Top 47 Small Health Quotes

#1. I am interested in getting people to use the healthcare system at the right time, getting them to see the doctor early enough, before a small health problem turns serious.

Donna Shalala

Small Health Quotes #459805
#2. When you are raised, as John Edwards was, in a small town like Robbins, North Carolina, you get to understand poverty and unemployment, or inadequate health care, first-hand by seeing the daily struggles of your friends and neighbors.

Harvey Gantt

Small Health Quotes #1377410
#3. Our mental and emotional diets determine our overall energy levels, health, and well-being to a far greater extent than most people realize. Every thought and feeling, no matter how big or small, impacts our inner energy reserves.

Howard Martin

Small Health Quotes #1001961
#4. We've had risk assessments performed by Harvard University, which said that even if we did have a small number of cases in this country that the likelihood of it spreading or getting into any kind of human health problem is very, very small.

Ann Veneman

Small Health Quotes #1035216
#5. One can be a vegan and eating a health-promoting, high-nutrient diet, but one can also eat a small amount of animal products while following a Nutritarian diet and still live a long, healthy life.

Joel Fuhrman

Small Health Quotes #1079431
#6. I say, thirteen is too many dogs for good mental health. Five is pretty much the limit. More than five dogs and you forfeit your right to call yourself entirely sane.
Even if the dogs are small.

E. Lockhart

Small Health Quotes #1087904
#7. My father was a small-town banker. He became very ill when I was 10 years old, and we went to California three years later in an attempt to recover his health, which never happened.

Warren Christopher

Small Health Quotes #1113730
#8. Was this the big one or was this the small tremor, the warning? Does it get better - does the sensation of being in a dream underwater go away?

A.M. Homes

Small Health Quotes #1171588
#9. I believe we can create a truly humane, sustainable, and health food production system without killing any animals. I imagine a revolution in veganic agriculture in which small farmers grow a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes, all fertilized with vegetable sources.

Gene Baur

Small Health Quotes #1178186
#10. [On acupuncture:] The needles are small and won't hurt at all. In fact, they'll feel good. Ha, ha! Just kidding. They feel like needles. Because they are.

Jenny Lawson

Small Health Quotes #1203326
#11. Access to quality, affordable health care is particularly important here in Maine, where many of us own small businesses or are self-employed.

Chellie Pingree

Small Health Quotes #1350348
#12. Small businesses pay 18 percent more than big businesses for health care, the same health care, just because they're small and they have too small a pool of risk.

Karen Mills

Small Health Quotes #1359590
#13. For those that are working part time, in small businesses, or who are unemployed and do not currently have health insurance, we want to make sure that you are covered.

Valerie Jarrett

Small Health Quotes #819215
#14. Our health care approaches squander billions on extravagant treatment regimes that end up accomplishing little, as a society we refuse to adopt the small, even tiny adjustments that could easily reduce the clawing uncertainties that now degrade millions.

Robert Martensen

Small Health Quotes #1402228
#15. We have the highest graduation rates, the broadest health care access, and the greatest level of home ownership and workforce participation in the country. And we did it all with a small population in a cold state that coastal big shots refer to as fly-over land.

Tim Pawlenty

Small Health Quotes #1439696
#16. A handful of people who probably never even ran a small business actually think they can reinvent the health care system.

John Stossel

Small Health Quotes #1459644
#17. These games inspire laughter, spontaneity, ensemble building, physical and vocal expression, concentration, self-discovery/reflection, self-esteem, and, ultimately, I believe, good health. They get adults, and teenagers too, playing again, which is no small feat.

Hannah Fox

Small Health Quotes #1484599
#18. One can only be in awe of the creativity of chocolate marketers. My take is that if there is a health benefit, it is small.

Marion Nestle

Small Health Quotes #1529169
#19. You can't make a small world for yourself, because what are you going to do when that small world implodes?

S.R. Crawford

Small Health Quotes #1540460
#20. the health of the church is directly tied to the health of groups in the church. If you are not in a small group, a Sunday school class, or some other type of group, you are not contributing to the health of the church.

Thom S. Rainer

Small Health Quotes #1690956
#21. What is one small step I could take to improve my health (or relationships, or career, or any other area)?

Robert Maurer

Small Health Quotes #1741418
#22. I used to be a health-care investor a long time ago in the public markets. One thing I learned that we tried to apply here is that investing in small molecules, trying to invest in the next treatment, there's an element of gambling to that.

