Top 10 Solemnization Marriage Quotes

#1. With Aerobic Strip Tease, you can do it at home - it makes it easier for women that don't want to go to the gym.

Carmen Electra

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #51436
#2. Hi, I'm Britney. I'm not wearing any socks...and I have the panties to match...What's your name?

Rachel Real

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #379041
#3. He was silent for a moment, staring out the window into the rain; I imagined he was contemplating the fact that his family's presence was turning the locals into giant dogs.

Stephenie Meyer

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #433223
#4. I was a tomboy and any time anyone says something about me being hot, it makes me giggle.

Eva Longoria

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #598879
#5. Your 'Belief Window' is how you perceive and understand everything in your life ... It frames all your views and influences the actions you take, but it can also be wrong or limited.

Tony Jeary

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #671118
#6. If I ever go into a coma, one of you has to promise to come by occasionally and tweeze my unibrow.

Dana Gould

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #681774
#7. If a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the accession of Commodus.

Edward Gibbon

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #706448
#8. A woman should be able to kiss a man beautifully and romantically without any desire to be either his wife or his mistress.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #847764
#9. Men often told a fairy tale in which there was a division of labor in families, the man going out to earn money, the woman looking after home and children. Reality was different.

Ken Follett

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #1299169
#10. God alone created marriage. Adam slept through the entire ceremony. Eve came in late. It seems to me men are still sleeping through marriage, and women are still coming to their senses a little too late. God alone performed that ceremony, and He alone can hold it together.

Beth Moore

Solemnization Marriage Quotes #1553475

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