Top 39 Striven Quotes
#1. Therefore, from the point of view of the new groups who were on the point of seizing power, human equality was no longer an ideal to be striven after, but a danger to be averted.
George Orwell
#2. I have striven for perfection, it has always eluded me, but I surely had an obligation to make one more try.
Giuseppe Verdi
#4. The violence of sorrow is not at the first to be striven withal; being, like a mighty beast, sooner tamed with following than overthrown by withstanding.
Philip Sidney
#5. Now why, if freedom is striven after for love of the I after all - why not choose the I himself as beginning, middle, and end?
Max Stirner
#6. One of the qualities of liberty is that, as long as it is being striven after, it goes on expanding. Therefore, the man who stands in the midst of the struggle and says, 'I have it,' merely shows by doing so that he has just lost it.
Henrik Ibsen
#7. Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
#8. Dependency is the highest political good - at least for politicians. Since the 1930s, politicians have striven to leave no vote unbought.
James Bovard
#9. I have always striven to raise the voice of hope for a world where hate gives way to respect and oppression to liberation.
Theodore Bikel
#10. When the mind opens by speaking denials, this true Self that philosophers have so long striven to free shows itself all glorious with wisdom, strength, and holiness ... Denial of evil is a word of Truth.
Myrtle Fillmore
#11. I am passionate about keeping the human dimension in things. You have to keep the rough edges and the inconsistencies, that's what makes it interesting. I've always striven to be as sloppy as possible.
Jarvis Cocker
#12. It has always seemed to me that so long as you produce your dramatic effect, accuracy of detail matters little. I have never striven for it and I have made some bad mistakes in consequence. What matter if I hold my readers?
Arthur Conan Doyle
#13. As an educator, I have always striven to see that the fruits of the American Dream are available to all.
James D. Watson
#14. I know in London a Welsh hairdresser who has striven so vehemently to abolish his accent that he sounds like a man speaking with the Elgin marbles in his mouth.
Dylan Thomas
#15. Far away Tongariro! Green - white thundering Athabasca river of New Zealand! I vowed I would come again down across the Pacific to fish in the swift cold waters of this most beautiful and famous of trout streams. It is something to have striven. It is much to have kept your word.
Zane Grey
#16. though he could not have controlled the events of his birth and life which had contributed to his misery, he could and should have controlled his actions and striven for a higher standard of nobility.
Anuja Chandramouli
#17. No doubt, unity is something to be desired, to be striven for, but it cannot be willed by mere declarations.
Theodore Bikel
#18. The most frustrating thing is picking up a script and loving the roles in it except the female ones ... It's really annoying and something I've striven to change in the industry.
Margot Robbie
#19. The founders of the great world religions, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Mohammed, all seem to have striven for a worldwide brotherhood of man; but none of them could develop institutions which would include the enemy, the unbeliever.
Geoffrey Gorer
#20. It was the end of civilization, the end of all that men had striven for since the beginning of time. In the space of a few days, humanity had lost its future, for the heart of any race is destroyed, and its will to survive is utterly broken, when its children are taken from it.
Arthur C. Clarke
#21. What does a title mean to me? I do not need a title. My name, which I achieved with my own strength, is my title. I only wish that posterity would sometime confirm the fact that I have striven to achieve my program decently and honestly..
Adolf Hitler
#22. Legislators, priests, philosophers, writers, ans scientists have striven to show that the subordinate position of woman is willed in heaven and advantageous on earth.
Simone De Beauvoir
#23. I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them.
Baruch Spinoza
#24. Death makes life meaningless because verything we have ever striven for ceases when life does, and it makes life meaningful too, because its presence makes the little we have of it indispensable, every moment precious.
Karl Ove Knausgard
#25. The second thing to be striven for is intuition. This sounds an impossibility, for who can control that small quiet monitor? But intuition is only interference from experience stored and not actively recalled.
Wilfred Trotter
#26. Success for the striven washes away the effort of striving.
#27. Euthanizing an animal that has wiggled into the corners of my heart is a terrible task, and never gets easier despite how desperately I have striven to avoid that outcome, or how clear the need may be.
Chris Sparks
#28. If there was to be equal manhood suffrage the whites would be swamped all over South Africa by the blacks and the whole position for which whites have striven for 200 years or more would be given up.
Jan Smuts
#29. I have always striven to fix beauty in wood, stone, glass or pottery, in oil or watercolor by using whatever seemed fittest for the expression of beauty, that has been my creed.
Louis Comfort Tiffany
#30. Since National Socialism came to power, I have striven to make its consequences milder for its victims and to prepare the way for a change. In that, my conscience drove me
and in the end, that is a man's duty.
Helmuth James Graf Von Moltke
#32. I've striven my whole life for humility, but if I'd ever achieved it, I'd probably be pretty damn proud of that.
Benjamin Franklin
#34. Human has always striven to retain the past, to keep it convincing; there's nothing wicked in that. Without it we have no continuity; we have only the moment. And, deprived of the past, the moment - the present - has little meaning, if any.
Philip K. Dick
#35. The weakling who has refused the conflict, acquiring nothing, has had nothing to renounce. He alone who has striven and won can enrich the world by bestowing the fruits of his victorious experience.
Paramahansa Yogananda
#36. I have not always been as now:
The fever'd diadem on my brow
I claim'd and won unsurprisingly-
Hath not the same fierce heirdom given
Rome to the Caeser-this is me?
The heritage of a kindly mind,
And a proud spirit which hath striven
Triumphantly with human kind.
Edgar Allan Poe
#37. I will be satisfied if my epitaph shall be written thus: 'Here lies one who never rose to any eminence, who only courted the low ambition to have it said that he striven to ameliorate the condition of the poor, the lowly, the
downtrodden of every race and language and color.'
Thaddeus Stevens
#38. To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals - this alone is worth the struggle.
William Osler
#39. The wise have pitied the fool that hath striven to give a life
In the world of time and space among the bulks of actual things,
To dream that was dreamed in the heart, and that only the heart could hold.
Oh wise men, riddle me this: What if the dream come true?
Padraig Pearse