Top 20 Super Nintendo Quotes

#1. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis. When I was dead broke, man, I couldn't picture this.

The Notorious B.I.G.

Super Nintendo Quotes #1108449
#2. When I was super young, I had an Atari and used to play 'Space Invaders.' Then I fell in love with 'Mario Bros.,' 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and 'Yoshi' on Super Nintendo. I was quite a bit of a gamer as a kid when I think about it.

Amber Rose

Super Nintendo Quotes #1169568
#3. I think the last game console I had was Super Nintendo. I remember once I played the Sega Genesis. But Super Nintendo was my last game device. I played outside more. I liked kickball and baseball.

Natalie Martinez

Super Nintendo Quotes #1206216
#4. I love gaming, I'm actually more of a nerd than a metal head and if you see me at shows chances are I'm by our merch table playing league of legends on my laptop or playing super Nintendo or Playstation through an emulator. My Nintendo pretty much raised me.

Mike Powell

Super Nintendo Quotes #1300920
#5. I don't know video games.The last video game I played, apart from Dance Dance Revolution at Jeremy's house, which I was very good at - Scarlett [Johansson] and I will always have "Billie Jean" - was Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo. I'm from the Dark Ages.

Joss Whedon

Super Nintendo Quotes #1424923
#6. I loved the DOS games, Super Nintendo. And I have a very addictive personality, so I recognize now that I just can't engage in that kind of stuff because I'll never stop. So I no longer play any games.

Mackenzie Davis

Super Nintendo Quotes #446303
#7. Al is on the surface. And it's been a long way, but we're here.

Alan Shepard

Super Nintendo Quotes #1860468
#8. So basically, you get to play Super Mario all you want, any time you want, for FREE !"
"That is the single most amazing thing I've ever heard.

Gene Luen Yang

Super Nintendo Quotes #1842120
#9. If I had a heart

L. Frank Baum

Super Nintendo Quotes #1780652
#10. The wisdom to be on the throne of one's life must surpass the wisdom of the one being ruled, otherwise I will squander the whole of my life in the most appalling ways. By virtue of that reality, I would be wise to get out of the chair and invite God to have a seat.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Super Nintendo Quotes #1775778
#11. (Stereotyping) is only for those without the imagination to see people as they are instead of being like someone else they understand.

Tom Clancy

Super Nintendo Quotes #1706681
#12. There's two things that you don't listen to: flattery, which can't help you, and abuse, which can't hurt you. You have to look at the facts.

Jim Tressel

Super Nintendo Quotes #1414434
#13. I was afraid, but then I was always afraid of something. Why not be fearless? Why not live a little?

Tim McGiven

Super Nintendo Quotes #1402512
#14. Rose: You're crazy.
Jack: That's what everybody says but, with all due respect, Miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on. C'mon, give me your hand. You don't want to do this.

James Cameron

Super Nintendo Quotes #1280074
#15. Our guides, we pretend, must be sinless: as if those were not often the best teachers who only yesterday got corrected for their mistakes.

George Eliot

Super Nintendo Quotes #1058770
#16. Frog speaks in a "Ye Olde Englishy" dialogue that is as charming as it is grammatically suspect. No one else in 600 AD talks like Frog. Not even Glenn, the boy Frog used to be.

Michael P. Williams

Super Nintendo Quotes #960524
#17. Mastery of language affords remarkable power.

Frantz Fanon

Super Nintendo Quotes #644555
#18. Egotism, n: Doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with a pen.

Ambrose Bierce

Super Nintendo Quotes #593699
#19. The plot is deceptively simple. Condensed even fur- ther, it might read as a personal ad in some questfinder's forum: Unlikely hero to save world from cataclysm. Seeks motley assortment of companions. Sidequests guaranteed.

Michael P. Williams

Super Nintendo Quotes #327193
#20. The only male singer who I've seen besides myself and who's better than me
that is Michael Jackson.

Frank Sinatra

Super Nintendo Quotes #177490

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