Top 62 Take Initiative Sayings

#1. This is so fucking Human of you. Lie back and let the galaxy do whatever it wants, because you're too guilty about how badly you fucked up your own species to ever take initiative.

Becky Chambers

Take Initiative Sayings #330761
#2. Producers think in the language of abundance rather than scarcity, take initiative instead of waiting for someone else to provide them with opportunity, and boldly venture wise risks instead of surrendering to fear that they can't make a difference.

Oliver DeMille

Take Initiative Sayings #367891
#3. Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be the solution to problems.

Stephen Covey

Take Initiative Sayings #506695
#4. Victims are also less likely to take initiative because they feel outcomes are not in their hands anyway. An organization filled with victims will generally have low morale, have more risk-averse behavior, and find it difficult to implement change.

John Izzo

Take Initiative Sayings #610970
#5. When you are leading, you have to take initiative.

Michael Hyatt

Take Initiative Sayings #966428
#6. One has to take initiative in life to achieve what he or she wants.

Donald Johanson

Take Initiative Sayings #1482886
#7. The choice to love is the choice to take initiative. It is the choice to do or say something for the other person's benefit, something that would help make them a better person, something that would enrich their lives or make life more meaningful for them.

Gary Chapman

Take Initiative Sayings #1598904
#8. Instead of antiquated notions of physical daring, courage is much more about making small choices to take initiative even when we are experiencing anxiety and facing risk.

Robert Biswas-Diener

Take Initiative Sayings #1739333
#9. The best employees are those who bring real energy and initiative to the job. I like to know whether you're the kind of person who can set priorities, take initiative, and drive results right from the beginning.

Marillyn Hewson

Take Initiative Sayings #69243
#10. The organization does not have to be at the mercy of the environment; it can take the initiative to accomplish the shared values and purposes of the individuals involved.

Stephen R. Covey

Take Initiative Sayings #1379704
#11. No one could become an efficient leader or take the initiative in any great undertaking without belief in himself.

Napoleon Hill

Take Initiative Sayings #1047261
#12. I want people to take the initiative to find veterans that need help, veterans that are suffering and in need of assistance reintegrating from combat back into society, into normal family lives and jobs. We need to take a real 'boots on the ground' approach to helping veterans in need.

Max Martini

Take Initiative Sayings #1286190
#13. There's a project that I started at HHS called the Health Data Initiative. The whole idea was to take a page from what the government had done to make weather data and GPS available back in the day.

Todd Park

Take Initiative Sayings #1275694
#14. You've got to take the initiative and play your game. In a decisive set, confidence is the difference.

Chris Evert

Take Initiative Sayings #1254192
#15. Hold up a mirror and ask yourself what you are capable of doing, and what you really care about. Then take the initiative - don't wait for someone else to ask you to act.

Sylvia Earle

Take Initiative Sayings #1230730
#16. Change requires individuals who recognize that new things can be done and who take the initiative to get them done ... The existing bureaucracies, public and private, will not take on the job of changing what is.

Lester Thurow

Take Initiative Sayings #1208967
#17. Take action and be brave Theodor for it is fear and inaction that kills.

Robert Radcliffe

Take Initiative Sayings #1169828
#18. In the acquisition of a new habit, or the leaving off of an old one, we must take care to launch ourselves with as strong and decided an initiative as possible.

William James

Take Initiative Sayings #1103146
#19. You've got to take the initiative to play your game. Confidence makes the difference.

Chris Evert

Take Initiative Sayings #1100642
#20. If you are to become more sensitive, you must be willing to take a risk. Take the initiative to find a need and take action.

John C. Maxwell

Take Initiative Sayings #1088963
#21. It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction.

Stephen Harper

Take Initiative Sayings #1072120
#22. Encourage members of your team to take the initiative and act on their own.

Mike Krzyzewski

Take Initiative Sayings #1871585
#23. The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation.

Julie Bishop

Take Initiative Sayings #1383733
#24. Take some initiative and snap outside of passivity; consistent small actions have impact.

Darren Rowse

Take Initiative Sayings #1437216
#25. Take stands, take risks, take responsibility.

Muriel Siebert

Take Initiative Sayings #1454701
#26. At the current rate of 28 miles of SBInet [Secure Border Initiative network] technology every 4.5 years, it would take 320 years - or until the year 2330 - to deploy SBInet technology across the Southwest border. That statistic would be comical if the subject matter were not so serious.

Henry Cuellar

Take Initiative Sayings #1613754
#27. State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management.

Benito Mussolini

Take Initiative Sayings #1664444
#28. Whatever lessons we take from this dreadful attack (on the World Trade Center and Pentagon), we should never forget that it was, after all, a faith based initiative.

Wendy Kaminer

Take Initiative Sayings #1665874
#29. Just as the process of repealing national alcohol prohibition began with individual states repealing their own prohibition laws, so individual states must now take the initiative with respect to repealing marijuana prohibition laws.

George Soros

Take Initiative Sayings #1693531
#30. There are resources to help and simple steps that parents, preschools, businesses, and communities can take to help our kids succeed, because we're all in this together, and that's what the Too Small to Fail Initiative is all about.

Hillary Clinton

Take Initiative Sayings #1708618
#31. There is nothing natural, inevitable, or necessary about the labyrinth of fear. We can liberate ourselves. There are better ways to live. Someone has to take the initiative to love and trust her fellow living creature and set us all free.

Brendan Myers

Take Initiative Sayings #1709180
#32. The halberd is inferior to the spear on the battlefield. With the spear you can take the initiative, the halberd is defensive.

