Top 31 Son Of Neptune Quotes

#1. There's another problem," Percy said. "I'm not good with air travel. It's dangerous for a son of Neptune."
"You'll have to risk it ... and so will I," Frank said. "By the way, we're related."
Percy almost stumbled off the roof. "What?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #863042
#2. You speak horse?" Hazel asked.
"Speaking to horses is a Poseidon thing," Percy said. "Uh, I mean a Neptune thing."
"Then you and Arion should get along fine," Hazel said. "He's a son of Neptune too."
Percy turned pale. "Excuse me?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #857742
#3. I can't believe how much this place has grown," Hazel muttered.
The taxi driver grinned in the rearview mirror. "Been a long time since you visited, miss?"
"About seventy years," Hazel said.
The driver slid the glass partition closed and drove on in silence.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1874643
#4. Percy scowled. "I-I know you."
Nico raised his eyebrows. "Do you?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1858406
#5. Why would Roman gods want to date Chinese Canadians?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1835255
#6. June cackled with delight, muttering, "Whoops!" as a car almost killed them.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1599993
#7. The thing about plummetting downhill at fifty miles an hour on a snack platter - if you realize it's a bad idea when you're halfway down, it's too late.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1546310
#8. At the end of the warehouse was a dais constructed from pallets of books: stack of vampire novels, walls of James Patterson thrillers, and a throne from about a thousand copies of something called The Five Habits of Highly Aggressive Women.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1438924
#9. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tyson pounding the Earthborn into the ground like a game of whack-a-mole. Ella was fluttering above him, dodging missiles and calling out advice: "The groin. The Earthborn's groin is sensitive."
"Good. Yes. Tyson found its groin.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1356916
#10. Don't lose hope, Frank. Rainbows always stand for hope. - Iris, Rainbow Goddess

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1298778
#11. Ella is nervous," the harpy muttered from her perch on the railing. "The elephant. The elephant is watching Ella.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1197056
#12. Cinnamonrolls are good for harpies.' She [Ella] said.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1182695
#13. What? You run? Coward! Stand still and die!
Percy had no intention of doing that.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1150790
#14. Stop!" he yelled at the others. "Multigrain fighting is not allowed!

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #1115267
#15. They're Lares. House gods."
"House gods," Percy said. "Like ... smaller than real gods, but larger than apartment gods?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #997806
#16. Look," Percy continued, "I know I'm new here. I know you guys don't like to mention the massacre in the nineteen eighties-"
"He mentioned it!" one of the ghosts whimpered.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #879606
#17. Would Grandmother scold him? Would she say, "Frank! Thank the gods, you've come. I'm surrounded by monsters."
More likely she'd scold him, or mistake them for intruders and chase them off with a frying pan.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #734402
#18. Yeah, flattering." Percy raised Riptide. "But actually I'm the son of Poseidon. I'm from Camp Half-Blood.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #724717
#19. Bad pony-men! BOO!

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #528482
#20. Frank nodded grimly. Well ... any goddess who throws a Ding Dong at a giant can't be all bad. Let's go.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #476138
#21. Her name badge read: Hello! My name is DIE, DEMIGOD SCUM!

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #454687
#22. We were surrounded by thirty-foot-tall giants who were about to kill us. Then the sky opened up, and the gods descended."
"Grandad," the kids said, "you are full of schist."
"I'm not kidding!" he protested.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #446208
#23. [Iris] squeezed his hand. Don't lose hope, Frank. Rainbows always stand for hope.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #302059
#24. Stand your ground!" Stheno yelled. "I've got free samples!

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #246559
#25. No more Lastrygonians." Ella fluttered down and landed next to them. "Six minus six is zero. Spears are good for subtraction, yep.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #170585
#26. Tyson, Frank is a descendant of Poseidon."
"Brother!" Tyson crushed Frank in a hug.
Percy stifled a laugh. "Actually he's more like a great-great- ... Oh, never mind. Yeah, he's your brother."
"Thanks." Frank mumbled through a mouthful of flannel.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #154855
#27. Is it fair your life burns so short and bright? Death had asked.
"No such thing as fair," Frank told himself. "If I'm going to burn, it might as well be bright.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #132364
#28. As Hazel marched down the hill, she cursed in Latin. Percy didn't understand all of it, but he got son of a gorgon, power-hungry snake, and a few choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #120283
#29. Hope," Frank grumbled. "I'd rather have a few good weasels.

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #102527
#30. Ella, just stay here. Stay safe."
"Safe," Ella repeated. "Ella likes being safe. Safety in numbers. Safety deposit boxes. Ella will go with Tyson."
"What?" Percy said. "Oh ... fine, whatever. Just don't get hurt. And Mrs. O'Leary - "
"How do you feel about pulling a chariot?

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #40668
#31. Reyna looked at Percy without much hope. "You do have a plan?"
Percy wanted to step forward bravely and say, No, I don't!

Rick Riordan

Son Of Neptune Quotes #23270

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