Top 25 Slaughter House 5 Quotes

#1. Okay", I breathed. "Then what will it take?" I was completely out of my element. Begging a girl to go on a date with me. This was fucked up."
"Miss it."
I stared into her cold, blue eyes and knew I'd just met the kind of girl books are written about.

Tarryn Fisher - Thief

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #352903
#2. It is good to test your limits now and then, learn what the body is capable of, what you can endure.

Christina Baker Kline

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1668459
#3. Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all.

Primadonna Angela

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1530372
#4. Further and further we go, and the sun keeps ironing us and ironing us and ironing us.

NoViolet Bulawayo

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1501574
#5. Look at yourself, idiot. You reek like the slaughter-house. Plan your dastard's revenge as you like. But for those of us liking our company civilized, spare us the horror and bathe yourself first!

Janny Wurts

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1473918
#6. Bend over the sink. I'm going to show you who owns what around here.

C.D. Reiss

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1447414
#7. And priests dare babble of a God of peace,
Even whilst their hands are red with guiltless blood,
Murdering the while, uprooting every germ
Of truth, exterminating, spoiling all,
Making the earth a slaughter - house!

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #1351540
#8. Started and made a move to fetch it, but I grabbed his collar, and we both watched as the black hat

Craig Johnson

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #960548
#9. Creeds have been the bane of the Christian church ... made of Christendom a slaughter-house.

Thomas Jefferson

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #923170
#10. Are you grown an atheist? Will you turn your body, Which is the goodly palace of the soul, To the soul's slaughter-house? Oh, the curse' d devil, Which doth present us with all other sins Thrice-candied o'er.

John Webster

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #767882
#11. It sounds pretentious to say I 'divide' my time, but when I am home, that usually means my house in Atlanta or my cabin in the North Georgia Mountains. The latter is where I do the majority of my writing.

Karin Slaughter

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #767013
#12. that which is only living
Can only die

T. S. Eliot

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #519036
#13. Such is the condition of organic nature! whose first law might be expressed in the words 'Eat or be eaten!' and which would seem to be one great slaughter-house, one universal scene of rapacity and injustice!

Erasmus Darwin

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #373825
#14. Heathen, n. A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something he can see and feel.

Ambrose Bierce

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #3690
#15. If you wear them outside, they stop being pyjamas. I wear mine to the mail box, which is right in front of my house - that's my limit. Anything else is wrong.

Karin Slaughter

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #336717
#16. ...because writing is fundamentally an act of reaching out from self to other. It is a reminder that we are not alone in the universe, that we have comrades on our journey through life.

Alicia Rasley

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #313122
#17. We raise them for us; that means we owe them some respect. nature is creul but we dont have to be. i wouldnt want to have my guts ripped out by a lion. i'd much rather die in a slaughter house if it were done right.

Temple Grandin

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #293493
#18. Honesty, integrity, and accountability, the values, which should be the hallmark of this government, have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority, casualties in a misguided campaign to shield from accountability those who abuse this House.

Louise Slaughter

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #246815
#19. Growing bitterness inside of you, will only turn you into a field of sadness.

Key Ballah

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #244940
#20. To me, Ann Romney sounds like a better candidate than her husband. She put her MS into remission through horseback riding, alternative therapies, and a healthy diet. She knows how to pace herself. She has a sense of humor and an innate honesty, and her hair moves in the wind. Maybe she should run.

Patti Davis

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #196620
#21. The spirits of the dead are not among us to entertain us ... Assuming the revenants you encounter have simply signed up to play haunted house for the amusement of the living is just plain ignorant.

April Slaughter

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #167129
#22. Six million Jews died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughter houses.

Ingrid Newkirk

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #160654
#23. This House cannot function without an open, accountable, and independent ethics process; and the molestation of that process by the majority is an abuse of power that cannot stand.

Louise Slaughter

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #139593
#24. The people who best use their advantages, or overcome adversity, and work honestly are those most worthy of admiration.

Ben Bernanke

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #137126
#25. Lane watched her for a moment with mounting irritation. Quite probably, he resented and feared any signs of detachment in a girl he was seriously dating. In any case, he surely was concerned over the possibility that this bug Franny had might bitch up the whole weekend.

J.D. Salinger

Slaughter House 5 Quotes #92451

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