Top 55 Some Psychological Quotes

#1. I do sort of believe that in life all manifestations of evil usually come from an emotional place. They come from some kind of emotional heartbreak or some psychological damage. I'm not a psychologist and that's probably for the best but I am interested in it.

Tom Hiddleston

Some Psychological Quotes #194362
#2. When I was in school, I was beaten every 30 minutes. It never did me any harm except for some psychological mal-adjustments and blurred vision.

John Cleese

Some Psychological Quotes #82660
#3. You see, my version of why anyone would want to become an actor is that it's some psychological fixation, something that happened in puberty that you didn't outgrow in time, which is normal. Nevertheless, if you make it a profession, it can be really neurotic.

Christoph Waltz

Some Psychological Quotes #1819553
#4. There are other people that think that dreams actually do serve a purpose. But what that purpose is, we're not really sure. So some people believe that it actually does have some psychological representation of what's going on in the day, but there's no need to sit and really analyze it.

Shelby Harris

Some Psychological Quotes #1467348
#5. Has he some psychological antipathy to realism? I am no psychologist, and cannot say. The fact remains that Euwe commits the most inexplicable mistakes in thoroughly favorable positions, and that this weakness has consistently tarnished his record.

Hans Kmoch

Some Psychological Quotes #1305127
#6. I cringe at backstory. Because it never quite explains or gets into some psychological thing that is never quite right and never quite the truth and who knows why someone is some way.

Steve Martin

Some Psychological Quotes #931969
#7. Some psychological and sociological conditioning occurs in every man's life and this affects the decisions he makes. But we must resist the modern concept that all sin can be explained merely on the basis of conditioning.

Francis Schaeffer

Some Psychological Quotes #813777
#8. Create some psychological space between you and your project by imagining you're doing it for someone else or contemplating what advice you'd give to another person in your predicament.

Daniel H. Pink

Some Psychological Quotes #751139
#9. I don't know if there is some psychological thing of wanting to know where your doctor got his degree from before he comes into the medical room.

John Oliver

Some Psychological Quotes #463647
#10. I think her friends were worried that the bulimia might come back, about some psychological slide, and she was given breathing space to some extent by the media as much as she ever has been.

Anthony Holden

Some Psychological Quotes #397837
#11. I think if you grow up in a culture where the army is out on the street sighting you with rifles, it has to have some kind of psychological impact.

Adrian McKinty

Some Psychological Quotes #970923
#12. Everything can be linked together in some fashion, in either a physical, psychological, or symbolic manner.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Some Psychological Quotes #1790086
#13. Some clinicians and researchers believe that andropause is primarily the result of our loss of testosterone. It is clear to me that it is much more than that. Andropause is a multidimensional change of life with hormonal, physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, sexual, and spiritual aspects.

Jed Diamond

Some Psychological Quotes #1003211
#14. Psychological imprisonment was no less uncomfortable than its physical counterpart. In some ways, it was even worse; it provided the illusion of physical freedom, but garnered none of the benefits of it.

Nenia Campbell

Some Psychological Quotes #1003299
#15. An indoor (or backseat) childhood does reduce some dangers to children; but other risks are heightened, including risks to physical and psychological health, risk to children's concept and perception of community, risk to self-confidence and the ability to discern true danger

Richard Louv

Some Psychological Quotes #1183080
#16. Our healthy shame is essential as the foundation of our spirituality. By reminding us of our essential limitations, our healthy shame lets us know that we are not God. Our healthy shame points us in the direction of some larger meaning. Our healthy shame is the psychological ground of our humility.

John Bradshaw

Some Psychological Quotes #1183103
#17. Disaster movies do us the psychological service of forcing a quick march through the worst that could happen. At the end we see that you win a few, you lose a few, some cars are up in trees, and only the most attractive of the young people have survived.

Frederica Mathewes-Green

Some Psychological Quotes #1195855
#18. Perhaps forgiveness wasn't a singular event, but a progression, or better, a dance that took some figuring before you could perform the steps.

