Top 13 Shneidman Suicide Quotes

#1. If you don't believe in God, then the God concept is a great placeholder for everything we don't know, which is exponentially more than we do know.

Bryant McGill

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #110447
#2. For me, when you are talking about perfect songs, you're talking about Gershwin, 'Someone To Watch Over Me.' Or Larry Hart and Richard Rodgers. Or some of the great Cole Porter songs, whether it's 'Night and Day' or some of the comedy songs. Or Irving Berlin, of course.

Maury Yeston

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #198478
#3. I view art as an inspirational tool.

Thomas Kincade

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #229036
#4. When I got out of prison, I was basically no longer human,' Miriam says.

Anna Funder

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #643424
#5. Marriage is a sort of tacit hunting in couples. The world all in couples, each couple in its own little house, watching its own little interests and stewing in its own little privacy - it's the most repulsive thing in the world. One's got to get rid of the exclusiveness of married love.

Susan Sontag

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #745649
#6. When we feel conflicted about a particular decision or action, our bodies often hold the answer - if we take the time to stop and tune in.

Sharon Salzberg

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #984156
#7. Art is not concerned with the meditation about what is and how it came to be. That is a task for knowledge. Knowledge is born of the desire to know, Art derives from the necessity to communicate and to announce.

Naum Gabo

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1060173
#8. We are poor mortals, but it dreams to us that we can fly.

Roger Ebert

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1212326
#9. The community stagnates without the impulse of the individual. The impulse dies away without the sympathy of the community.

William James

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1218246
#10. I became a control freak as a defense mechanism. The more control I had in my life, the less chance of being surprised, of getting hurt.

J.A. Konrath

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1227491
#11. We need to love ourselves first in All our glory and imperfections

John Lennon

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1285149
#12. I mean, imagine how some unfortunate Master Criminal would feel, on coming down to do a murder at the old Grange, if he found that not only was Sherlock Holmes putting in the weekend there, but Hercule Poirot, as well." ~ Bertram "Bertie" Wooster

P.G. Wodehouse

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1456294
#13. If you're having fun, if you're working with people you love working with, then the results are always going to be exciting.

Jamie Hewlett

Shneidman Suicide Quotes #1769233

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