Top 12 Splints Quotes

#1. At 49, I find it a little bit difficult to run these days. I've got grade four tears in both Achilles, shin splints, I got no cartilage the toes in my right foot, I've got bone marrow edemas under both knees, I've got one degenerating hip - that's the problem you get.

Russell Crowe

Splints Quotes #249116
#2. I'd been so lonely for touch that I'd run for miles at night with shin splints just to move through air. His arms, even in memory, were like a coat I could wear.

Kelle Groom

Splints Quotes #735006
#3. I run a lot. I have this five-mile run that I try and do a few times a week. If I do more, I get shin splints and it drives me mad, so I have to balance it.

Richard Hammond

Splints Quotes #747319
#4. The world is full of broken people. Splints, casts, miracle drugs, and time can't mend fractured hearts, wounded hearts, wounded minds, torn spirits.

Dean Koontz

Splints Quotes #1293387
#5. I like to always remind my dancers about ways to avoid injury. One of the basic ways to avoid injury is to always make sure to stretch and warm up your body. This will loosen up your muscles, which will help to avoid common strain injuries such as shin splints and ankle strains.

Laurieann Gibson

Splints Quotes #1600580
#6. I do a lot of dancing. I don't like to run much because I get shin splints. I love being outside so I do a lot of hiking. It's very good for toning. I also do lots of light weights.

Julianne Hough

Splints Quotes #1612361
#7. Butt fucking the American dream so you can buy cheap T-shirts at Old Navy. Isn't life beautiful?

Shane Kuhn

Splints Quotes #13390
#8. Without writers fooling themselves about what their books might accomplish there would be no books at all.

Mark Vonnegut

Splints Quotes #1187176
#9. There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.

Daniel Craig

Splints Quotes #1402115
#10. Sir 19:25 And if he be hindered from sinning for want of power, if he shall find opportunity to do evil, he will do it.


Splints Quotes #1544863
#11. Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition.

Carl Sagan

Splints Quotes #1584721
#12. I am pro choice, I believe everyone should have the right to decide for themselves.

Patty Murray

Splints Quotes #1629057

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