Top 18 Summonses Quotes

#1. The noblest lord is ushered in By the practicing physician, And the humblest lout is ushered out By a certified mortician. And in between, they find their foyers Alive with summonses from lawyers.

Ogden Nash

Summonses Quotes #1111545
#2. When I went to jail, I was a trained lawyer. And when the wardens received letters of demands or summonses, they didn't have the resources to go to an attorney to help them. I would help them settle their cases, so they became attached to me and the other prisoners.

Nelson Mandela

Summonses Quotes #1670313
#3. This looks like one of those unwelcome social summonses which call upon a man either to be bored or to lie.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Summonses Quotes #942397
#4. I was shaped in college into a performance artist. I never really thought of myself as being one singular thing. I think of myself as an artist and I feel no restrictions when it comes to how I want to portray what I want to portray.

Jillian Hervey

Summonses Quotes #1846594
#5. When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, 'Action, Action, Action.'


Summonses Quotes #1645130
#6. It took me ten minutes to write this very sentence. I'm no writer. This is not my calling.

Macaulay Culkin

Summonses Quotes #1607988
#7. I always have several books on the go at any one moment, so it's no good you asking 'What's on the bedside table at the moment, Emma?' because often I can't even see the table!

Emma Watson

Summonses Quotes #1577355
#8. Money doesn't make you happy," Mom insists, whipping carrots and lettuce out of the cart. "Money doesn't make you laugh when you're lonely, or make you full of contentment on Christmas morning.

Roxanne St. Claire

Summonses Quotes #1525464
#9. You want Paradise, you gotta build it on war, on blood, on envy and naked greed.

Michel Faber

Summonses Quotes #1444944
#10. We are just good friends. This sentence is enough to destroy at least one person.

Sarvesh Jain

Summonses Quotes #1385110
#11. There's something tragic about you. Your feeling for the absolute. You were made to believe in God and spend your life in a convent.'
There are too many with that vocation. God would have had to love only me.

Simone De Beauvoir

Summonses Quotes #1186499
#12. Jonah is only available right now exclusively on Amazon Kindle. Jonah will be available on Kobo and Nook on July 10, 2014

Bob Bannon

Summonses Quotes #997707
#13. I'm actually forced to write about Michigan because as a native of that state it's the place I know best.

Jim Harrison

Summonses Quotes #782162
#14. The world belongs to those with the most energy.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Summonses Quotes #624933
#15. Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance beween spirit and humility.

Gary Snyder

Summonses Quotes #455081
#16. But mighty Nature bounds as from her birth;
The sun is in the heavens, and life on earth:
Flowers in the valley, splendor in the beam,
Health on the gale, and freshness in the stream.

Lord Byron

Summonses Quotes #432554
#17. Nuclear power is cost-competitive with other low-carbon technology and is a crucial part of our energy mix, along with new sources of power such as shale gas.

George Osborne

Summonses Quotes #404540
#18. Those who say "it's not personal, it's just business" are lying. All business is personal, and the best business is very personal.

Rick Lenz

Summonses Quotes #344783

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