Bill Maris

Small Health Quotes #1741536
#23. I do see women voters shifting to the Republican Party and doing so significantly. And the issue that's doing this is the fear the federal government will prevail in making the Affordable Health Care Act permanent law and how that will hurt small businesses.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Small Health Quotes #1802436
#24. Cakes are healthy too, you just eat a small slice.

Mary Berry

Small Health Quotes #1819833
#25. The most significant gifts are the ones most easily overlooked. Small, everyday blessings: woods, health, music, laughter, memories, books, family, friends, second chances, warm fireplaces, and all the footprints scattered throughout our days.

Sue Monk Kidd

Small Health Quotes #412856
#26. Small businesses have made the call that to stay alive, health care isn't something they can provide. I think it's a tragic calculation.

Peter Lee

Small Health Quotes #28293
#27. The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers, but with rising health care costs, many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.

Jim Ryun

Small Health Quotes #32239
#28. In health we're doing the digestive system. We each got assigned a topic for an oral report. I got the small intestine. I swear to god I hate my life.

Lynda Barry

Small Health Quotes #60604
#29. Though President George W. Bush made some small noises about his intention to present some form of improved health coverage, nothing grew out of them.

Sherwin B. Nuland

Small Health Quotes #72069
#30. I kind of decided that doing music is enough because I'm already running a couple small businesses. I'm a part of Bikini Kill Records, Le Tigre Records, and Digitally Ruined Records. In dealing with my health and everything, my ability to do that? I wouldn't be good at it.

Kathleen Hanna

Small Health Quotes #100536
#31. A small amount of wine such as three or four glasses is of benefit for the preservation of the health of human beings and an excellent remedy for most illnesses.


Small Health Quotes #130980
#32. Giving governors more leeway in administering health care could represent a small, positive development in the ongoing saga of Obamacare. Unfortunately, instead of choosing flexibility, President Obama and his left-leaning advisers always default to rigid 'Washington knows best' answers.

Fred Upton

Small Health Quotes #142937
#33. I care for riches, to make gifts To friends, or lead a sick man back to health With ease and plenty. Else small aid is wealth For daily gladness; once a man be done With hunger, rich and poor are all as one.


Small Health Quotes #152696
#34. President Obama shopped at a book store to help support Small Business Saturday. He bought fifteen books. His tax policies and his health care law have been so brutal on small businesses the only way they can survive is if he shops there personally.

Argus Hamilton

Small Health Quotes #254572
#35. When I came to Congress, like our first panel, small business people, 64 percent of the people had health insurance. We'd buy it. Now, we're down to about 34 percent. That's why we have to do something on health care in this country because the cost is killing us.

Bart Stupak

Small Health Quotes #334722
#36. One without health cannot achieve any small thing.

Sathya Sai Baba

Small Health Quotes #388071
#37. It is wisdom, worldly wisdom, to administer even health to oneself for a long time in small doses.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Small Health Quotes #983607
#38. It is time that we take control and find a way to curtail the explosive costs of health care. Small businesses deserve a chance to channel these funds toward other needs, such as expanding and creating more jobs for the economy.

Christopher Bond

Small Health Quotes #436579
#39. I travel, work, suffer my weak health, meet with a thousand difficulties, but all these are nothing, for this world is so small. To me, space is an imperceptible object, as I am accustomed to dwell in eternity.

Frances Xavier Cabrini

Small Health Quotes #446889
#40. Health care is the No. 1 concern of small businesses and the status quo is untenable.

Karen Mills

Small Health Quotes #458493
#41. The secret of good health and happiness is to have rather small illnesses throughout your life which you can rely on to stop you doing anything you don't want to do.

John Mortimer

Small Health Quotes #588072

Julia Child

Small Health Quotes #609874
#43. It's time to level the playing field for small business owners and give them the same health care choices that large corporations have. Because they don't have as many employees, they have little ability to negotiate lower rates.

Jeff Merkley

Small Health Quotes #724290
#44. Our kids were God's kids first ... We tend to forget this fact, regarding our children as "our" children, as though we have the final say in their health and welfare. We don't. All people are God's people, including the small people who sit at our tables.

Max Lucado

Small Health Quotes #738960
#45. If we reduced the amount we spend on maintaining our nuclear weapons by a small fraction, we could reallocate those funds to improve kids' health care and schooling.

Ben Cohen

Small Health Quotes #745976
#46. Chiropractic is health insurance. Premiums small. Dividends large!

B. J. Palmer

Small Health Quotes #798959
#47. Use now and then a little Exercise a quarter of an Hour before Meals, as to swing a Weight, or swing your Arms about with a small Weight in each Hand; to leap, or the like, for that stirs the Muscles of the Breast.

Benjamin Franklin

Small Health Quotes #810642

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