Top 100 Spiritual Philosophy Quotes
#1. The intricacies of spiritual philosophy and theologies are just a thought within Emptiness.
#2. Revolutionists have a spiritual philosophy of their own, on the strength of which they face gallows and without a wink stare in the eyes of death.
Gopal Godse
#3. Karma theory is a spiritual philosophy used to explain and maintain the economic status of Asia.
Stephen H. Wolinsky
#4. Taoism is not a religion, although perhaps it has been made into one by some people. Lao Tsu's way of life occurs in any spiritual philosophy.
Frederick Lenz
#5. We have all had teachers who sought to educate us by feeding alien ideas into our minds, ideas for which we felt no spiritual or intellectual kinship. These we dutifully tried to integrate into our total spiritual philosophy but always without success.
A.W. Tozer
#10. You must dare the impossible. With divine grace, it will be possible.
Lailah Gifty Akita
#13. To me sometimes a mute sky is more expressive than the roaring sea
Munia Khan
#15. The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind's evolution born anew in the brain structure of every individual.
Carl Jung
#16. Living as human being and as a divinity.
moving from tension into relaxation,
from relaxation into trance,
from trance into a more intense contact with other people.
from that contact back into tension and so on,
Like The Serpent swallowing its own tail.
Paulo Coelho
#17. Tantra is spiritual, not religious. It deals with the spirit. Religion is just an applied body of doctrines that's believed or not believed by one or more individuals. Spirituality is the science of metaphysics.
Frederick Lenz
#18. The meaning of life is basically to be the kind of person you would want to be around.
Alexei Maxim Russell
#19. I cannot say that I know Brahman fully.
Nor can I say that I know him not ...
Nor do I know that I know him not.
Swami Prabhavananda
#25. Love was never meant to be contained solely in our hearts, just as life in a seed was always meant to break through into the world and become beauty to be shared.
Forrest Curran
#27. One guy, seeing that I was hungry, insisted on buying me a huge lunch and when I thanked him for his kindness, he simply said, 'Pass it on.' I liked this selfless concept - repay me by rewarding someone else entirely with a generous dollop of goodwill.
Tony Hawks
#28. If an infant had the capacity to think hard about this world, it would have wanted to go back to its mother's womb again
Munia Khan
#30. It's not that we get all the answers in life. Its just that the questions disappear and there we flow with life - quenched yet thirsty; full yet empty.
Rashmit Kalra
#31. Some believe that art is the imitation of nature; in fact, nature is so sublime that it cannot be imitated. However noble it may be, art cannot perform a single one of the miracles of nature. And besides, why imitate nature when it can be perceived by all those endowed with senses?
Kahlil Gibran
#34. The intellectual controls the spiritual, the animal respects the natural.
Ray Davies
#36. There are so many people living the best life money can buy. I want to slap some of these people. Some of these people you think are living the best life but they're not rich on the inside. I started Reallionaire philosophy to be spiritual and be rich on the inside out.
Farrah Gray
#37. Do not desperately seek refuge in heaven and delve in blissful ignorance; discover the fires and infernos of hell that have sprung inside of you.
Forrest Curran
#38. We are too busy listening to our thoughts that we don't hear the wonderful sounds surrounding us ...
Alina Radoi
#41. Once you understand that there's a spiritual math, add soul to the science and subtract the riff-raff. 24-7-365, cause 9 to 5 ain't alive.
Kool Moe Dee
#42. I have loved humanity, I have loved it so much. For me, there are three kinds of men; he who curses life, he who blesses it and he who contemplates it. I loved the first for his wretchedness, the second for his indulgence and the third for his perception.
Kahlil Gibran
#44. Spiritual realization is theoretically the easiest thing and in practice the most difficult thing there is. It is the easiest because it is enough to think of God. It is the most difficult because human nature is forgetfulness of God.
Frithjof Schuon
#45. It just doesn't make spiritual sense to suggest that the evil all lies "out there" with our adversaries and enemies, and none of it is "in here" with us - embedded in our own attitudes, behaviors, and policies.
Jim Wallis
#51. Meditation, then, is not so much a part of this or that particular religion, but rather part of the universal spiritual culture of all humankind
an effort to bring awareness to bear on all aspects of life. It is, in other words, part of what has been called the perennial philosophy.
Ken Wilber
#52. The sacred moment, cannot be substitute for either yesterday or tomorrow.
Lailah Gifty Akita
#54. Is life like this? Is it a past that goes by, then crumbles away, and a present that runs in the wake of the past, and a future that can only be grasped if one talks of it in the present or past tense?
Kahlil Gibran
#55. Always follow your bliss; bliss is heavenly. Life will be divinely beautiful and grow spiritually. Life will be beautiful, peaceful, blissful, and divine.
Debasish Mridha
#56. When you want to know how God wants you to reach your city, start a new church, or be involved in His work, ask Him. Then when He tells you, don't be surprised if you can't find any church that is doing it the same way.
Henry T. Blackaby
#58. Life has no destination, but it is a spiritual journey for eternal happiness.