Miyamoto Musashi

Take Initiative Sayings #1738510
#33. Even when other people don't expect a lot out of you,you have to take the initiative.

Chris Martin

Take Initiative Sayings #1744436
#34. Your success is your responsibility. Take the initiative, do the work, and persist to the end.

Lorii Myers

Take Initiative Sayings #1797170
#35. DO take the initiative and introduce yourself to the people you don't know. DO say your first and last names: "Hello, I'm Heather Wells." This saves the other person from asking, "What's your last name?" DO be inclusive and greet the people you know, even if you saw them just hours earlier.

Dorothea Johnson

Take Initiative Sayings #1842100
#36. The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.

Robert Mundell

Take Initiative Sayings #444435
#37. To act, in its most general sense, means to take an initiative, to begin ... to set something into motion.

Hannah Arendt

Take Initiative Sayings #34049
#38. Success comes from taking the initiative and following up ... persisting ... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?

Tony Robbins

Take Initiative Sayings #39030
#39. When you become ministers, teach your people how to think independently without relying on you for instructions. Don't be a leader who tries to control people. Do not limit your people, but provide a creative environment for them to take the initiative

Sunday Adelaja

Take Initiative Sayings #42852
#40. I've found that often the quality you see in successful people is knowing when to take the initiative, and being quick about it. I've never sat around, waiting for someone to tell me to take charge. I just do it.

R.K. Lilley

Take Initiative Sayings #43324
#41. When you take out individual initiative, individual responsibility, and the hope that every individual is born with, to better their lives, to climb the economic ladder, to pursue happiness, that is, in fact, a neoslavery.

Niger Innis

Take Initiative Sayings #59333
#42. If you don't know or didn't understand, ASK! It's your responsibility to find out. Research; demonstrate an unquenchable desire to know everything about your job. If something is broken or not right, take the initiative to fix it or make

Dick Couch

Take Initiative Sayings #83693
#43. We can also take personal initiative to reduce the depressive, isolating effects of a materialist mindset by avoiding its stimulants -- most obviously, advertising. One method: "Watch less TV.


Take Initiative Sayings #163797
#44. When it comes to taking the initiative against drudgery, we have to take the first step as though there were no God. There is no point in waiting for God to help us--He will not. But once we arise, immediately we find He is there.

Oswald Chambers

Take Initiative Sayings #172375
#45. To get Firefox or Chrome, you have to demonstrate some resourcefulness and download a different browser. Instead of accepting the default, you take a bit of initiative to seek out an option that might be better. And that act of initiative, however tiny, is a window into what you do at work.

Adam M. Grant

Take Initiative Sayings #269377
#46. Initiative doesn't cost a thing, feel free to take all you want.

Don Jacobs

Take Initiative Sayings #283258
#47. This is no time for inactivity or despair. Off with the mourning clothes. Take some chances; take the initiative. You never know what might happen. You might have a part in bringing Christ to the world. Grace

Max Lucado

Take Initiative Sayings #290296
#48. The nature of encounter operations required of the commanders limitless initiative and constant readiness to take the responsibility for military actions.

Georgy Zhukov

Take Initiative Sayings #362795
#49. Successful people are always thinking about what they can do to move to the next level. Initiative is the drive to do it - to take the first step, and then the next step. The great thing about initiative - is that it's free and available to everyone.

Maria Bartiromo

Take Initiative Sayings #382022
#50. A large part of the father's life had been spent waiting. He could not force his younger son to come home or his older son to let go of his resentments. Only they themselves could take the initiative to return.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Take Initiative Sayings #1001933
#51. Money doesn't make films. You just do it and take the initiative.

Werner Herzog

Take Initiative Sayings #458879
#52. Without a Palestinian partner, Israel needs to take the initiative itself.

Avi Dichter

Take Initiative Sayings #572189
#53. The individual can take initiatives without anybody's permission. Only individuals can think. Only the individual disregards his fears and commits himself exclusively to reforming the human environment.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Take Initiative Sayings #610092
#54. Offensive Takeaway Point: We should look for a way to stop responding to initiatives of the adversary and start behaving in such a way that they have to figure out how to respond to us. Take the initiative.

Douglas Wilson

Take Initiative Sayings #709611
#55. Show me someone who is humble enough to accept and take responsibility for his or her circumstances and courageous enough to take whatever initiative is necessary to creatively work his or her through or around these challenges, and I'll show you supreme power of choice.

Stephen R. Covey

Take Initiative Sayings #724127
#56. For the past weeks I'd been reacting. That was no way to win. To win, you take the initiative. You instigate the action. You make the opponent react to you.

Richard Marcinko

Take Initiative Sayings #728144
#57. There is a heavy emphasis in Mormonism on initiative, on responsibility, on a work ethic, and on education. If you take those elements together with a free-enterprise system, you've got the chemistry for a lot of industry.

Stephen Covey

Take Initiative Sayings #773281
#58. If you can defend, counter-attack and take the initiative then you become a more dangerous player.

Jo Durie

Take Initiative Sayings #791096
#59. The only way I'm going to make any friends is if I take the first step.

Alexandra Robbins

Take Initiative Sayings #794632
#60. Nowadays there is more dynamism in chess, modern players like to take the initiative. Usually they are poor defenders though.

Boris Spassky

Take Initiative Sayings #866424
#61. When you take the free will out of education, that turns it into schooling.

John Taylor Gatto

Take Initiative Sayings #961170
#62. Americans have always believed that-within the law-all kinds of people should be allowed to take the initiative in all kinds of activities. And out of that pluralism has come virtually all of our creativity. Freedom is real only to the extent that there are diverse alternatives.

John W. Gardner

Take Initiative Sayings #989794

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