Top 10 Siasah Sdn Quotes

#1. There are some sights that, once seen, can never be unseen. They replay themselves on a loop in your mind's home-theatre system with Dolby surround sound until you're so desperate to be rid of them that you'll resort to other loops simply to dislodge them for a while.

Kevin Hearne

Siasah Sdn Quotes #54520
#2. In school the kids thought I was freaky because I made straight A's and daydreamed a lot.

Shelley Duvall

Siasah Sdn Quotes #168313
#3. Writers of either gender ought to be able to do the opposite sex-that's one basic test of competence, after all.

Julian Barnes

Siasah Sdn Quotes #282959
#4. I have lost you, my brother
And your death has ended
The spring season
Of my happiness,
our house is buried with you
And buried the laughter that you taught me.
There are no thoughts of love nor of poems
In my head
Since you died.


Siasah Sdn Quotes #324540
#5. My mom loved rock 'n roll. My father hated it. We couldn't play it when he was around.

Patti Smith

Siasah Sdn Quotes #429424
#6. Each day you live is a loan from God; earn interest.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Siasah Sdn Quotes #1004767
#7. They said God was on high and he controlled the world and therefore we must pray against Satan. Well, if God controls the world, he controls Satan. For me, religion was full of misstatements and reaches of logic that I just couldn't agree with.

Gene Roddenberry

Siasah Sdn Quotes #1217479
#8. The true object of human life is play.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Siasah Sdn Quotes #1277117
#9. Men do not make laws. They do but discover them.

Calvin Coolidge

Siasah Sdn Quotes #1600058
#10. Love, is an unnatural attachment to another living thing. it's the root cause of most personal problems people have.

V.C. Andrews

Siasah Sdn Quotes #1654637

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