Top 8 Snared Sentence Quotes

#1. I flew out here on Southwest Airlines. Southwest has a plane that's painted like Shamu the whale from Sea World. Yeah, that'll be easy to find if that went down in the ocean. That'll be nice, when you're trying to get out and a real whale's humping your window.

Robert Schimmel

Snared Sentence Quotes #280467
#2. I like people to look like they're floating.

Spike Lee

Snared Sentence Quotes #463237
#3. Always, he whispered. The gods do not always answer, but they are always listening.

Jacqueline Carey

Snared Sentence Quotes #719335
#4. The biggest aggravation in the Arab world, the biggest reason for their anger toward us and the creation of those suicide terrorists, is Israel and the difficulty with the Palestinian issue.

Mario Cuomo

Snared Sentence Quotes #766410
#5. The notion that the colonel need be a better man than the private is as confused as the notion that the keystone need be stronger than the coping stone.

George Bernard Shaw

Snared Sentence Quotes #832255
#6. Romantic poses aside, let us recognize that "falling in love" ... is an inferior state of mind, a form of transitory imbecility.

Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Snared Sentence Quotes #1503515
#7. Meditation demands an astonishingly alert mind; it is the understanding of the totality of life in which every form of fragmentation has ceased.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Snared Sentence Quotes #1727910
#8. That's the fun thing about making movies is that you get to do stuff. You get to be things, say things that you're not, kind of walk in someone else's shoes and play dress up and make believe. It's pretty cool.

Mark Webber

Snared Sentence Quotes #1862803

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