Debasish Mridha
#59. The tallest and oldest trees that seemed to have just have casually always been there, hold the greatest love: as it nurtures love for others: providing shade for two lovers, becoming home for birds to build a nest, and giving food to the squirrels whom scurry upon it.
Forrest Curran
#60. You cannot simply read the Quran,not if you take it seriously.You either have surrendered to it already or you fight it.
It attacks tenaciously,directly,personally; it debates,criticizes,shames and challenges.
From the outset it draws the line of battle, and I was on other side.
Jeffrey Lang
#61. Man created Guilt. Guilt is the Perpetual Engine that Drives the World.
Vineet Raj Kapoor
#62. There were in it metaphors as monstrous as orchids, and as subtle in color. The life of the senses was
described in the terms of mystical philosophy. One hardly knew at times whether one was reading the spiritual ecstasies of some medieval saint or the
morbid confessions of a modern sinner.
Charlotte Bronte
#64. Sharpen your life always; even though it will come to an end like a pencil, we have to keep on writing
Munia Khan
#67. Life was the gift that you were given the day you were born, and in turn you are the gift to life. Only in the moments of being alone in the darkness on the raft, will you have the space to speak, listen, and to act from the heart.
Forrest Curran
#68. How can the heart and mind work together? The mind wants logic and to travel in straight lines, while the heart wants to be free and travel upward in spirals to dizzying heights.
Gillian Duce
#69. The biggest surprise on the soulful journey to authenticity, whether as a philosophy or a spiritual path, is that the path is a spiral. We go up, but we go in circles. Eash time around, the view gets a little bit wider.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
#70. Whether between man and women, man and man, or woman and woman; look not towards any system that binds society created by man for guidance, but be guided by the principles of love. Love is the only law that commands this universe, and is the only language that is understood universally.
Forrest Curran
#72. Christianity is at its purest a philosophy about a person, Jesus Christ, and at its dirtiest a philosophy about requirements and law.
Criss Jami
#73. Each of us will be able to see God if we can ignite the spiritual light.
Debasish Mridha
#74. The spiritual experience of the philosopher is the nourishing soil of philosophy; that without it there is no philosophy; and that, even so, spiritual experience does not, or must not, enter into the intelligible texture of philosophy. The pulp of the fruit must consist of nothing but the truth.
Jacques Maritain
#75. When I say that we are spiritual beings that means that every human being has a universal consciousness. That universal awareness is our spirit, but we have different mindsets. Mind is a creation of society.
Debasish Mridha
#76. Socrates had no system to teach. Throughout, his philosophy was a spiritual exercise, an invitation to a new way of life, active reflection, and living consciousness.
Pierre Hadot
#77. Life can only be experienced in myriad of intricate forms, but can be understood only in abstract.
Here/Now/Present is the doorway to abstract - the divine nothingness
Rashmit Kalra
#79. Proving one's innocence is as improbable as going to Pluto for
a honeymoon. It could take away everything you had in life, dear
ones, dreams, hopes and, most importantly, the right to have your
Sheeja Jose
#80. Cleverness is egocentric, dramatic, gives you an illusion of success. We are always running behind it and ultimately suffer. Whereas simplicity is spiritual, blissful, not dramatic, simple but joyful and gives inner peace. Which is our ultimate goal.
Debasish Mridha
#81. This philosophy of hate, of religious and racial intolerance, with its passionate urge toward war, is loose in the world. It is the enemy of democracy; it is the enemy of all the fruitful and spiritual sides of life. It is our responsibility, as individuals and organizations, to resist this.
Mary Heaton Vorse
#82. An imaginative person can be spiritual but can't be religious.
Debasish Mridha
#85. If you don't know what to do next take the oath that will enhance your soul and erase your ego, & from the quiet space inside yourself, you will know what to do.
Nikki Rowe
#87. We need energy, commitment, and courage not to run from our life nor to cover it over with any philosophy - material or spiritual.
Jack Kornfield
#88. Knowledge is an intellectual art.
Wisdom is a spiritual discipline.
Lailah Gifty Akita
#89. Have faith in 'What Is'. You will get your due, good or not so good, to your liking or not, but in time, as it is meant to be.
Fakeer Ishavardas
#90. Living in the spiritual world is very easy, once you grow accustomed to it. But initially, it puts you through some changes.
Frederick Lenz
#91. My visits to Hungary over the past twelve years absolutely fixed my conviction that God's Holy Spirit was releasing a spiritual force in that part of the world that was bound to challenge the atheistic philosophy that had dominated nations in that region for decades.
Billy Graham
#92. I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I'm out in nature. It's just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me.
Jane Goodall
#93. The rather difficult antagonists towards the Church consist not nearly of the cruel and heartless, nihilistic intellectuals who hate God and humanity, but the well-meaning spirits who for the most part lack an understanding of the Spirit.
Criss Jami
#94. Yoga does not start or end on your mat, but is present in every breath you take.
Evita Ochel
#96. Our souls are always looking for love, and hearts wait to treasure it.
Munia Khan
#98. As I naturally go through a full range of emotions in my life, I mustn't feel ashamed for feeling lost, for it is honest and human to feel such.
Forrest Curran
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