Top 36 Soul Whisper Quotes

#1. Deep within the center of the soul is a chamber of peace where God lives and where, if we will enter it and quiet all the other sounds, we can hear His "gentle whisper" (1 Kings 19:12).

Lettie B. Cowman

Soul Whisper Quotes #1561359
#2. I need to breathe again." Each word vibrated as though torn from his very soul. They wrapped around her with their thorny edges and cut in deep. "I need to feel what it's like not to be dying inside." The tip of his nose grazed the side of her face lightly, barely even a whisper. "I need you.

Airicka Phoenix

Soul Whisper Quotes #1276331
#3. He held her close enough to kiss, close enough to whisper the most important secrets in the world, and he spoke to her as he would have wanted some good angel to speak to his family, to his own shivering young soul, long ago and in a land far away.

Cassandra Clare

Soul Whisper Quotes #1281521
#4. Do you know the Ai'oan word for heart? he asks.
I shake my head.
"It's py'a." We're so close, his whisper is right in my ear, and his breath warms the side of my neck. "You are my heart, Pia.

Jessica Khoury

Soul Whisper Quotes #1299500
#5. You can spread your soul over a paddy field, you can whisper to a mango tree, you can feel the earth between your toes and know that this is the place, the place where it begins and ends. But what can you tell to a pile of bricks? The bricks will not be moved (page 87).

Monica Ali

Soul Whisper Quotes #1338233
#6. Get up seaweed brain

Rick Riordan

Soul Whisper Quotes #1445400
#7. You smile and draw me near and whisper, "Do as dreamers do."
I lean to you and whisper in your ear, "I cannot dream tonight my Dear. For it is you.

Shaun Hick

Soul Whisper Quotes #1488143
#8. Even as I see all of the leaves fall from the trees up above

My heart falls in more love with your soul

It's your whisper in my ear that I hear every time that I lose the strength to continuing walking alone without you next to me

Austin V. Songer

Soul Whisper Quotes #1494818
#9. Shining with craving, his emerald gaze penetrated her soul. "I desire you so much". His whisper melted her heart. His soft touch set her ablaze.

Chris Lange

Soul Whisper Quotes #1506949
#10. I will whisper secrets in your ears,
just nod yes and be silent.
A soul moon appeared in the path of my heart.
How precious is this journey


Soul Whisper Quotes #1239624
#11. It seems to me that I have found my Heaven on earth, since Heaven is God, and God is [in] my soul.3 The day I understood that, everything became clear to me. I would like to whisper this secret to those I love so they too might always cling to God through everything,

Elizabeth Of The Trinity Catez

Soul Whisper Quotes #1606122
#12. Intuition is the whisper of the soul.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Soul Whisper Quotes #1613380
#13. You're the beat to my heart, the oxygen in my lungs, and the whisper to my soul," Murdock recited as he stared Heaven in his eyes.

Lynn Hagen

Soul Whisper Quotes #1636107
#14. To love Christ more, is the deepest need, the constant cry of my soul
Out in the woods and on my bed and out driving,
when I am happy and busy,
and when I am sad and idle,
the whisper keeps going up for
more love, more love, more love!

Elizabeth Prentiss

Soul Whisper Quotes #1713297
#15. All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.

Rudolf Steiner

Soul Whisper Quotes #1738563
#16. They passed lands that had no name, where fens of mirror pools stretched into unknown distances, thousands of fragments of sky sprinkled across this bastard offspring of earth and sea, lonely birds calling out over the desolation, and Yarvi breathed deep the salt chill and longed for home.

Joe Abercrombie

Soul Whisper Quotes #1791317
#17. I arise today ... Blessed by all things / wings of breath, / delight of eyes, / wonder of whisper, / intimacy of touch, / eternity of soul, / urgency of thought, / miracle of health, / embrace of God

John O'Donohue

Soul Whisper Quotes #1807075
#18. Listen to the silent whisper of your soul and then let your heart dance with song.

Debasish Mridha

Soul Whisper Quotes #1863369
#19. I'll tell you," said she, in the same hurried passionate whisper, "what real love it. It is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your whole heart and soul to the smiter - as I did!

Charles Dickens

Soul Whisper Quotes #561580
#20. Hope is the whisper of our soul. It is always with you. So never give up. Persist with love.

Debasish Mridha

Soul Whisper Quotes #134580
#21. Pause.
Listen for the whispers of your Soul.
Soul quietly flows through every part of you.

Nancy Lankston

Soul Whisper Quotes #137736
#22. Time the devourer of everything.

Harry Allen Overstreet

Soul Whisper Quotes #227296
#23. We are in such a habit of evaluating God and His work in us by what we feel that it is very likely that on some occasions we will be discouraged because we do not feel any special blessing. Above everything, when you wait on God, you must do so in the spirit of hope.

Andrew Murray

Soul Whisper Quotes #229114
#24. It was a whisper in the soul, a lump in the throat, and an echo in the deep and hidden places of the heart. It was the hope that we are loved, truly loved, and that we are known. It was what I wanted more than anything.

Donna VanLiere

Soul Whisper Quotes #232357
#25. Listening to the siren song of more, we are deaf to the still small voice waiting in our soul to whisper, 'You're enough.

Julia Cameron

Soul Whisper Quotes #237433
#26. I asked of the limitless sunshine
How to shine with the dawn's glowing light;
No answer came back from the sunshine,
But my soul heard a whisper, "Burn bright!

K. Balmont

Soul Whisper Quotes #361659
#27. And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.

Maya Angelou

Soul Whisper Quotes #425424
#28. My soul is not satisfied with an inert universe. The gods may not make a habit of speaking to me personally, but I can't help but whisper comments to them.

Thomm Quackenbush

Soul Whisper Quotes #101053
#29. We have learned to live in a world of mistakes and defective products as if they were necessary to life. It is time to adopt a new philosophy in America.

Norman Cousins

Soul Whisper Quotes #766476
#30. I want to whisper poetry into your mind and imprint love letters to your soul and dance with you in an empty white room of potential

Jeffrey McDaniel

Soul Whisper Quotes #848528
#31. To the people of Earth
I see mercy in my lovers eyes
I feel Heaven in her arms
And i have found God dwells in her soul
When i watch the full Moon
The moon mimics and whisper her name

Saqib Abraham

Soul Whisper Quotes #875733
#32. A secret sweeter than the soul can whisper, I shall love you forever.

Brenda J. Webb

Soul Whisper Quotes #923644
#33. I will keep you, until the day I choose not to. You have destroyed and harmed all that is dear to me. In return, I want you to know what that feels like. I will not kill you. I will keep you alive. I will torture you." My voice drops to a whisper. "Until your soul is dead.

Marie Lu

Soul Whisper Quotes #973356
#34. You may think just a window
But you overtook my soul.
You are not just a whisper,
You are louder than my soul.
(from poem Chimera)

Deepa Bajaj

Soul Whisper Quotes #980992
#35. He's America in action - opposed to quality.

James Purdy

Soul Whisper Quotes #1155634
#36. Human life is just dangerous, in general. You know, waking up in the morning, you could get hit by a car. Wherever you go, you could choke on a fish bone and die. You never know.

Meital Dohan

Soul Whisper Quotes #1203516

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