Bonnie Grove

Some Psychological Quotes #1237968
#19. Breathtakingly real and utterly compelling, Immoral dishes up page-turning psychological suspense while treating us lucky readers to some of the most literate and stylish writing you'll find anywhere today.

Jeffery Deaver

Some Psychological Quotes #1249929
#20. It is now an accepted fact that the expression of emotion through painting ... is a source of deep psychological satisfaction ... It is a system which can also in some measure, even compensate for the lack of emotional fulfilment in human relationships ...

Mervyn Levy

Some Psychological Quotes #1366132
#21. Some of the braver say I am mad.

Katlyn Charlesworth

Some Psychological Quotes #1388828
#22. There are some that even beg for the Chamber," she could hear Isaar saying in the back of her mind. "Soft minded fools or broken souls that would rather live a fabricated existence than deal with reality.

Charles Hash

Some Psychological Quotes #1436135
#23. Some psychologists argue that the idea of God is a response to our emotional needs, but this presumption is backwards. Our emotional fluctuations are a psychological response to our lack of love for God. If God is everything, what else could we possibily want?

Tarek Saab

Some Psychological Quotes #1452557
#24. Some of the greatest discoveries ... consist mainly in the clearing away of psychological roadblocks which obstruct the approach to reality; which is why,post factum they appear so obvious.

Arthur Koestler

Some Psychological Quotes #1481636
#25. I think the need to go on stage speaks to some sort of a profound psychological deficit, but something that happened when you were a kid. Or something your parents did.

W. Kamau Bell

Some Psychological Quotes #1564355
#26. For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others."

The Guardian

Linden Morningstar

Some Psychological Quotes #1571616
#27. The average human being in America is going through some sort of hard times - physical, emotional, psychological. Everybody's carrying a bit of bone days in them.

John Trudell

Some Psychological Quotes #1583099
#28. Ideas are so much flat psychological surface unless some mirrored matter gives them cognitive lustre. This is why as a pragmatistI have so carefully posited 'reality' ab initio, and why throughout my whole discussion, I remain an epistemologist realist.

William James

Some Psychological Quotes #1588838
#29. In 'Shadow Tag,' Erdrich creates scenes from a fictional marriage, that of two American Indians, Irene and her painter husband Gil, that suggest some of the worst psychological torments and stresses of real life.

Alan Cheuse

Some Psychological Quotes #1640666
#30. There must be some deep psychological reason why we turn so instinctively toward home at this special time ... A place where every day will be Christmas, with everybody there together. At home.

Marjorie Holmes

Some Psychological Quotes #1664138
#31. Like physical pain, our psychological pain is an indication of something out of equilibrium, some limitation that has been exceeded. And like our physical pain, our psychological pain is not necessarily always bad or even undesirable.

Mark Manson

Some Psychological Quotes #1726323
#32. I'm convinced that responsibility is some kind of psychological disease.

Brandon Sanderson

Some Psychological Quotes #1784906
#33. I was reading about all of these medical and psychological experimental programs that the government and various intelligence agencies had run throughout the 20th century. Any book you can read on that, there's some really horrifying and fascinating stuff that goes on there.

Caitlin Kittredge

Some Psychological Quotes #290405
#34. According to a recent study, ten percent of 'Star Trek' fans meet the psychological criteria for addiction. Deprived of their favourite show, some Trekkies disply withdrawal symptoms similar to drug addicts. Of course, the real difference is that drug addicts aren't nearly as annoying.

Jay Leno

Some Psychological Quotes #34111
#35. Why did this keep happening? Why her? Perhaps there was some pheromone certain people omitted, perceivable only on a wavelength unique to those individuals who preyed on them.

Nenia Campbell

Some Psychological Quotes #41647
#36. Most horror films fail to scare me. I think 'The Ring' plays more as a psychological thriller. It's smarter, there's more character development and some of the themes explored go a little deeper.

Martin Henderson

Some Psychological Quotes #41685
#37. What is any religion? A little ritual, a little superstition, and some magic. It's not a strictly spiritual affair; it has psychological roles to fulfill. You might not want it to be a religion based on your own experience but that's like wanting to clean up your dreams

Gary Snyder

Some Psychological Quotes #52803
#38. Half the time, my job is basically to talk people off the ledge. It's more psychological than just me picking up some sticks and counting, "1, 2, 3, 4."


