is not a pop-culture trend we're talking about. There aren't many financial heroes in literature, theater or cinema.

Martin Scorsese

The Culture Industry Quotes #15107
#30. The difference between extras and audience members is that audience members don't get chairs. Audience members are the daylaborers of the industry. When it's sunny, we stand in the sun. When it's cold, we stand in the cold.

J. Richard Singleton

The Culture Industry Quotes #27129
#31. Every single line, every single thing has to be fought over. There's kind of like an intrinsic doubt from absolutely everyone in my crew, my producer, everyone. It's not just the film industry - it's a worldwide thing. It's the culture of the world to doubt women.

Patricia Riggen

The Culture Industry Quotes #33139
#32. It had not yet been named Silicon Valley, but you had the defense industry, you had Hewlett-Packard. But you also had the counter-culture, the Bay Area. That entire brew came together in Steve Jobs.

Erik Qualman

The Culture Industry Quotes #121495
#33. The idea of the peace movement and of people who spent their entire lives trying to have a more egalitarian, just society, suddenly became swamped by the record industry, by the new rock and roll culture, and by the idea of not trusting anyone over thirty.

David Amram

The Culture Industry Quotes #128534
#34. I have a conflicted relationship with musicals, because I think the music itself can be so horrendous. It's an industry that relies on appealing to a mainstream culture in order to survive.

Colin Meloy

The Culture Industry Quotes #269436
#35. As the leadership team, we're taking bold and decisive action to evolve our organization and culture. This includes difficult steps, but they are necessary to position Microsoft for future growth and industry leadership.

Amy Hood

The Culture Industry Quotes #319286
#36. If you think about the history of the PC industry, the PC industry has essentially been nothing but acquisitions by one company or another. Dell is the outlier. Dell built its own culture. They automated themselves to be the most efficient manufacturer.

Eric Schmidt

The Culture Industry Quotes #824792
#37. There are some people who have helped to advance me and other girls, but the fashion industry is always behind popular culture. They think they understand the zeitgeist. They don't know anything about the zeitgeist.


The Culture Industry Quotes #388277
#38. Moving to London was a culture shock, but in a really good way. I'm more aware now, and I'm less trusting of people in the music industry.

Nina Nesbitt

The Culture Industry Quotes #518386
#39. What is MTV doing and what is the hegemonic culture industry promoting in gangsta rap? It is the glorification of violence for the sake of violence, the violence itself, like consumption for the sake of consumption, hypermasculinity writ-large with an adapted potency.


The Culture Industry Quotes #558811
#40. In truth, Wall Street is in for a radical makeover. Fewer people, lower margins, lower risk, lower compensation - and ultimately, fewer talented people. It is likely to change the culture of an industry that for nearly a century has been the money center of the world.

Andrew Ross Sorkin

The Culture Industry Quotes #655465
#41. The fall of the present bureaucratic dictatorship [in the Soviet Union], if it were not replaced by a new socialist power, would thus mean a return to capitalist relations with a catastrophic decline of industry and culture.

Leon Trotsky

The Culture Industry Quotes #702460
#42. The real problem at the moment is that the banks - because of their existing culture, which is frankly anti-business, obsession with short-term trading profits, not focusing on the long term - are throttling the recovery of British industry.

Vince Cable

The Culture Industry Quotes #736566
#43. Even the models we see in magazines wish they could look like their own images.

Cheri K. Erdman

The Culture Industry Quotes #763469

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