Top 39 Stop Blaming Quotes
#1. I think that's the moment when we all grow up, when we stop blaming our parents for the messes we've made out of our lives and start owning the consequences of our actions.
Lisa Unger
#2. Stop competing, stop judging, stop comparing, stop blaming and better you, for you.
Turcois Ominek
#4. Stop blaming everybody and everything for what's going on. If you really believe that you deserve better, then you would have it.
Bobby Williams
#5. New Rule: There is no devil, so stop blaming your screw-ups on him. Last week, one of the biggest evangelical leaders in America, the Reverend Ted Haggard, was outed for drugs and extramarital gay sex with a male prostitute. Or as Fox News reported it, 'John Kerry hates our troops'.
Bill Maher
#6. Anyone who wishes to combine domestic responsibilities and paid employment with the least stress and most enjoyment might start by pondering this paradox: the first step to better functioning is to stop blaming herself for not functioning well enough.
Faye J Crosby
#7. Stop blaming people for not helping you. No matter how your teacher teaches you to recite a poem, you can't wear her smiling face to the platform. You've got to put that smile on your own face.
Israelmore Ayivor
#8. If you continue to blame other people for "making" you feel guilty, they still have power over you, and you are saying that you will only feel good when they stop doing that. You are giving them control over your life. Stop blaming other people.
Henry Cloud
#9. Stop blaming your parents. If you're really angry at 60 years old, you're an idiot! You've got to work some of it out.
John Waters
#10. Release blame. It does not help you to go over and over what you think you should have done or said. Stop blaming other people too. You don't need to make yourself or other people "wrong" in order to deal with your life in the moment.
Sheri Kaye Hoff
#11. True self confidence happens when you stop blaming others for not seeing what you love about yourself. Not everyone has the same list of needs.
Shannon L. Alder
#12. Stop blaming other people and circumstances for killing your dreams. The truth is; we tend to talk ourselves out of acting upon our dreams. Most dreams die of suicide, not murder.
Steve Maraboli
#13. When we stop blaming the darkness, or ourselves, for having been walking in it, and decide, instead, to thank the Light for showing us the truth of our actual estate ... then we turn the corner in our work to awaken conscience.
Guy Finley
#14. It's time to care; it's time to take responsibility; it's time to lead; it's time for a change; it's time to be true to our greatest self; it's time to stop blaming others.
Steve Maraboli
#15. There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been.
Hugh Jackman
#16. The true key, if you want to live an unstoppable life, then you need to take 100% control of your life. Stop blaming others for your failures and faults and start accepting responsibility for your life.
Thomas Narofsky
#17. Until you stop blaming and become positively self-critical you are not going to move forward.
Bryant McGill
#19. Let's stop blaming our unbelief on the pastor we once had, on our childhood, on circumstances, or on anything else. There is no excuse for us not to believe in the Lord.
Jim Cymbala
#20. Stop blaming others for the pains and sufferings you have. They are because of you, your karma, and your own disposition.
Girdhar Joshi
#21. There's not a chance we'll reach our full potential until we stop blaming each other and start practicing personal accountability.
John Miller
#22. Stop blaming outside circumstances for your inside chaos.
Steve Maraboli
#23. When you check your own mind properly, you stop blaming others for your problems.
Thubten Yeshe
#24. Look at us. You look like death, my friend, and I'm sure I do, too. We'll never stop blaming ourselves. I guess that's the price of love?
Diana Peterfreund
#25. Stop Blaming. Take responsibility for your thoughts and your actions.
Dee Dee Artner
#26. You're so critical. Oh, God, I'd do anything for you to stop blaming me for every little thing that goes wrong. Love me for who I am. Love Shelley for who she is. Stop focusing on the bad stuff because life is just too damn short.
Simone Elkeles
#27. I don't know what the answer is, precisely, but I know it starts when we stop blaming Obama or Bush or faceless companies and ask ourselves what we can do to make things better.
J.D. Vance
#28. Stop blaming and start aiming.
Rob Liano
#29. Stop blaming people for not making you to achieve your dreams. The question is are they the people having those dreams?
Israelmore Ayivor
#30. A complete acceptance of personal responsibility is not optional. Whenever you find yourself putting responsibility outside of you, stop and remind yourself that you are responsible, especially when it is easy to blame someone else.
Malti Bhojwani
#31. Sometimes I get so frustrated with folk talking about how busy the devil is. Own your mess! You might be the devil. Stop inviting MESS into your life and blaming the devil!
J'son M. Lee
#32. If you have been raped or sexually assaulted and you have been blamed, or fear that you may be blamed, I just want you to understand this: You are not to blame. There is nothing you did to make someone hurt you, nor is there anything you could have done differently to prevent or stop it.
Robert Uttaro
#33. Regardless of life- which is full of obstacles and disappointments, we can make it to our dream place if we stop the blame game...
Assegid Habtewold
#35. You know -" Bailey pulled her aside "-you're stoning yourself. You have to stop doing that and remember what happened when those people wanted to stone that girl. Jesus said for the one who hadn't sinned to cast the first stone. But you're saving people the trouble by stoning yourself.
Brenda Minton
#36. The only way to stop the blaming-complaining cycle is to start being truly positive. No matter how bad your day is, always find something to be grateful for everyday. And expect only the best from people.
Kevin J. Donaldson
#37. Looking for approval or blaming others or feeling like a victim. Whenever I feel myself doing that I try to stop and see myself as someone who's a creator in more ways than just what the word typically means.
Alanis Morissette
#38. You can get discouraged many times, but you are not a failure until you begin to blame somebody else and stop trying.
John Burroughs
#39. From my new release, Cry for Me.
This is Bryen talking.
"Stop it, T! I knew; my God I predicted you would do this! Start blaming yourself for the sins of my sick brother. He's left a stench of rottenness from here to Illinois!
Toni Mariani
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