Some Psychological Quotes #56521
#39. Some people talk about illogical things like love.. But then they can rationally sacrifice their relatives. - Sebastian Michaelis

Yana Toboso

Some Psychological Quotes #85289
#40. In the same period, Polish literature also underwent some significant changes. From social-political literature, which had a great tradition and strong motivation to be that way, Polish literature changed its focus to a psychological rather than a social one.

Andrzej Wajda

Some Psychological Quotes #143230
#41. I think the one thing this picture shows that's new is the psychological disproportion of the kids' demands on the parents. Parents are often at fault, but the kids have some work to do, too.

James Dean

Some Psychological Quotes #209148
#42. Now there's some night terrors that happen in adults. And if it starts as an adult and you've never had them before, then there might be other things that are happening; it might be anxiety, depression, stress. And that's when you might have more of a thorough psychological evaluation.

Shelby Harris

Some Psychological Quotes #237063
#43. Perhaps you like to torture yourself by trying on some jeans from a few years ago to see if you can button them. Clothes do not exist to humiliate their owners. Please do not force garments into performing psychological tasks for which they were not designed.

Tim Gunn

Some Psychological Quotes #263123
#44. She would not have another man push her aside like some appetizer, there to wet his whistle only to be left once the main dish arrived.

No more. She pushed her thumb into his throat a little harder.

Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Some Psychological Quotes #277094
#45. Nerds ... the 'nerd' has never been precisely defined, thanks to the psychological complexity of the creature. The word has connotations of some level of intelligence. The typical nerd is a male with intelligence but no sense of giving it a manly face.

Tom Wolfe

Some Psychological Quotes #965807
#46. I like it when characters are some combination of appealing and maybe flawed or self-interested. I think in terms of scenes, and what I want a scene to achieve, and I think that the psychological realism arises from that.

Curtis Sittenfeld

Some Psychological Quotes #458578
#47. I have a lot of scars, man. My mother said that a man is not a man unless he has a scar on his face. And what she meant by a scar was some kind of battle that you had to go through, whether it was psychological or physical. To her, a scar was actually beautiful and not something that marred you.

Nick Nolte

Some Psychological Quotes #462766
#48. A writer has to have some kind of compulsive drive to do his work. If you don't have it, you'd better find another kind of work, because it's the only compulsion that will drive you through the psychological nightmares of writing.

John McPhee

Some Psychological Quotes #559726
#49. I love going to plays. There's a subconscious side to it, obviously-some people like to be spanked for XYZ psychological reasons, and I like to go to plays, and I can't entirely explain why.

Wallace Shawn

Some Psychological Quotes #636029
#50. For some reason, notwithstanding the alienation and utter rejection, I consider myself a global citizen. They say misery calls for company and I've always been a man of funerals. The companion of the misfortunate, until they are not!

Asaad Almohammad

Some Psychological Quotes #733082
#51. Well, on some level, it's similar to the psychological phenomenon of helplessness, where the will to try is lost. You get to the point where you just assume that your spontaneous call to a friend will go to voicemail or an assistant, and you decide not to bother.

Zack Love

Some Psychological Quotes #780315
#52. Despite the constant clamor for attention from the modern world, I do believe we need to procure a psychological space for ourselves. I apparently know some people who try to achieve this by logging off or going without their Twitter or Facebook for a limited period.

Alan Moore

Some Psychological Quotes #872699
#53. At times, Zen does get into some Buddhist Cosmology. Nishijima Roshi, my main teacher would talk about that and almost every time immediately say that it was only one way of looking at it. Whenever addressing realms of Heaven or Hell, he'd also address that it was just a psychological state.

Brad Warner

Some Psychological Quotes #892335
#54. Jerusalem Syndrome is actually a rare psychological condition that occurs to some visitors to the Middle East. They get to Israel and just snap.

Marc Maron

Some Psychological Quotes #956919
#55. We are all born; some remain so.

Samuel Beckett

Some Psychological Quotes #959934

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